About Us

I was home in Philadelphia on leave from the Navy @ 1974 visiting with my sister Cynthia (left), sister-in-law Millie and her two children – Nikki and Trey.

Born in Augusta, Ga. in 1951, Jerry grew up in Philadelphia, Pa.  He served six years in the Navy (1970-1976), and upon his honorable discharge, he immediately enrolled in college.  Six years later, he had received an AA in Psychology, BA in Behavioral Science and a MA in Counseling.  Jerry  decided to return home to the city of his birth, Augusta, Georgia in 1983 where he still resides.

He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in Georgia, and a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) in South Carolina and he has been in private practice for more than fifteen years.  His private practice consists of Individual, Marital and Family Counseling, as well as providing consulting services to various businesses, organizations and agencies.

Jerry is an accomplished Motivational Speaker, and has expertise in all areas of human growth and development.  Some of his expertise includes the following: Individual, Marital and Family Counseling; Alcohol, Drugs and Addictions Counseling; Self-Enrichment and Life-Coaching, just to name a few.

He has over thirty years of experience working with various social service agencies counseling individuals, families and children that exhibited a range of psychological disorders.  He has several years of experience working in medium/maximum penitentiaries in both Georgia and South Carolina providing rehabilitative counseling to both male and female inmates.

Jerry also has over ten years of experience as an Adjunct Professor teaching both psychology and sociology courses and he has authored the following books: “IT’S TIME TO STOP BLAMING THE WHITE MAN,” and the sequel, “IT’S STILL TIME TO STOP BLAMING THE WHITE MAN,” and most recently, “CHRISTIANITY: THE REAL DEAL.”

Jerry’s goal is to encourage Black people in general and Black people in America in particular to take a serious and honest look at what is happening to us at the hands of the White Supremacist system that we live in.  Once we have assessed our problems, identified possible solutions to these problems, we must then accept full responsibility for creating positive changes to solve our own problems and stop waiting on others to solve our problems for us.

Thank you for visiting,

Jerry Smith, LCSW, LMSW