“I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.” Mother Harriet Tubman
“The True worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood.” Mother Mary McCloud Bethune
“We do not realize that the massive deaths of Black males constitute the genocide of Black people (as it takes Black males to make Black babies and ensure future Black generations).” ― Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors
From now on, I am dedicating all of my posts to Black African American females because a race can rise no higher than its’ women.
As in all of my posts, UNDERLINED WORDS are links.
Although yesterday was “Valentine’s Day,” I chose not to post this article until today because my mind was focused on my next article.
I can vividly recall my being programmed/indoctrinated into celebrating “Valentine” in the first grade. My White American female teacher had her Black African American students drawing pictures of her perceptions of hearts and cutting them out and hanging them on the walls.
We were also programmed/indoctrinated to ask our parents to buy bags of “Valentine” cards and exchange them with our opposite sex peers and asking, “Will you be my Valentine?” As I grew older, it became the norm that at least two people in my life (my mother and my girlfriend) would always get a “Valentine” and a minimum of three gifts – a card, chocolate candy and flowers.
Ester A. Howland, a White American female entrepreneur received a Valentine card and realized she could make a fortune by selling them in her father’s bookstore. By the 1850s, she had cornered the American market.
Today, Valentine’s Day is a “cash cow,” second only to Christmas in the number of cards, flowers, candy and jewelry sold. In fact, 25% of all Greeting Cards sold in America are for Valentine’s Day.
During the 1980s, the diamond industry came on board and declared; “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend,” and foolish men failed to hear the real message. If the “diamond” is your girl’s best friend, what were you, “her second best friend?”
Last year, Valentine’s Day candy sales ranked #1, and 13 billion dollars were spent in America on this pagan/religious ritual, averaging about $116. 00 per consumer. Be mindful, this is just the average, because many of you go overboard in your spending.
I went to the mall this past week to observe hundreds of males frantically going from one jewelry and fragrance counter to another buying gifts for their significant others. I stopped off at another store and a Black African American female was buying 24 “Valentine ballons” and when I asked her why so many, she said, “These are for my second grade students,” and I chuckled inwardly realizing that the “heartbeat” still goes on.
Although we call it, “Saint Valentine’s Day,” very few celebrants or participants have any idea or knowledge about the origin of this pagan/religious ritual, which dates back to antiquity. Neither do they know they are actually celebrating two fictitious individuals – Saint Valentine, and Cupid.
Just like many other things created by the Romans, Cupid is just another pagan creation of theirs. Supposedly, Cupid was seeking someone to pierce with his arrow and he accidentally pierced himself.
He then saw Psyche and fell madly in love with her. Unfortunately, for Psyche her new mother-in-law, Aphrodite was extremely jealous, as well as was Psyche’s sisters.
Because Cupid was a god, he told Psyche never to look at him. Consequently, he would only creep around to see her during the nighttime, and he would be gone before sunrise. However, Cupid would lavish Psyche with beautiful gifts and jewelry. (Sound familiar, ladies?)
Finally, with much meddling, Psyche’s sisters persuaded her to look at Cupid, telling her that he does not want her to see how grotesque and ugly he was. Her own curiosity finally got the best of her, so Psyche lit a candle and held it over Cupid while he was asleep.
As far back as 44 BCE (“Before the Common Era”), pagans celebrated a fertility and health ritual known as “The feast of Lupercalia,” from February 13th through 15th.
Initially, the emphasis was on the shepherds and it was supposed to make their cows and sheep healthier and fertile. During the Lupercalia festival, priests sacrificed goats and dogs because these animals were, thought to have robust sexual prowess.
After the sacrifices, the celebrants consumed copious amounts of food and wine, then, men wrapped their naked bodies in the goatskins and streaked through the city hitting women (Today, we call it – “Being hit on“) in hopes that the pregnant would deliver and the barren would become pregnant.
Women placed their names in a bowl to be drawn by the men. (We now call them “Key Parties.” Those selected were paired together for the duration of the festival. If they liked each other afterwards, they would marry; if not, they would go their separate ways. This was the first formalized “swinging party” in recorded history.
Throughout their conquests, the Romans incorporated the “feast of lupercalia” into their rituals as the celebration of “Lupa,” the female wolf who allegedly nursed both Romulus and Remus (founders of Rome) back to health.
Around 496 AD, Pope Gelasius banned this pagan ritual, claiming it was making a mockery out of Christianity. However, he felt that if you can not beat them, rename them, so the ritual continued under another name.
Men, when you need to blame someone for having to spend money for flowers, candy, cards and diamonds, remember Pope Gelasius.
If it were not for him, you would still be able to eat, drink, get nude and run around the city “hitting on” women without having to spend money on a one-day event or making a permanent commitment to the women you spent those few days with.
As we know, Christians cannot denounce a holiday, without replacing it with one of their own creation; so Pope Gelasius declared February 14th as, St. Valentine’s Day, although he was not sure which St. Valentine he was actually celebrating, because there were several.
Allegedly, there was a St. Valentine, who was beheaded in the third century because he disobeyed Emperor Claudius‘ edict, declaring it illegal for any of his soldiers to marry.
Emperor Claudius reasoned that an unmarried soldier was more loyal and a better fighter because he had nothing to lose. There are several other fictitious accounts of other St. Valentines, who also met their untimely deaths in the name of L-O-V-E.
Geoffrey Chaucer is credited with our still celebrating Valentine’s Day when he wrote “Parliament of Foules” in 1382 as an anniversary gift to King Richard ll of England and Anne of Bohemia. Allegedly, this was the first Valentine love poem.
Today, the Catholic Church is still clueless about which St. Valentine they are celebrating, so, in 1969, Pope Paul VI removed St. Valentine from the church’s official Calendar of Saints, so it is now a purely commercial celebration.
Mama Francis Cress Welsing wrote in: The Isis Paper ;”The most important thing about valentine’s day in the white supremacy culture is when they give out candy. The white female like the white male to give her chocolate candy.
As black females, we follow white females and we want some chocolate candy too, without realizing that we already have chocolate candy. In the framework of the white supremacy culture, the white female describes her ideal man as (chocolate is described as dark and erotic) tall, dark and handsome.”
During the 1980s, the diamond industry came on board and declared; “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend,” and foolish men failed to hear the real message.
If the “diamond” is your girl’s best friend, what were you, “her second best friend?”
However, I never could understand the depiction of Cupid as a White male toddler with wings, a bow and arrows, until I realized White Romans were and still are (Roman Catholic Church) deeply engaged in pedophilia and the creation of ritualistic fantasies. Today, super-rich and powerful men (only men) meet annually at the Bohemian Grove in Northern California, to fulfill their fantasies.
Now that you have the fictitious stories of both Valentine’s Day and Cupid, I have a question for my Christian readers. How does GOD feel about your celebrating pagan rituals such as, Valentine’s Day? For those who are interested, you will find the answer in Deuteronomy 12:29-32, KJV, which reads as follows:
“29 When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.”
32 What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.”
Of course, many Christians only use GOD as a spare tire. If there is not a need for GOD, HE is stored in their closed trunks in order for them to be able to pursue Cupid and other pagan/religious rituals. Yet, the moment they encounter a flat along life’s highway, they immediately go to their trunks and pull out their GOD for help and salvation.
By the way, elementary school teachers receive the most Valentine cards, because they are the ones brainwashing their young students into adopting this pagan/religious ritual.
I ask that should you read anything in my posts that you can factually show me is false, please do so immediately. Although I have made every effort to verify everything I write, I do make mistakes.
Oh, what a blessing it is that my people are so Gullible because they do not read, think or use Common Sense says the Pastors, Pimps and Politicians.