Jerry Smith is NOT MY THERAPIST, neither is he giving me any therapeutic advice, counseling or recommendations! Jerry Smith is NOT writing in the capacity of a MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDER, he is only providing information to me from the perspective of a Black Man, which is readily available to any lay person. Before I implement any changes in my life based on anything I read in this post, I will seek recommendations from my own MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDER. I understand that this entire post is for INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY!
“Warning: Some information once heard can never be rejected from your mind. You will either be forced to repress it or act upon it. Watch your helivison to keep your mind weak; drink your kool-ade of darkness and go back to sleep.” Author Unknown
“ What became of the Black people of Sumer?” The traveler asked the old man, “for ancient records show that the people of Sumer were Black. What happened to them? “Ah,” the old man sighed, “They lost their history so they died.” A Sumer Legend Pg. 13 CW
´“I was told…You belong to a race of nobodies. You have no worthwhile history to point to with pride.” Pg. 17 CW
´“I knew that even before leaving high school that (1) The Land of the Blacks was not only the “cradle of civilization” itself but that the Blacks were once the leading people on earth.” Pg. 18 CW
´“Massive Black unity would be massive Black power, which of course would reduce White power and its domination of the earth.” Pg. 21 CW
´“Nothing seems clearer from ancient records than that the whole ancient world knew of nothing more ancient than the Black man’s civilization.” Pg. 76 CW
´“But the time was on the side of the whites whose most commendable attributes are tactful persistent when overt, aggressive action is for the moment, expedient, and their careful planning for the future generations is what appears to be more interest in the future welfare of their descendants than they are in the living.” Pg. 99 CW
Mental illness can be defined as thoughts that negatively impacts your moods and how you respond to specific actions or situations; it is your minds’ way of ineffectively coping with life’s stressors. Mental illness runs the gamut from having short episodes of depression, anxieties, delusions of grandeur and various addictions to a major break with reality, known as schizophrenia. Mental illness can be summed up as ineffective coping techniques to life.
Everybody experiences some form of non-debilitating mental illness on a regular basis, such as sadness over a loss or experiencing various addictions. It becomes a major concern when your specific issue becomes ongoing and interferes with your “normal” activities.
Mental illness can make your life miserable and cause significant problems with your daily activities as well as your interpersonal relationships. More often than not, symptoms can be managed with “good counseling” and in extreme cases coupled with psychotropic medications prescribed by a psychiatrist or your medical doctor. In severe cases of mental illness, hospitalization becomes necessary when the person becomes a danger to themselves or others.
After 246 years of the most horrendously gruesome form of slavery, coupled with over 100 years of Jim Crow Laws, lynchings, Redlining, job discrimination, etc. from the most mentally ill people who ever lived, Black people in general and American Blacks in particular cannot help but be mentally ill!
In 2005, Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary wrote her must read book, entitled:”Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing (PTSS)” where she highlights the psychological effects slavery and Jim Crow had and is still having on Blacks. What is most poignant about Dr. Leary’s work is how she points out the fact that neither our slave ancestors nor our generation have ever received any psychological treatment for our mental illness caused by slavery, racism and White Supremacy.
According to the 2010 Census, 55% of all Blacks lived in the southern states and over 90% of all Blacks can trace their roots back to the South. Consequently, 100% of all Black Americans has experienced historical racism the likes of which no other people in America has experienced.
We have experienced 246 years of that Peculiar Institution known as American Slavery (1619-1865) and 100 years (1865-1965) of overt racism in the form of Jim Crow and the Black Codes comprising 100 years of lynchings, sharecropping, COINTELPRO, substandard health, housing, diet, economics, education and employment.
In addition to all of this, Blacks have been subjected to an additional 54 years (1965-present) of overt racism, including lynchings by cops and De Facto Discrimination. In other words, racism is still driving Black people crazy in 2019.
The National Alliance on Mental Health reported in 2018 that approximately 13,2% (45.7 million) of the US population is Black and of those, approximately 16% (6.8 million) were diagnosed with a mental illness in 2014.
Mind you, these are only those that were officially diagnosed with a mental illness, it does not take into account their family members who they were “driving crazy” or who may have drove them crazy. In other words, if mama or papa have a mental illness, it is very likely that their children and other family members could also be diagnosed with a mental illness? Remember, “the fruit does not fall far from the tree.”
In 2018, Mental Health America issued their findings on the mental health of Black Americans which are as follows:
“Adult Black/African Americans are 20 percent more likely to report serious psychological distress than adult whites.
Adult Black/African Americans living below poverty are three times more likely to report serious psychological distress than those living above poverty.
Adult Black/African Americans are more likely to have feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness than are adult whites.
And while Black/African Americans are less likely than white people to die from suicide as teenagers, Black/African American teenagers are more likely to attempt suicide than are white teenagers (8.3 percent v. 6.2 percent).”
In August 1619, “20 and odd Africans arrived in Jamestown, Virginia, which began that “Peculiar Institution” known as American slavery. When those first 20 Africans were forced to board the slave ship, they were neither slaves nor Christians. However, once they disembarked at the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia they had both slavery and Christianity literally beaten into them and not necessarily in that order.
Our Black Ancestors were enslaved by a mentally ill and barbaric race and we had to embrace maladaptive behaviors just to survive their onslaught of atrocities and barbarism. Their primary weapon used against us was a vile and horrendous form of violence and terror, forcing us into a psychological state of “learned helplessness.”
Once in this psychological state, the second phase of our enslavement was our being violently forced to accept a religion which was totally alien to us and was created to not only enslave us, but to maintain our enslavement with a modicum of effort on the part of the White slave owners. Our psychological state had us accepting that our enslavement was preordained by their Christian God because we were/are a cursed (Ham) and sinful race.
Yet, because their Christian God was so benevolent, He sent His only begotten son as both our redeemer and Lord and Savior and all we had to do was to “blindly believe” in Him unquestionably with all of our minds, hearts and souls and He would save us “only” when we died and went to His heaven somewhere in the sky!
Within one generation slavery became the law of the land and because of its’ vile and vicious brutality, White slave owners saw the need to legally protect themselves from murder charges, so they invented the “CASUAL KILLING ACT 1669,” declaring it legal to kill a slave while correcting because malice could not be presumed.
The slave law of 1705 described how Whites must treat their slaves and the Meritorious Manumission Act of 1710 was established, which dangled a carrot of freedom in front of the slaves, telling them that if they reported any threats of harm from other slaves towards the master or the deliberate destruction of the master’s property, they could earn only their freedom and not the freedom of their family members.
Because of the increasing number of run-away Africans deciding not to remain enslaved, the “Fugitive Slave Act of 1850” was established, granting the slave owners legal authority to pursue their “run away property” anywhere and penalize any one aiding and abetting the run-away Africans.
In fact, the medical quack, Dr. Samuel A. Cartwright created the mental health diagnosis of “Drapetomania,” emphasizing the Bible’s admonition that the slave must be obedient to their master, referencing Colossians 3:23 and Ephesians 6:5. By running away, the Christianized Africans must have been mentally ill to violate the teachings of the “Good Book.”
The Dred Scott Decision was enacted by the Supreme Court in 1857; stating that Blacks have no rights that a White man has to honor which was followed by the cruelest hoax of all, President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation; only granting freedom to the Confederate slaves, which Lincoln had absolutely no jurisdiction over. The Plessey vs. Ferguson Decision was enacted by the Supreme Court in 1896 declaring that Racial Segregation was legal as long as it was equal in quality. Of course, the Whites were the only ones to determine “the quality.” By the way, in 2019, we still have separate and unequal as evidenced by the numerous predominantly Black dilapidated public schools in America. It is most blatantly rampant along the “Corridor of Shame” encompassing every South Carolina County from the North Carolina boarder to the Georgia boarder along Interstate I-95.
Suffice it to say, here we are 400 years later, still Christians and still slaves, in spite of our not believing that we are still enslaved. We Blacks don’t believe that we are still enslaved because we’re suffering from “delusions of grandeur,” in believing that both President Abraham Lincoln freed us from slavery when he issued the “Emancipation Proclamation,” and President Lyndon Johnson granted Blacks “full citizenship” when he signed into law the “Civil Rights Act of 1964” and the “Voting Rights Act of 1965.”
Mental Health America’s website also states:
“Black/African Americans of all ages are more likely to be victims of serious violent crime than are non-Hispanic whites, making them more likely to meet the diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Black/African Americans are also twice as likely as non-Hispanic whites to be diagnosed with schizophrenia.”
Although we account for approximately 14% of America’s total population, Blacks account for over 60% of America’s jails and prison population according to Mental Health America. One contributing factor to this disparity is that 37% of all drug arrests are Black even though we only account for 14% of regular drug users. Look at the disparities between Blacks’ addiction to “crack cocaine” as opposed to Whites’ addiction to powder cocaine, “crack cocaine” “meth,” and now opiods. Furthermore, most of Blacks’ drug use could be recognized as our self-medicating in order to cope with our mental illnesses brought on by the legacy of slavery and the never ending racism and White Supremacy.
Mental Health America also reports that the American Psychological Association (APA) only identifies 2% of its’ members as being Black. As a mental health professional with more than 40 years of experience in this field, I know that the vast majority of non-Black mental health professionals are not culturally competent to provide treatment to Black folks!
I have an Associate of Arts Degree in Psychology, a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Behavioral Science and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling, all of which I achieved in six years while attending predominantly White institutions. I have completed over 120 psychology courses and numerous workshops, none of which addressed the issue of slavery and it’s deleterious impact on the mental health of Blacks, or even Whites for that matter. To paraphrase one of our spirituals: “Nobody knows the troubles I’ve seen but us!” How can you teach what you don’t know and how can you treat that which you deny?
As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), whenever I see a new client, the first thing I do is complete a Behavioral Health Assessment (BHA), ascertaining both the clients and their family’s medical and mental health history for the purposes of understanding their historical life stressors which brought them to see me.
Everything and everybody has a history; there is always a beginning and knowledge of your past tells you where you have been and helps you to understand your present, which in turn will enable you to create positive plans for your future.
Ignorance of our history is the lynch-pin to our continued enslavement and planned genocide. Where we begin our history will determine how we feel about ourselves! Remember, if you want to CONTINUE getting the same things over and over, all you have to do is KEEP DOING the same things over and over!
IF you want to CHANGE what you are getting, you MUST CHANGE what you are doing!
According toWikipedia, for the year 2017 Israel was home to 6.5 million Jews (49.3% of the world’s Jewish population), while the United States contained 5.3 million (40.2%). Even though they are only about 2% of America’s population, the Jewish community is the most powerful ethnic group in America, primarily because they diligently teach themselves and their children the following:
1: They experienced their one time holocaust causing approximately 6 million deaths resulting in their mantra “NEVER AGAIN; NEVER FORGET AND NEVER FORGIVE!”
2: They believe that they are GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE and through the media they’ve convinced the rest of the world that they are indeed GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE!
By the way, Jews were heavily involved in America’ African Slave trade either owning the slave ships or financing the slave trade. However, this is their historical skeleton hidden in their closet that they do not want the world in general and Black Americans in particular to beware of. Furthermore, let us not forget our Belgian Congo Holocaust resulting in the death and mutilation of more than 30 million Africans perpetrated by Jewish King Leopold of Belgian.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2018 we Blacks comprised 14.6 % (47.8 million) of America’s total population, yet we are the most POWERLESS ethnic group because of the following reasons:
1: Our HOLOCAUST/MAAFA has resulted in more than 100 MILLION DEATHS and still counting! Since 1973, Black women have aborted over 18 million Black babies and last year, New York City had more Black babies aborted than were born. Most Black women who have aborted a baby, experience some form of mental and emotional trauma for years afterwards. Abortion is the skeleton in our closets that we do not want to address!
2: We teach ourselves that we are CURSED BY GOD (the curse of Ham)!
3: We teach ourselves to NEVER REMEMBER the HORRORS of SLAVERY and to ALWAYS FORGIVE WHITES for anything they have done and are still doing to us! In fact, many American school districts are no longer teaching the history of slavery, saying it is TOO TRAUMATIC for the children, yet we are still experiencing De Facto slavery!
The following is a comment left on one of my blog posts by an irate reader as evidenced by her writing (shouting) in all caps:
It is true that Ms. Gonzalez is not my oppressor personally, nor my enslaver. However, because of the 400+ years of slavery, racism and White Supremacy, all White people today are the beneficiaries of the financial and social rewards of that “Peculiar Institution!” You often see news reports about White farmers stating their farms have been in their families for over 200 years. Keep in mind that even though the Emancipated Slaves were promised 40 Acres, a mule and $50.00, they never received it. The only thing the emancipated slaves received was the choice between staying on their former master’s plantations as share croppers or leaving at the risk of ending up in America’s newly created “convict leasing program” and returning them to their former masters as criminals working off their fines without receiving any wages or compensation.
The first thing the White slavers did was to steal us from our home and our people. They then stole our names, history and spirituality and forced their religion, fake history and names on us with their inhumane tortures. They then forbade us to re-member our past and forced us to embrace our current status as the White man’s slaves.
The White slavers destroyed our family and community connections and beat into us the necessity for “looking out for #1.” They then beat into us that we must worship and cherish everybody White, including their White god/trinity. They then beat it into us to hate everybody and everything that was Black, including ourselves and their perception of our history. Consequently, we Blacks became totally dependent on Whites for our very existence, thereby worshiping Whites as our new gods. All of this was taken directly from the “Willie Lynch manifesto.”
Ask Russian – American children where they are from and they will say – Russia! Ask Polish – American children where they are from and they will say – Poland! Ask Italian – American children where they are from and they will say – Italy! Ask European – American children where they are from and they will say – Europe!
Ask Black – American children where they are from and they will say – Atlanta, Chicago, Bronx, Philadelphia or some other American city! Every other American nationality have a geographic homeland except American Blacks. Therefore, we believe that our history began with slavery and since the Emancipation Proclamation, we have really come a long way! However, if we saw ancient Africa as our geographic home, then in the total scheme of things, Blacks are going backwards and not making any progress.
How about this mental disorder, “Excited Delirium” in which the patient’s excessive excitement results in her own death. This is a Virginia Medical Examiner’s determination of the cause of death for Natasha McKenna on February 8, 2015, while in police custody.
Observational Learning is self-explanatory: we learn by observing the behavior of others! Our first teachers are our parent(s) and other adults in our circle of influence. Our parents then turn us over to people that neither look like us or have our best interest at heart. Our enslavers gave us the worst of everything and we foolishly believe their children will give us something designed to improve our lives! No other people on this planet has our history and since our enslavement, we have been socialized into “deviant behavior.”
It is my contention that the White man created and has been using Christianity only for the enslavement of all Black people, regardless of our hue. Irregardless as to whether or not you believe the “Willie Lynch” slave manifesto is a real document or not is besides the point. What is real about that manifesto is the fact that all of it has worked, is working and will continue to work unless all of us Blacks write and publish our own mind liberating manifesto and totally adhere to it.
The primary focal point of the “Willie Lynch” slave manifesto has always been our Black women and the most potent “Weapon of Mind Destruction” has and continue to be religion in general and Christianity in particular. In the beginning, our ancestors embraced Christianity in order to survive the most vilest and virulent form of racism, White Supremacy and slavery ever.
We Blacks know very little about Christianity and most of us don’t even know who the founder of the Baptist denomination was, who by the way was John Smith in 1609, just two years before King James commissioned his version of the Bible in 1611 and nine years before the first Africans arrived in the colony of Jamestown, Va. in 1619.
Recently I watched, “Contradiction: A Question of Faith” on Amazon Prime which is a documentary on Black America’s psychological addiction to Christianity and I must confess that while I was “unconscious,” I too totally embraced this White man’s pagan “Weapon of Mind Destruction.”
Yes, from my birth, until 1986 I too engaged in delusional behavior, because I totally believed that the Bible was the Word of a White God and the long haired, blued-eyed White Jesus was His son and only all male (I took the Bible literally) Preachers and Pastors were His spokesmen.
I remember sitting in a NYC church in 1986 attending my favorite aunt’s funeral, passionately and desperately praying to “my White Jesus” and “believing” that my prayer would be answered that she would rise up out of her coffin alive and come back to us. At that time, I had read the KJV of the Bible 6 consecutive times and had become a Licensed Baptist Preacher, so I “BELIEVED” that all things were possible – yet my prayer was not answered! My aunt was still dead!!!
This was a real “Crisis in faith,” thrusting me into an immediate state of “cognitive dissonance,” and the only solution for me was to either change my “beliefs” to fit my behavior or change my behavior to fit my “beliefs.” By the way, if someone told me that they “believed” they could raise the dead; as a mental health professional, I would give them a psychiatric diagnosis – unless of course they attributed this “belief” to their religion and miraculously, this “irrational” behavior would become acceptable and “rational.”
This is something that in my 40+ years in the mental health profession, I never could understand. On the one-hand, a person’s delusional “beliefs” could result in their being placed in a locked psychiatric ward, while on the other hand, the same delusional “beliefs” attributed to a religion is acceptable behavior and could place them in a Pulpit brainwashing thousands into believing the same delusions! Hmmm!!!
I had heard that when the student is ready, the teachers would appear and this proved to be true with me. Once I returned home to Augusta from my aunt’s funeral, I came upon a book written by Baba Anthony Browder, entitled, “The Nile Valley Contribution to Civilization,” which became a eureka moment for me! In this book, it compared and contrasted Christianity (6,000-years old) with ancient Egypt’s Spiritual System (25,000+ years old), both of which had immaculate conceptions and virgin births. Having spent 6 years in college, I was acutely aware of plagiarism, and since the Egyptian Spiritual System was at least 19,000 years older than Christianity, logically, Christianity must have been copied!
In watching the aforementioned documentary, I learned that there are more than 85,000 Black churches in America primarily attended by Black women, yet Black Americans is the lowest socio-economic group in America, although we are the most “religious.” I’ve learned that there is a vast difference between religion (Latin root meaning to: re-tie, re-bind, re-yoke) and spirituality.
Tragically the two subjects that have the greatest impact on Black American lives – religion and politics, we’re told that we should not talk about because it elicits strong and often very confrontational emotions. Yet, because we don’t talk about these two topics enough, we Black Americans have been languishing for the last 400 years at the very bottom of America’s socio-economic level and there is no end in sight.
Faith is based totally on “belief” and remember, as educators (which we all are) as well as students, we were taught that in the old days, an entire population “believed” that the earth was flat and the sun revolved around the earth, until both of these “beliefs” were proven false with “knowledge and facts.”
Sadly, as the “Willie Lynch” slave manifesto boasted, it would become self-perpetuating; lasting 400 years or longer. Well my Sisters and Brothers, this month, August 2019 is the 400th anniversary that we Blacks have been enslaved in America and far too many of our Sisters would rather fight anybody and everybody before they would even think about walking away from “their White Jesus!”
I know a woman who is languishing in the bowels of a Georgia penitentiary right now waiting on “her White Jesus” to free her; not even considering the fact that she totally believed that “He would not bring her this far and leave her now.” Yet, the reality is that she prayed both passionately and relentlessly with all of her heart and soul that her “White Jesus” would intervene and prevent her incarceration. You know, the sad thing is that in spite of her professed belief in “her White Jesus,” she still hired an attorney to plead her case before a White Judge and both “her White Jesus” and her attorney failed her! But, her faith in “her White Jesus” has not faltered and she has convinced herself that when she is finally released, it will be solely due to “her White Jesus” and not the fact that her sentence would be completed.
Please, I implore you not to think that I am bashing this misguided Sister or any Sisters for that matter. I know for a certainty that a race/nation can rise no higher than its’ women and not until enough of our Sisters boldly stand up, take their neighbors’ hands and walk out of the White man’s churches (regardless of who their Pastor is, they are worshiping an image of a White Jesus) and return to our African Spirituality, we Blacks will continue praying our way into genocidal extinction.
I have written enough, yet, there is a lot more to say about Black people’s mental illness and addiction to the White man’s man-made religion! It is said that “A Picture is Worth Thousand Words,” so for the rest of this post, I am going to speak to you in MEMES.
Oh What A Blessing It Is That My People Don’t Read, Think, Or Use Common Sense, Says, The Pastors, Pimps And Politicians!
By the way, which hand do you suppose is the hand of god? White folks stole the game of Chess from the ancient Egyptians and established their rules of Chess whereas the White side always moves first, placing them as the offense/aggressors with the Black side/people always being on the defense, forcing them to have to play catch-up throughout the game and hoping that Whites make a mistake, allowing Blacks to seize the offense!
If God is the “Only God,” how can there be another God for Him to punish; unless you have another definition for the word “only?”
Supposing that each of these tablets contained 5 Commandments, when Moses destroyed one of the tablets, how did we still end up with ten Commandments. Nowhere in the Bible does it say God replaced the broken tablet.
By the way, the Ten Commandments were plagiarized from the above 42 Principles of MAAT.
Emperor Constantine convened this Council for the purpose of creating Jesus and launching the start of Christianity as we now know it.
Furthermore, Jesus is identified as a Jew, therefore how can anyone worshiping a Jew claim to be a Christian?
What does the word “ALL” mean to you?
August 1619 marked the arrival of “20 and odd Africans” onto the banks of the Jamestown, Virginia colony. Note, when these Africans boarded this ship, they were neither slaves nor Christians.
I refer you to Exodus 20:4!
Not being a Christian believer is how Thomas Jefferson was able to consciously embrace slavery with its’ accompanying pedophilia, homosexuality, inhumanity and murder, just to name a few of President Jefferson’s abhorrent behaviors.
The tradition of raising 1 finger when leaving or returning to your seat during church services dates back to slavery. Whenever a slave had to leave his or her seat to use the toilet, they had to raise a finger and wait for their master to acknowledge them. What the slave was actually saying was: “One Nigger gone/coming massa.”
If the fictitious Paul (Galatians 4:24) used and taught from the Torah, then both Paul and Jesus must have been a Jew and not a Christian who would have taught from the Bible. Oops! During the fictitious Paul’s time, the Bible had not been written yet!
The “Now Church” is a Cult gone wild! There Pastor told his female members to not wear any under ware in the the church sanctuary.
This Cult Pastor literally instructed his foolish members to go into the church yard and eat grass.
Immediately after grazing in the grass, cult members became gravely ill.
This Cult Pastor wanted a “booty call” so he told these foolish single women that if they let him kiss their bootys, then “their Jesus” would bless them with a husband.
This remains the greatest cult tragedy in American Christian history. Sadly, this was no laughing matter when 918 followers of Cult Leader, Rev. Jim Jones of The Peoples’s Temple, obeyed his instructions and drank the poisoned punch, resulting in their deaths on November 18, 1978.
Sadly, as much as we would like to believe this movie opened the eyes of Black Preachers, their behaviors have not changed one iota. They are still Pimping in the name of their White Jesus!
I became a Licensed Baptist Preacher on December 2, 1984, thereby becoming whats known here in the Bible Belt as the “Son of The House.” Because of all that I witnessed firsthand of what Preachers and Pastors were doing to their congregants, I left the church. Increasingly, more and more people are telling me that I need to become a Preacher – I just can’t mislead people and those that want the truth are afraid to let go of “their White Jesus.”
This is my third book and your Pastor definitely do not want you reading this because if you read it, you could no longer worship your Pastor nor “your White Jesus!”