Hotep Brothers and Sisters,
I decided to re-post this article in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. when I saw the below flyer and what our children are doing to his legacy. The truth is that our children are clueless as to how they are not only dishonoring a great man, they are dishonoring our entire race, including themselves. In spite of the outworn clique’ that “Our children are our future,” the reality is that is a bunch of happy horse manure. We must stop abdicating our responsibility and accept the fact that unless we grown folks/Elders get our act together, then neither we, nor our children will have a positive future. We must become the change that we want to see happen, instead of sitting around waiting on our oppressors to change the way that they are treating us! Why should they change, when their behavior is keeping them on top and keeping us on the bottom?
In the process of building this new website and moving all of my previous blog posts, they were reformatted. Many of my previous posts began with the same quote, conversely, it may appear that these posts are repetitious, which they are not. I beg your indulgence and ask that you patiently open each posts to identify the contents.
Whether you think that I’ve told the truth or not, I ask that you tell everybody about me because if I am not disseminating truth, I must be stopped; yet, if I am speaking truth to power, then everybody you know, must read what I have to say.
Thank you for visiting my site and feel free to share your thoughts…

The 1954 Supreme Court decision in Brown vs. The Board of Education promised Black Americans that we would receive equal education, yet, nearly 66 years later, Black Americans are still the most illiterate group in America. We witnessed the destruction of our once strong Black families with J. Edgar Hoover’s “COINTELPRO” murderous assault on our Black leaders coupled with President Lyndon Johnson’s efforts to decimate the Black male population with the disproportionately high death rates of Black soldiers during the Vietnam War.
I saw this flyer today and I felt mentally and emotionally drained because it has reminded me how little progress we Black Americans have made not only in the last four years, but the last fifty (50) years. From 1865, at the end of the Civil War until the start of the 1970s, Black Americans were on the move. In spite of all of the blatant racism thrust upon us by this White Supremacist System, we Blacks were rising higher and higher. Then we hit a brick wall called “integration” and “affirmative action,” and we then sat around on our behinds with our outstretched hands looking for a handout.
President Johnson’s assault on the Black family was followed by President Richard Nixon’s “War on Drugs,” and the creation of the “King Alfred Plan,” culminating in President Ronald Reagan’s “Iran-Contra” scam which inundated Black American communities from coast-to-coast with “crack cocaine.” Then the near fatal assault on the Black American family came with President Bill “Slick Willie” Clinton’s “Three Strikes You’re Out law,” “Mandatory Minimum law,” and “Welfare Reform.”
The Black American family have been on a free-fall, spiraling down into the abyss of near genocidal proportions. Yet, as a generation, we Black Americans are the happiest “slaves” in the history of American slavery.
No matter what America’s White terrorists do to us, we will continue forgiving them and patiently wait on their “White Savior Jesus” to come and rescue us from himself. I say this because if both the White enslavers and the Black enslaved prays to the same White Jesus, whose prayers do you think are being answered? In every area of American life, Black Americans are statistically at the very bottom when it comes to something positive and we’re at the very top when it comes to something negative.
Last week I saw the movie “Just Mercy” and although I thought it was superb acting, to me, it was just another movie depicting how America’s Criminal Injustice Complex” has absolutely no mercy for Black Americans. However, what truly blew my mind about “Just Mercy” was the fact that Baba Walter McMillian spent six years on Alabama’s death row as an innocent man, yet, neither Sheriff Tate, the District Attorney nor the judge spent one day in jail for their illegal actions against him. Furthermore, Sheriff Tate was reelected numerous times after Baba Walter was exonerated of all charges. Then again, I shouldn’t be that surprised, after all, Black Alabamians repeatedly reelected George Wallace for Governor and the family members of Dylan Roof’s victims said they forgave Dylan for murdering their love ones.
This brings me back to the above meme mocking Nana Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I say shame on you young Brothers and Sisters for disrespecting and dishonoring the memory and legacy of Nana Martin. Yet, I am not angry with you; I am very angry with your parents because they should have taught you better.
At 68 years old, I look back on the 60’s and early 70’s and recall how much hope I had for us as a people. We had discovered that White Supremacists could no longer ride our backs once we stood up. Then, for the next 45+ years, I’ve been watching we Black Americans gradually, yet steadily fall back down on our knees and we don’t even know it. There is no other race or ethnic group in America lower than we Black Americans and we can’t even see it. That is because we’re blinded by Hollywood’s propaganda and brainwashing, as well as these megachurches and mega Pastors filling our heads about getting our pie in the sky when we die!

I’ll just leave you to ponder over my 2016 post I wrote, paying tribute to Nana Martin Luther King, Jr.! Ase’
“I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.” Nana Harriet Tubman
From now on, I am dedicating all of my posts to Black African American females because a race can rise no higher than its’ women.
As in all of my posts, UNDERLINED WORDS are links.
Monday is the thirty-third National Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, which President Ronald Reagan signed into law on November 2, 1983.
This past Thursday morning I had breakfast with several members of “The Progressive Religious Coalition of Augusta” and their keynote speaker, Rev. Veronica Goines ,(the first Black African American female to have this honor) for their “9th Annual Interfaith Service of Celebration” honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Two things struck me as peculiar. First, growing up Baptist, before every meal, a blessing was said. Yet, at this table of Clergy, no one said a blessing before we began eating.
The second thing, which was most poignant of all, there were two very prominent Black African American Baptist Pastors seated less than ten feet from us, yet, I was the only one at our table of “The Progressive Religions Coalition of Augusta” who recognized them, nor did it appear that the Black African American clergy recognize anyone at our table.
Later that evening I attended the program, which was wonderful. The children of the “Davidson Chorale” gave a masterful performance as did “Trio Intermezzo.”Davidson High School consistently ranks among the top high schools academically in the nation in one of the academically worst school districts (Richmond County )in the nation. This is a future article I will write.
Rev. Goines gave a soul-stirring sermon on “Why Dr. King Still Matters.” I had to silently chuckle because, this was one of the rare times that I heard a Black African American Pastor preach, without a lot of yelling and screaming, resulting in he/she going into an asthmatic tirade.
Augusta, Georgia, the home of the “MASTERS” Golf Tournament(notice all letters in the sign are in caps and everyone in the picture appear to be White) will have its annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. parade. The parade is today, Saturday, January 16, 2016, and will occur in the heart of a predominantly Black African American neighborhood as opposed to having it downtown on Broad Street.
By holding the parade in the heart of a predominantly Black African American neighborhood as opposed to downtown, assures that the overwhelming majority of attendees and participants will be Black African Americans, with a noticeable absence of a large presence of White Americans as well as Americans of other nationalities. Baba King’s Dream was for the racial integration of America. Hmmm!
Those in the parade will be tossing candy into the streets for our little Black African American children to rush out and pick up, which I am among a very tiny minority that find this degrading. Yet, I still wonder how all of this benefits Black African Americans. As I wrote in a previous post, “Black African Americans Have Become Processionary Caterpillars,” and this is one more example.

Growing up in Philadelphia, in 1967 I had an opportunity to go to a church two blocks from my home to hear Dr. King speak, and I chose not to go. During that time in my life, Dr. King’s views were opposite mine, because I was no longer a Christian, nor was I non-violent. The thought of allowing a White American to hit, kick, spit, throw objects on me or even curse me and my remaining non-violent was very absurd. So no, I was never a supporter of Baba King during his lifetime, nor would I be a supporter of him if he were alive today and he maintained his belief in non-violent, passive resistance.
I posted an article on Baba King last year and I was glad of my research, because I learned more about Baba King than I ever knew. I always suspected that Baba King did not have much support among Black African Americans and I was correct. As late as 1968, Baba King was garnering at best, approximately 13% of support from Black African American churches.
Put another way, nearly 87% of Black African American churches and the majority of their congregations refused to support or follow Baba King during his lifetime. However, their reasons were different from mine.
These Christian followers of Jesus Christ, allegedly a White man, were too AFRAID to follow Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a Black African American man into “Canaan!” In spite of their religious convictions, and dogma, their fears were deeply rooted in the power of White American males and the total control they had over the bodies, minds and lives of Black African Americans. The number of Black African American churches who are supportive of Baba King is not that much different today in 2016, although they may give lip service to supporting him. The only difference is that their reason for not supporting his doctrine is not fear, but MONEY. Too many of our churches have become ensnared by President George W. Bush’s “FBI” – Faith Based Initiatives which gives them “free” government money. They dare not bite the hand that feeds them by protesting against America’s “New Jim Crow”, less they lose their place at the “FBI’s” money trough.

In my research, I learned that on February 4, 1968, Baba King gave his “Drum Major Instinct” speech, which I call, “His Eulogy Speech,” because he told us exactly what he wanted and did not want said during his funeral. Did we listen? Absolutely not! When Baba King preached his own eulogy, he said the following: “Every now and then I guess we all think realistically (Yes, sir) about that day when we will be victimized with what is life’s final common denominator—that something that we call death. We all think about it. And every now and then I think about my own death and I think about my own funeral. And I don’t think of it in a morbid sense. And every now and then I ask myself, “What is it that I would want said?” And I leave the word to you this morning.
If any of you are around when I have to meet my day, I don’t want a long funeral. And if you get somebody to deliver the eulogy, tell them not to talk too long. (Yes) And every now and then I wonder what I want them to say. Tell them not to mention that I have a Nobel Peace Prize—that isn’t important. Tell them not to mention that I have three or four hundred other awards—that’s not important. Tell them not to mention where I went to school. (Yes)
I’d like somebody to mention that day that Martin Luther King, Jr., tried to give his life serving others. (Yes) I’d like for somebody to say that day that Martin Luther King, Jr., tried to love somebody. I want you to say that day that I tried to be right on the war question. (Amen) I want you to be able to say that day that I did try to feed the hungry. (Yes) And I want you to be able to say that day that I did try in my life to clothe those who were naked. (Yes) I want you to say on that day that I did try in my life to visit those who were in prison. (Lord) I want you to say that I tried to love and serve humanity. (Yes)
Yes, if you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice. (Amen) Say that I was a drum major for peace. (Yes) I was a drum major for righteousness. And all of the other shallow things will not matter. (Yes) I won’t have any money to leave behind. I won’t have the fine and luxurious things of life to leave behind. But I just want to leave a committed life behind. (Amen) And that’s all I want to say.”
Instead of granting his last request, every year for the last 48 years, we speak about all of those things he asked us not to speak about. We repeatedly talk about all of his awards, while singing that tired old song, “We Shall Overcome Some Day.” We do not have a clue as to when that “Some Day” will be; nor what it is that “We Shall Overcome.”
What do you suppose Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would say about the hundreds of weekly murders of Black African Americans by other Black African Americans?
What do you suppose Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would say about Black African American males walking up and down our streets showing their behinds by “saggin,” (spell it backwards) or our Black African American females dressing like “hoochies” while wearing “skittles-colored hair?
What do you suppose Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would say about the high Black African American school dropout rate and the high prison incarceration rate? What do you suppose Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would say about the morally and spiritually bankrupt status of Black African Americans today? What do you suppose Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would say about the financial state of Black African Americans today?
During my research, I learned that I was wrong about Baba King. From the first time I heard his name, I erroneously believed he was a contributing factor to the financial detriment of the Black African American race because I ignorantly believed he failed to stress the importance of economic growth and financial unity.
During Baba King’s last public speech on April 3, 1968, he said the following: “It’s all right to talk about “long white robes over yonder,” in all of its symbolism. But ultimately people want some suits and dresses and shoes to wear down here! It’s all right to talk about “streets flowing with milk and honey,” but God has commanded us to be concerned about the slums down here, and his children who can’t eat three square meals a day. It’s all right to talk about the new Jerusalem, but one day, God’s preacher must talk about the new New York, the new Atlanta, the new Philadelphia, the new Los Angeles, the new Memphis, Tennessee. This is what we have to do.
We are poor. Never stop and forget that collectively — that means all of us together — collectively we are richer than all the nations in the world, with the exception of nine.
We have an annual income of more than thirty billion dollars a year, which is more than all of the exports of the United States, and more than the national budget of Canada.
We just need to go around to these stores, and to these massive industries in our country, and say, “God sent us by here, to say to you that you’re not treating his children right. And we’ve come by here to ask you to make the first item on your agenda fair treatment, where God’s children are concerned. Now, if you are not prepared to do that, we do have an agenda that we must follow. And our agenda calls for withdrawing economic support from you.”
As Jesse Jackson has said, up to now, only the garbage men have been feeling pain; now we must kind of redistribute the pain. But not only that, we’ve got to strengthen black institutions. I call upon you to take your money out of the banks downtown and deposit your money in Tri-State Bank. We want a “bank-in” movement in Memphis.”
Dr. Martin King, Jr. went to Memphis, Tennessee on the last day of his life and preached the necessity of pooling our financial dollars (like we did in Tulsa, OK) and spending it among ourselves. As he said, once pooled, our wealth is the equivalent of the tenth richest nation on this planet.
Ambassador Andrew Young, his “Frat Brother” was sitting right there when he said it, yet, he and his other “Frat Brothers” did just the opposite of Baba King’s wishes and mandate. Instead of heeding Baba King’s mandates by giving our dollar$ $ome $ense, we have lost our financial minds.
Shortly after his birthday became a federal holiday, his “Fraternity Brothers” (Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity Inc.) embarked on the most fiscally irresponsible task ever undertaken by Black African Americans. First, the Alpha Phi Alpha leadership negotiated a $120,000,000.00 deal to build a memorial on the mall in Washington, D.C. Before anything could be done, Baba King’s children insisted on being paid (and they were paid) $800,000.00 for the use of his words and image.
Second, Alpha Phi Alpha then insulted every Black African American architect in the country, as well as every Black African architect in the world and selected Boris Dramov , a White Bulgarian American who is the president of the Roma Design Group to design the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial.
Third, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. insulted every Black African American sculptor and every Black African sculptor throughout the Diaspora, by going all the way to Communist China and selected China’s renowned sculptor Lei Yixin and he signed his name in his native language on the Martin Luther King, Jr. monument, for the world to see. Go to the memorial’s website and figure out if you can read his name written in Chinese or if you can even pronounce his name. Do you think in 50 years that your progeny will be able to read and pronounce his name?
What makes this even more insulting to the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is the fact that throughout his “Civil Rights” years, J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI slandered him, with the help of COINTELPRO, as being a “Communist Agitator.” Then Alpha Phi Alpha leadership inferred it “subliminally” by hiring a Communist Chinese sculptor to create the single greatest public tribute to Black African Americans in the world.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was so displeased with the wasted spending and hoopla in the guises of honoring him, as well as the never-ending violence, racism and poverty among his people, that he asked GOD to send Hurricane Irene up the East Coast, forcing the cancellation of the originally scheduled dedication on August 25, 2011. If he could speak to our hearts today, I can Imagine Baba King saying to us, “Instead of squandering Black African American’s wealth by enriching those of other races and nationalities, Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity Inc. should have spent the $120,000,000.00 creating jobs for Black African Americans.
He would go on to say; “Instead of spending that money on a “feel good” block of stone, they should have went to every major American city with a street or thoroughfare named in my honor (in blighted neighborhoods) and built hotels in my honor. God knows that we Black African Americans love to hold conferences and conventions on any topic, in other people’s facilities, why not build our own?”
When we teach our history, we must teach the entire history truthfully, come what may. Whatever we teach about our history today, will become an indelible part of our history tomorrow.
Remember, in order to keep the dream alive, we must remain asleep, because nothing comes to a sleeper but a dream and sometimes that dream turns into a nightmare just like Sister Sandra Bland’s dream!
I ask that should you read anything in my post that you can factually show me is false, please do so immediately. Although I have made every effort to verify everything I write, I do make errors.
Oh, what a blessing it is that my people do not read, think or use Common Sense says the Pastors, Pimps and Politicians.Advertisements
Jerry Smith is NOT MY THERAPIST, neither is he giving me any therapeutic advice, counseling or recommendations! Jerry Smith is NOT writing in the capacity of a MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDER, he is only providing information to me from the perspective of a Black Man, which is readily available to any lay person. Before I implement any changes in my life based on anything I read in this post, I will seek recommendations from my own MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDER. I understand that this entire post is for INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY!
“Warning: Some information once heard can never be rejected from your mind. You will either be forced to repress it or act upon it. Watch your helivison to keep your mind weak; drink your kool-ade of darkness and go back to sleep.” Author Unknown
Posted on August 14, 2019 under Addiction, Black African American Family, Criminal Industrial Complex, Education, Health, History, Mental Health, My Books, Politics, Poverty Pimps, President Obama, Religion
“ What became of the Black people of Sumer?” The traveler asked the old man, “for ancient records show that the people of Sumer were Black. What happened to them? “Ah,” the old man sighed, “They lost their history so they died.” A Sumer Legend Pg. 13 CW
´“I was told…You belong to a race of nobodies. You have no worthwhile history to point to with pride.” Pg. 17 CW
´“I knew that even before leaving high school that (1) The Land of the Blacks was not only the “cradle of civilization” itself but that the Blacks were once the leading people on earth.” Pg. 18 CW
´“Massive Black unity would be massive Black power, which of course would reduce White power and its domination of the earth.” Pg. 21 CW
´“Nothing seems clearer from ancient records than that the whole ancient world knew of nothing more ancient than the Black man’s civilization.” Pg. 76 CW
´“But the time was on the side of the whites whose most commendable attributes are tactful persistent when overt, aggressive action is for the moment, expedient, and their careful planning for the future generations is what appears to be more interest in the future welfare of their descendants than they are in the living.” Pg. 99 CW
Mental illness can be defined as thoughts that negatively impacts your moods and how you respond to specific actions or situations; it is your minds’ way of ineffectively coping with life’s stressors. Mental illness runs the gamut from having short episodes of depression, anxieties, delusions of grandeur and various addictions to a major break with reality, known as schizophrenia. Mental illness can be summed up as ineffective coping techniques to life.
Everybody experiences some form of non-debilitating mental illness on a regular basis, such as sadness over a loss or experiencing various addictions. It becomes a major concern when your specific issue becomes ongoing and interferes with your “normal” activities.
Mental illness can make your life miserable and cause significant problems with your daily activities as well as your interpersonal relationships. More often than not, symptoms can be managed with “good counseling” and in extreme cases coupled with psychotropic medications prescribed by a psychiatrist or your medical doctor. In severe cases of mental illness, hospitalization becomes necessary when the person becomes a danger to themselves or others.
After 246 years of the most horrendously gruesome form of slavery, coupled with over 100 years of Jim Crow Laws, lynchings, Redlining, job discrimination, etc. from the most mentally ill people who ever lived, Black people in general and American Blacks in particular cannot help but be mentally ill!
In 2005, Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary wrote her must read book, entitled:”Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing (PTSS)” where she highlights the psychological effects slavery and Jim Crow had and is still having on Blacks. What is most poignant about Dr. Leary’s work is how she points out the fact that neither our slave ancestors nor our generation have ever received any psychological treatment for our mental illness caused by slavery, racism and White Supremacy.
According to the 2010 Census, 55% of all Blacks lived in the southern states and over 90% of all Blacks can trace their roots back to the South. Consequently, 100% of all Black Americans has experienced historical racism the likes of which no other people in America has experienced.
We have experienced 246 years of that Peculiar Institution known as American Slavery (1619-1865) and 100 years (1865-1965) of overt racism in the form of Jim Crow and the Black Codes comprising 100 years of lynchings, sharecropping, COINTELPRO, substandard health, housing, diet, economics, education and employment.
In addition to all of this, Blacks have been subjected to an additional 54 years (1965-present) of overt racism, including lynchings by cops and De Facto Discrimination. In other words, racism is still driving Black people crazy in 2019.
The National Alliance on Mental Health reported in 2018 that approximately 13,2% (45.7 million) of the US population is Black and of those, approximately 16% (6.8 million) were diagnosed with a mental illness in 2014.
Mind you, these are only those that were officially diagnosed with a mental illness, it does not take into account their family members who they were “driving crazy” or who may have drove them crazy. In other words, if mama or papa have a mental illness, it is very likely that their children and other family members could also be diagnosed with a mental illness? Remember, “the fruit does not fall far from the tree.”REPORT THIS AD
In 2018, Mental Health America issued their findings on the mental health of Black Americans which are as follows:
“Adult Black/African Americans are 20 percent more likely to report serious psychological distress than adult whites.
Adult Black/African Americans living below poverty are three times more likely to report serious psychological distress than those living above poverty.
Adult Black/African Americans are more likely to have feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness than are adult whites.
And while Black/African Americans are less likely than white people to die from suicide as teenagers, Black/African American teenagers are more likely to attempt suicide than are white teenagers (8.3 percent v. 6.2 percent).”
In August 1619, “20 and odd Africans arrived in Jamestown, Virginia, which began that “Peculiar Institution” known as American slavery. When those first 20 Africans were forced to board the slave ship, they were neither slaves nor Christians. However, once they disembarked at the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia they had both slavery and Christianity literally beaten into them and not necessarily in that order.
Our Black Ancestors were enslaved by a mentally ill and barbaric race and we had to embrace maladaptive behaviors just to survive their onslaught of atrocities and barbarism. Their primary weapon used against us was a vile and horrendous form of violence and terror, forcing us into a psychological state of “learned helplessness.”
Once in this psychological state, the second phase of our enslavement was our being violently forced to accept a religion which was totally alien to us and was created to not only enslave us, but to maintain our enslavement with a modicum of effort on the part of the White slave owners. Our psychological state had us accepting that our enslavement was preordained by their Christian God because we were/are a cursed (Ham) and sinful race.
Yet, because their Christian God was so benevolent, He sent His only begotten son as both our redeemer and Lord and Savior and all we had to do was to “blindly believe” in Him unquestionably with all of our minds, hearts and souls and He would save us “only” when we died and went to His heaven somewhere in the sky!
Within one generation slavery became the law of the land and because of its’ vile and vicious brutality, White slave owners saw the need to legally protect themselves from murder charges, so they invented the “CASUAL KILLING ACT 1669,” declaring it legal to kill a slave while correcting because malice could not be presumed.
The slave law of 1705 described how Whites must treat their slaves and the Meritorious Manumission Act of 1710 was established, which dangled a carrot of freedom in front of the slaves, telling them that if they reported any threats of harm from other slaves towards the master or the deliberate destruction of the master’s property, they could earn only their freedom and not the freedom of their family members.
Because of the increasing number of run-away Africans deciding not to remain enslaved, the “Fugitive Slave Act of 1850” was established, granting the slave owners legal authority to pursue their “run away property” anywhere and penalize any one aiding and abetting the run-away Africans.
In fact, the medical quack, Dr. Samuel A. Cartwright created the mental health diagnosis of “Drapetomania,” emphasizing the Bible’s admonition that the slave must be obedient to their master, referencing Colossians 3:23 and Ephesians 6:5. By running away, the Christianized Africans must have been mentally ill to violate the teachings of the “Good Book.”
The Dred Scott Decision was enacted by the Supreme Court in 1857; stating that Blacks have no rights that a White man has to honor which was followed by the cruelest hoax of all, President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation; only granting freedom to the Confederate slaves, which Lincoln had absolutely no jurisdiction over. The Plessey vs. Ferguson Decision was enacted by the Supreme Court in 1896 declaring that Racial Segregation was legal as long as it was equal in quality. Of course, the Whites were the only ones to determine “the quality.” By the way, in 2019, we still have separate and unequal as evidenced by the numerous predominantly Black dilapidated public schools in America. It is most blatantly rampant along the “Corridor of Shame” encompassing every South Carolina County from the North Carolina boarder to the Georgia boarder along Interstate I-95.
Suffice it to say, here we are 400 years later, still Christians and still slaves, in spite of our not believing that we are still enslaved. We Blacks don’t believe that we are still enslaved because we’re suffering from “delusions of grandeur,” in believing that both President Abraham Lincoln freed us from slavery when he issued the “Emancipation Proclamation,” and President Lyndon Johnson granted Blacks “full citizenship” when he signed into law the “Civil Rights Act of 1964” and the “Voting Rights Act of 1965.”
Mental Health America’s website also states:
“Black/African Americans of all ages are more likely to be victims of serious violent crime than are non-Hispanic whites, making them more likely to meet the diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Black/African Americans are also twice as likely as non-Hispanic whites to be diagnosed with schizophrenia.”
Although we account for approximately 14% of America’s total population, Blacks account for over 60% of America’s jails and prison population according to Mental Health America. One contributing factor to this disparity is that 37% of all drug arrests are Black even though we only account for 14% of regular drug users. Look at the disparities between Blacks’ addiction to “crack cocaine” as opposed to Whites’ addiction to powder cocaine, “crack cocaine” “meth,” and now opiods. Furthermore, most of Blacks’ drug use could be recognized as our self-medicating in order to cope with our mental illnesses brought on by the legacy of slavery and the never ending racism and White Supremacy.
Mental Health America also reports that the American Psychological Association (APA) only identifies 2% of its’ members as being Black. As a mental health professional with more than 40 years of experience in this field, I know that the vast majority of non-Black mental health professionals are not culturally competent to provide treatment to Black folks!
I have an Associate of Arts Degree in Psychology, a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Behavioral Science and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling, all of which I achieved in six years while attending predominantly White institutions. I have completed over 120 psychology courses and numerous workshops, none of which addressed the issue of slavery and it’s deleterious impact on the mental health of Blacks, or even Whites for that matter. To paraphrase one of our spirituals: “Nobody knows the troubles I’ve seen but us!” How can you teach what you don’t know and how can you treat that which you deny?
As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), whenever I see a new client, the first thing I do is complete a Behavioral Health Assessment (BHA), ascertaining both the clients and their family’s medical and mental health history for the purposes of understanding their historical life stressors which brought them to see me.
Everything and everybody has a history; there is always a beginning and knowledge of your past tells you where you have been and helps you to understand your present, which in turn will enable you to create positive plans for your future.
Ignorance of our history is the lynch-pin to our continued enslavement and planned genocide. Where we begin our history will determine how we feel about ourselves! Remember, if you want to CONTINUE getting the same things over and over, all you have to do is KEEP DOING the same things over and over!
IF you want to CHANGE what you are getting, you MUST CHANGE what you are doing!
According toWikipedia, for the year 2017 Israel was home to 6.5 million Jews (49.3% of the world’s Jewish population), while the United States contained 5.3 million (40.2%). Even though they are only about 2% of America’s population, the Jewish community is the most powerful ethnic group in America, primarily because they diligently teach themselves and their children the following:
1: They experienced their one time holocaust causing approximately 6 million deaths resulting in their mantra “NEVER AGAIN; NEVER FORGET AND NEVER FORGIVE!”
2: They believe that they are GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE and through the media they’ve convinced the rest of the world that they are indeed GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE!
By the way, Jews were heavily involved in America’ African Slave trade either owning the slave ships or financing the slave trade. However, this is their historical skeleton hidden in their closet that they do not want the world in general and Black Americans in particular to beware of. Furthermore, let us not forget our Belgian Congo Holocaust resulting in the death and mutilation of more than 30 million Africans perpetrated by Jewish King Leopold of Belgian.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2018 we Blacks comprised 14.6 % (47.8 million) of America’s total population, yet we are the most POWERLESS ethnic group because of the following reasons:
1: Our HOLOCAUST/MAAFA has resulted in more than 100 MILLION DEATHS and still counting! Since 1973, Black women have aborted over 18 million Black babies and last year, New York City had more Black babies aborted than were born. Most Black women who have aborted a baby, experience some form of mental and emotional trauma for years afterwards. Abortion is the skeleton in our closets that we do not want to address!
2: We teach ourselves that we are CURSED BY GOD (the curse of Ham)!
3: We teach ourselves to NEVER REMEMBER the HORRORS of SLAVERY and to ALWAYS FORGIVE WHITES for anything they have done and are still doing to us! In fact, many American school districts are no longer teaching the history of slavery, saying it is TOO TRAUMATIC for the children, yet we are still experiencing De Facto slavery!
The following is a comment left on one of my blog posts by an irate reader as evidenced by her writing (shouting) in all caps:
It is true that Ms. Gonzalez is not my oppressor personally, nor my enslaver. However, because of the 400+ years of slavery, racism and White Supremacy, all White people today are the beneficiaries of the financial and social rewards of that “Peculiar Institution!” You often see news reports about White farmers stating their farms have been in their families for over 200 years. Keep in mind that even though the Emancipated Slaves were promised 40 Acres, a mule and $50.00, they never received it. The only thing the emancipated slaves received was the choice between staying on their former master’s plantations as share croppers or leaving at the risk of ending up in America’s newly created “convict leasing program” and returning them to their former masters as criminals working off their fines without receiving any wages or compensation.

The first thing the White slavers did was to steal us from our home and our people. They then stole our names, history and spirituality and forced their religion, fake history and names on us with their inhumane tortures. They then forbade us to re-member our past and forced us to embrace our current status as the White man’s slaves.
The White slavers destroyed our family and community connections and beat into us the necessity for “looking out for #1.” They then beat into us that we must worship and cherish everybody White, including their White god/trinity. They then beat it into us to hate everybody and everything that was Black, including ourselves and their perception of our history. Consequently, we Blacks became totally dependent on Whites for our very existence, thereby worshiping Whites as our new gods. All of this was taken directly from the “Willie Lynch manifesto.”
Ask Russian – American children where they are from and they will say – Russia! Ask Polish – American children where they are from and they will say – Poland! Ask Italian – American children where they are from and they will say – Italy! Ask European – American children where they are from and they will say – Europe!
Ask Black – American children where they are from and they will say – Atlanta, Chicago, Bronx, Philadelphia or some other American city! Every other American nationality have a geographic homeland except American Blacks. Therefore, we believe that our history began with slavery and since the Emancipation Proclamation, we have really come a long way! However, if we saw ancient Africa as our geographic home, then in the total scheme of things, Blacks are going backwards and not making any progress.
How about this mental disorder, “Excited Delirium” in which the patient’s excessive excitement results in her own death. This is a Virginia Medical Examiner’s determination of the cause of death for Natasha McKenna on February 8, 2015, while in police custody.
Observational Learning is self-explanatory: we learn by observing the behavior of others! Our first teachers are our parent(s) and other adults in our circle of influence. Our parents then turn us over to people that neither look like us or have our best interest at heart. Our enslavers gave us the worst of everything and we foolishly believe their children will give us something designed to improve our lives! No other people on this planet has our history and since our enslavement, we have been socialized into “deviant behavior.”
It is my contention that the White man created and has been using Christianity only for the enslavement of all Black people, regardless of our hue. Irregardless as to whether or not you believe the “Willie Lynch” slave manifesto is a real document or not is besides the point. What is real about that manifesto is the fact that all of it has worked, is working and will continue to work unless all of us Blacks write and publish our own mind liberating manifesto and totally adhere to it.
The primary focal point of the “Willie Lynch” slave manifesto has always been our Black women and the most potent “Weapon of Mind Destruction” has and continue to be religion in general and Christianity in particular. In the beginning, our ancestors embraced Christianity in order to survive the most vilest and virulent form of racism, White Supremacy and slavery ever.
We Blacks know very little about Christianity and most of us don’t even know who the founder of the Baptist denomination was, who by the way was John Smith in 1609, just two years before King James commissioned his version of the Bible in 1611 and nine years before the first Africans arrived in the colony of Jamestown, Va. in 1619.
Recently I watched, “Contradiction: A Question of Faith” on Amazon Prime which is a documentary on Black America’s psychological addiction to Christianity and I must confess that while I was “unconscious,” I too totally embraced this White man’s pagan “Weapon of Mind Destruction.”
Yes, from my birth, until 1986 I too engaged in delusional behavior, because I totally believed that the Bible was the Word of a White God and the long haired, blued-eyed White Jesus was His son and only all male (I took the Bible literally) Preachers and Pastors were His spokesmen.
I remember sitting in a NYC church in 1986 attending my favorite aunt’s funeral, passionately and desperately praying to “my White Jesus” and “believing” that my prayer would be answered that she would rise up out of her coffin alive and come back to us. At that time, I had read the KJV of the Bible 6 consecutive times and had become a Licensed Baptist Preacher, so I “BELIEVED” that all things were possible – yet my prayer was not answered! My aunt was still dead!!!
This was a real “Crisis in faith,” thrusting me into an immediate state of “cognitive dissonance,” and the only solution for me was to either change my “beliefs” to fit my behavior or change my behavior to fit my “beliefs.” By the way, if someone told me that they “believed” they could raise the dead; as a mental health professional, I would give them a psychiatric diagnosis – unless of course they attributed this “belief” to their religion and miraculously, this “irrational” behavior would become acceptable and “rational.”
This is something that in my 40+ years in the mental health profession, I never could understand. On the one-hand, a person’s delusional “beliefs” could result in their being placed in a locked psychiatric ward, while on the other hand, the same delusional “beliefs” attributed to a religion is acceptable behavior and could place them in a Pulpit brainwashing thousands into believing the same delusions! Hmmm!!!
I had heard that when the student is ready, the teachers would appear and this proved to be true with me. Once I returned home to Augusta from my aunt’s funeral, I came upon a book written by Baba Anthony Browder, entitled, “The Nile Valley Contribution to Civilization,” which became a eureka moment for me! In this book, it compared and contrasted Christianity (6,000-years old) with ancient Egypt’s Spiritual System (25,000+ years old), both of which had immaculate conceptions and virgin births. Having spent 6 years in college, I was acutely aware of plagiarism, and since the Egyptian Spiritual System was at least 19,000 years older than Christianity, logically, Christianity must have been copied!
In watching the aforementioned documentary, I learned that there are more than 85,000 Black churches in America primarily attended by Black women, yet Black Americans is the lowest socio-economic group in America, although we are the most “religious.” I’ve learned that there is a vast difference between religion (Latin root meaning to: re-tie, re-bind, re-yoke) and spirituality.
Tragically the two subjects that have the greatest impact on Black American lives – religion and politics, we’re told that we should not talk about because it elicits strong and often very confrontational emotions. Yet, because we don’t talk about these two topics enough, we Black Americans have been languishing for the last 400 years at the very bottom of America’s socio-economic level and there is no end in sight.
Faith is based totally on “belief” and remember, as educators (which we all are) as well as students, we were taught that in the old days, an entire population “believed” that the earth was flat and the sun revolved around the earth, until both of these “beliefs” were proven false with “knowledge and facts.”
Sadly, as the “Willie Lynch” slave manifesto boasted, it would become self-perpetuating; lasting 400 years or longer. Well my Sisters and Brothers, this month, August 2019 is the 400th anniversary that we Blacks have been enslaved in America and far too many of our Sisters would rather fight anybody and everybody before they would even think about walking away from “their White Jesus!”
I know a woman who is languishing in the bowels of a Georgia penitentiary right now waiting on “her White Jesus” to free her; not even considering the fact that she totally believed that “He would not bring her this far and leave her now.” Yet, the reality is that she prayed both passionately and relentlessly with all of her heart and soul that her “White Jesus” would intervene and prevent her incarceration. You know, the sad thing is that in spite of her professed belief in “her White Jesus,” she still hired an attorney to plead her case before a White Judge and both “her White Jesus” and her attorney failed her! But, her faith in “her White Jesus” has not faltered and she has convinced herself that when she is finally released, it will be solely due to “her White Jesus” and not the fact that her sentence would be completed.
Please, I implore you not to think that I am bashing this misguided Sister or any Sisters for that matter. I know for a certainty that a race/nation can rise no higher than its’ women and not until enough of our Sisters boldly stand up, take their neighbors’ hands and walk out of the White man’s churches (regardless of who their Pastor is, they are worshiping an image of a White Jesus) and return to our African Spirituality, we Blacks will continue praying our way into genocidal extinction.
I have written enough, yet, there is a lot more to say about Black people’s mental illness and addiction to the White man’s man-made religion! It is said that “A Picture is Worth Thousand Words,” so for the rest of this post, I am going to speak to you in MEMES.
Oh What A Blessing It Is That My People Don’t Read, Think, Or Use Common Sense, Says, The Pastors, Pimps And Politicians!





By the way, which hand do you suppose is the hand of god? White folks stole the game of Chess from the ancient Egyptians and established their rules of Chess whereas the White side always moves first, placing them as the offense/aggressors with the Black side/people always being on the defense, forcing them to have to play catch-up throughout the game and hoping that Whites make a mistake, allowing Blacks to seize the offense!

If God is the “Only God,” how can there be another God for Him to punish; unless you have another definition for the word “only?”

Supposing that each of these tablets contained 5 Commandments, when Moses destroyed one of the tablets, how did we still end up with ten Commandments. Nowhere in the Bible does it say God replaced the broken tablet.

By the way, the Ten Commandments were plagiarized from the above 42 Principles of MAAT.

Emperor Constantine convened this Council for the purpose of creating Jesus and launching the start of Christianity as we now know it.

Furthermore, Jesus is identified as a Jew, therefore how can anyone worshiping a Jew claim to be a Christian?

What does the word “ALL” mean to you?



August 1619 marked the arrival of “20 and odd Africans” onto the banks of the Jamestown, Virginia colony. Note, when these Africans boarded this ship, they were neither slaves nor Christians.





I refer you to Exodus 20:4!

Not being a Christian believer is how Thomas Jefferson was able to consciously embrace slavery with its’ accompanying pedophilia, homosexuality, inhumanity and murder, just to name a few of President Jefferson’s abhorrent behaviors.


The tradition of raising 1 finger when leaving or returning to your seat during church services dates back to slavery. Whenever a slave had to leave his or her seat to use the toilet, they had to raise a finger and wait for their master to acknowledge them. What the slave was actually saying was: “One Nigger gone/coming massa.”

If the fictitious Paul (Galatians 4:24) used and taught from the Torah, then both Paul and Jesus must have been a Jew and not a Christian who would have taught from the Bible. Oops! During the fictitious Paul’s time, the Bible had not been written yet!



The “Now Church” is a Cult gone wild! There Pastor told his female members to not wear any under ware in the the church sanctuary.

This Cult Pastor literally instructed his foolish members to go into the church yard and eat grass.

Immediately after grazing in the grass, cult members became gravely ill.

This Cult Pastor wanted a “booty call” so he told these foolish single women that if they let him kiss their bootys, then “their Jesus” would bless them with a husband.

This remains the greatest cult tragedy in American Christian history. Sadly, this was no laughing matter when 918 followers of Cult Leader, Rev. Jim Jones of The Peoples’s Temple, obeyed his instructions and drank the poisoned punch, resulting in their deaths on November 18, 1978.

Sadly, as much as we would like to believe this movie opened the eyes of Black Preachers, their behaviors have not changed one iota. They are still Pimping in the name of their White Jesus!


I became a Licensed Baptist Preacher on December 2, 1984, thereby becoming whats known here in the Bible Belt as the “Son of The House.” Because of all that I witnessed firsthand of what Preachers and Pastors were doing to their congregants, I left the church. Increasingly, more and more people are telling me that I need to become a Preacher – I just can’t mislead people and those that want the truth are afraid to let go of “their White Jesus.”

This is my third book and your Pastor definitely do not want you reading this because if you read it, you could no longer worship your Pastor nor “your White Jesus!”

Posted on August 19, 2018 under Addiction, Black African American Family, Education, Health, History, Mental Health, Meta-Physical, Politics, Poverty Pimps, President Obama, Religion
The following are excerpts from my third book, which will be available this fall. I would appreciate all feedback so feel free to respond.
Thanking you in advance,

By Jerry Smith, M.A., LCSW, LMSW
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements Page 3
Chapter 1 Page 13 My Christian Journey
Chapter 2 Page 21 The Making of a Slave by Willie Lynch
Chapter 3 Page 32 The Bible is Full of False Teachings
Chapter 4 Page 39 The Bible – A Fictional Novel
Chapter 5 Page 51 The King Alfred Plan
Chapter 6 Page 61 Jesus For Sale, Buyers Beware!
Chapter 7 Page 72 The Bible Is the Best Selling, Least Read Black History Book Ever
Chapter 8 Page 81 Pagan Holy Days
Chapter 9 Page 91 Why We Must Celebrate Kwanzaa
Chapter 10 Page 100 Conclusion
Epilogue Page 106 Obituary for Common Sense
All underlined words are links to references.


“Very superstitious, writing on the wall
Very superstitious, ladders bout’ to fall
Thirteen month old baby, broke the lookin’ glass
Seven years of bad luck, the good things in your past
When you believe in things that you don’t understand
Then you suffer
Superstition ain’t the way…”
by Baba Stevie Wonder

Page 5: I have been reluctant to write this book because of the backlash I would receive. I now realize that it is not about me; it is about the very survival of Black Africans throughout the Diaspora in general and Black African Americans in particular.

Although every race of people has been adversely affected by both religion and politics, this book is written specifically for Black Africans throughout the diaspora because no other race on this planet have been physically and mentally enslaved and slaughtered by both religion and politics to the scale that Black Africans throughout diaspora has.

Since childhood, to avoid arguments I have been told that the two subjects that are taboo in casual conversations is religion and politics; both of which should never be discussed. Tragically, avoiding talking about both of these subjects are the primary reason that Black Africans in general and we Black African Americans in particular are still enslaved and are now targeted for genocide. Just as we’ve always done since our enslavement by both White Christians and White Jews, we Black Africans throughout the diaspora are blindly walking in lockstep like “processionary caterpillars” toward our own genocidal extermination.

If I told you that I was sitting on the beach in La Jolla, California when I wrote this book, you could easily believe it because you have no evidence to the contrary. Yet, there is no way you could know it, because to know something requires factual evidence. Therefore, to know if I was on the beach in La Jolla, California when I wrote this book requires factual information in the form of you actually being there to see me. In this highly technological age we are living in, not even a photo would be sufficient proof because that could easily have been photoshopped. Nothing short of you physically being there to see me would give you the knowledge to know of a certainty that I was sitting on the beach in La Jolla, California when I wrote this book.

The same holds true for Christianity; it is based solely on Christians believing that the bible is the Word of their Christian God and Jesus Christ is their Christian God’s son, and there is absolutely no way for you to know that the bible is the Word of your Christian God, nor Jesus Christ being His son because you were not there when your Christian God allegedly spoke those biblical words. Your knowledge of your Christian God is based entirely on hearsay, which has absolutely nothing to do with facts. At some point in your life, someone proselytized you into believing in both Christianity and the bible because they themselves were proselytized into believing in Christianity and the bible.

Page 6: Christianity grew into prominence when Emperor Constantine mandated that 318 Roman Bishops convene the Nicaean Council in the year 325 AD, which is when they created “Jesus the Christ” for the primary purpose of using their creation as a “Weapon of Mass Destruction” (WMD) to conquer all of the non-White people of the world. To this end, Christianity has been effectively used as a very potent religious and political WMD for the conquest and subjugation of all of the non-White people on the planet.

Through the politics of religion, Pope Nicolas V issued a Papal Bull in 1452, not only authorizing, but mandating the enslavement of Black Africans in the name of Christianity. To paraphrase Bishop Desmond Tutu, “The White Christians came to Africa with the Bible and the gun (WMD) and the Black Africans had the land and all of the wealth it provided. When the gun smoke cleared and Black African blood stop flowing, the White Christians still had all of the guns (WMD) and they now had all of the land with all of it’s wealth and riches and the Black Africans only had the Bible, which they were forbidden to read – only believe.”

Know of a surety that there is absolutely no factual evidence that any portion of the bible is true and there is absolutely, no factual evidence that Jesus Christ nor his disciples ever existed. On the contrary, there is factual evidence that neither Jesus, nor his disciples ever existed; which can be found in the bible in the book of Galatians 4:22-24, which refers to the existence of Abraham as an “allegory,” which means he is a fictional character. Conversely, if Abraham was a fictional character, all of his descendants must also be fictional characters, including Jesus Christ.

If Jesus Christ himself was a real person, he would be the first to wholeheartedly denounce this manmade religion created in his name for the express purpose of engaging in wholesale genocide on all people of Black African ancestry throughout the diaspora. By the way, if Jesus Christ was an actual person, he would not have practiced Christianity because according to the bible, Jesus was a Black African Jew. Furthermore, the facts don’t lie and there is nothing in the bible that Jesus himself wrote, nor is there any historical or archeological evidence outside of the bible that proves his existence. Remember, Jesus Christ is the last of the Sixteen Crucified Saviors! As Baba Stevie Wonder said, “When you believe in things that you don’t understand Then you suffer, Superstition ain’t the way…”

Page 7: Everything we need to improve our lot in life have been written in books and the solutions to all of our current problems, both as individuals and as a race can be found, written inside the pages of books. That being said, too many of our Black African American parents have an aversion to reading non-fiction books, and they will likely pass these negative feelings about reading something that enriches us as a race onto their children, thereby perpetuating our self-imposed ignorance as a people. Tragically, far too many Black African Americans were not taught the importance of reading prior to entering Pre-K. Consequently, they never embraced the maxim that, “Reading is Fun-2-Mental.” Anything you ever want to know, you can find someone who has written about it. In fact, reading is the quintessential skill for a successful life. Because of the extremely low importance, we Black African Americans place on reading, we remain relegated to the lower socio-economic strata of life. Remember, Black African Americans have not because we read not!

Page 11: This book is written in hopes that it will ignite in the reader a spark that will turn into a burning flame of desire to understand the difference between believing in a Christian God and knowing the True God of the Universe, who is not one and the same. In no way am I promoting anti-Religion; I only want you to KNOW all there is to be known about your particular religion as opposed to blindly BELIEVING all that you’ve been taught.

Remember, my target audience for this book is Black Africans in general and Black African Americans in particular because religion in general and Christianity in particular is the last vestiges of slavery and unless we discard it like the mental chains and shackles it is, we will not be able to halt this White Christian genocidal agenda that awaits us as a race.
Chapter 1
My Christian Journey

Page 13: “Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn’t fit in with the core belief.”- Frantz Fanon

I remember attending church for the first time when I was living in Manhattan, New York around 1956. My older cousins Mamie and Betty would take my older brother Junior and I to their church, while my aunt Marie, their mother and my mother would attend a different church. I do not recall their father, uncle Robert ever going to church during this time. The church we attended had a White American Preacher, yet, I don’t recall much about the services; I do remember all of the huge pictures of White Jesus and other White biblical characters and the White Pastor’s robe with several crosses on it.

I remember participating in Easter and Xmas plays, playing various biblical characters with our homemade outfits. The adults got a thrill out of it and we children had fun as well. What was remarkable about St. Stephens was that Sister Tonkins (Reverend Tonkins’ wife) would always “get happy” only when Reverend Tonkins preached. Even if there was a visiting preacher preaching, Sister Tonkins would not “get happy” for him; only for her husband Reverend Tonkins.

We children always knew when Sister Tonkins was about to “get happy” because she would begin by slapping her legs and thighs rhythmically with both hands, (This behavior is known in psychological terms as “self-stemming.”) while repeatedly and rapidly saying, “Yes Lord, Yes Jesus.” As she “got happier,” she’d begin rocking the pew, (which was not attached to the floor) while repeatedly slapping her legs and thighs faster and faster, acknowledging both Jesus and the Lord.
When I wasn’t ushering or singing in the choir, I’d make sure I sat on the pew with Sister Tonkins, to enjoy the ride and the show. In actuality, it was my intentions to “get happy” with…
Page 21: The play was produced by a sister here in Charleston named Queen Atterberry and during her performance, she told of the origin of holding up the index finger during church service. She said, that when a slave had to urinate or defecate during church service, they would approach their Christian master, holding up one index finger, saying, “one nigger gone master.” When they returned, they would again approach their Christian master and say, “one nigger back master.” This was their Christian masters’ method of keeping a head count on their slaves.

During this play, Queen Atterberry also explained the meaning behind the word “picnic,” saying, picking slaves to buy at the auctions was a long and tedious process, so the White Christian buyers would bring their entire families, along with food to these Christian slave auctions where they would “pick-a-nigga.”

It must also be noted that during the more than 100 years of Lynchings that took place in Christian White America after the Civil War, many times, these lynchings would be announced in White Christian churches and newspapers in neighboring counties days in advance. These “good” Christian White people would travel for miles, bringing their Christian White families as well as food and drink to witness and/or participate in these gruesome torturous lynchings. Again, we have the event called “pick-a-nigga; pic-a-nic;” ergo “picnic.” Furthermore, the term “soul food,” was given to us by our Christian White enslavers who said, “Those niggas will eat anything, including the soul of the animal,” ergo – “soul food.”
Chapter 2

Page 22: “A people’s history tells a people where they have been and what they have been; where they are and what they are; More importantly, a proper understanding of history tells a people what they must be and where they must go. We Africans must understand our history in order to see our place in the world. Our history is only the beginning and not the ending. It is the place where we must start if we want to find ourselves. We African people cannot and will not find ourselves looking to the religious system given to us by our White oppressors.” – Baba John Henrik Clarke

Allegedly, a West Indies’ plantation owner by the name of Willie Lynch met with some aristocratic White Christian American plantation owners on the banks of the James River in the colony of Virginia in 1712 for the purpose of teaching them how to “make a slave.” It is important to realize that these “God-fearing White Christians” did not kidnap slaves from Africa and bring them to America. On the contrary, these “God-fearing White Christians” kidnapped proud, regal and free Africans and brought them to America and then enslaved them.

What White Christian American history does not tell us is that the survivors of this horrendous “Middle Passage,” the voyage from Africa to the Caribbean Islands were the best of the best that was stolen from Africa. Only the mentally and physically strongest Black Africans could have survived the savagely barbaric inhumanity of their White Christian American kidnappers.
Willie Lynch is quoted as saying, “Greetings, Gentlemen. I greet you here on the bank of the James River in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twelve. First, I shall thank you, the gentlemen of the Colony of Virginia, for bringing me here. I am here to help you solve some of your problems with slaves. Your invitation reached me on my modest plantation in the West Indies, where I have experimented with some of the newest, and still the oldest, methods for control of slaves. Ancient Rome would envy us if my program is implemented. As our boat sailed south on the James River, named for our illustrious King, whose version of the Bible we cherish, I saw enough to know that your problem is not unique.”

Page 27: By the time they reached their early teens, Black African males had been thoroughly brainwashed into their new roles of cowardice and servitude to the White Christian race. With this reversal of the natural order, the White Christian race could sleep safe and restful without fear that Black African “men” would bring harm to them or their families. Because of their emotional and psychological training, Black African women would stand guard throughout their lifetimes to ensure the protection of the White Christian race. By continuously breaking the Black African male’s warrior spirit; by destroying the protective male image and replacing it with a subservient image and by instilling psychological independence in Black African females, this cycle of submissiveness and dominance will go on in perpetuity.
Chapter 3:
The Real Deal About the Bible

Page 32: “If you can control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his action. When you determine what a man shall think you do not have to concern yourself about what he will do. If you make a man feel that he is inferior, you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior status, for he will seek it himself. If you make a man think that he is justly an outcast, you do not have to order him to the back door. He will go without being told; and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one.” ― Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro

Historically speaking, know of a surety that there is absolutely no evidence to be found anywhere outside of the bible or books written about the bible that any of the biblical characters ever existed. Not only that, the bible is replete with contradictions, falsehoods and outright lies which can be proved. There are a total of 66 books in the bible and probably as many versions of the bible if not more. However, the only “authorized” version of the bible is the “Authorized King James” version. Right here I have a major problem with the word “version.” What it tells me is that this is not the “original” bible, just someone’s opinion of the “original” bible.
My search for the “original” bible, left me with another question, which I have never found the answer. That question is, who was there taking notes during the White Christian “Creation Myth,” when the White Christian God allegedly did not make man until the sixth day of creation. Furthermore, who came up with the names “great whales and cattle” found in the White Christian “Creation Myth,” since Adam had not been made yet?

Staying with the White Christian “Creation Myth,” if God only created Adam and Eve and they gave birth to Cain and Abel, where did Cain and Abel’s wives come from? When Cain “knew his wife,” she had to have been his sister or daughter, according to this White Christian “Creation Myth,” yet we’re not told that Adam and Eve had any more children. To accept this White Christian story, we must accept the fact that everyone is the product of incestuous relationships and if we are to believe the Genesis story, then where did the rest of the world’s population come from?

Furthermore, if Cain slew Abel, did both Adam and Cain take turns impregnating Eve as well as Eve’s female offspring? Genesis 2:24 alleges Adam said, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” How would Adam know anything about a father or mother if he never had neither. Remember, according to White Christianity Adam was made from the dust of the earth by the “Hand of God?”

Genesis 1:31 alleges, “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.” Since God made the “serpent” as well, was it not “very Good?” By the way, if everything God made was “very good,” what was the problem with Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowledge? Genesis 4:7 alleges God said, “…If thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.” If everything God made was “very good,” didn’t God make sin and if so, isn’t it also “very good?”
Cain slaying Abel was “very good” as well since God made them both; so why would God punish Cain? Furthermore, Genesis 4:14 says, “…everyone that findeth me shall slay me.” First of all, the only people on the earth is Adam, Eve and Cain, so who is this “everyone that findeth me shall slay me” Cain is referring to and how many times can he be slayed when he alleges says, “everyone that findeth me shall slay me?”

Page 33: Moving on; Moses was a murderer and his brother Aaron was disobedient to God, so why would God give Moses “Ten Commandments” (out of 42 total) to give to us when one of the commandments is “Thou shalt not kill?” Not only that, why would God break his own commandment by ordering Saul to kill every man, woman, child, and animals and then punish him for not obeying and killing everything? (1 Samuel 15:3) If thou shalt not covet, then why would a just God demand that Moses and his people steal the land of Canaan from the Canaanites? Did you know that King David was a “peeping tom,” and his son Solomon was an adulterer?
Page 38: Come and reason with me now; if God says “I make peace and create evil. I the lord do all these things.” What does the devil do and what power does he/she/it has? It gets even worse; God…
Chapter 4

Page 40: “If your holy book has laws about how to keep slaves; your holy book is disqualified as a source for developing moral code.” – Anonymous
In 1607, King James the 1st of England commissioned over forty (40) writers to produce his version of the bible because his abhorrent behavior was being criticized by Pope Paul V. As a result, in 1611 King James presented to the world his version of the bible, known as the “authorized King James version.”
The etymology of the word “religion” is derived from the word “ligere,” which means to yoke, tie, fasten, bind; and paired with the suffix “re,” it means to re-tie, rebind, refasten back to how you once were. The bible is the instrument that you are to be refastened to. The bible in general is the #1 best-selling book in the history of book publication and it has been published in nearly every language on the planet.

Yet, despite its popularity, you will be hard-pressed to find one (1) person out of one hundred (100) bible owners who can honestly say they have read all 66 books of the bible consecutively and in its entirety. As written in the bible, they have read “here a little and there a little,” and they are convinced they have a thorough understanding of the bible. At the core of White Christianity is the belief that the bible is 1: The word of God and 2: God cannot error, therefore, 3: The bible is without error.

The following is an Evangelical Statement which was adapted from the National Association of Evangelicals.
We believe the Bible to be the only inerrant Word of God. It is our only ultimate and infallible authority for faith and practice.
We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three Persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is omnipotent, that is, He is all-powerful. He is omnipresent, that is, He is present throughout all Creation but not limited by it. He is omniscient, that is, nothing is hidden from His sight. In all things He is limited by nothing other than His own nature and character.
We believe the God we serve is holy, righteous, good, severe, loving and full of mercy. He created the heavens and earth, and everything in them, in the space of six ordinary days, and all very good. He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Governor of everything that has been made.

Page 41: The Catholic church, which is the originator of Christianity could not be outdone, added the following: “The Holy Mother church, in relying on the beliefs of the Apostles, holds that the books of both the old and new testaments, in their entirety, with all their parts, are sacred and canonical because written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God as their author and have been handed on as such to the church itself.
Furthermore, in composing the sacred books, God chose men and while employed by Him they made use of their powers and abilities, so that with Him acting in them and through them, they, as true authors, consigned to writing everything and only those things which He wanted.
Therefore, since everything asserted by the inspired authors or sacred writers must be held to be asserted by the Holy Spirit, it follows that the books of Scriptures must be acknowledged as teaching solidly, faithfully and without error the truth which God wanted put into sacred writings…” (Dei Verbum)

Page 52: I will start this chapter with my basic tenet, and that is the premise that everything is connected, and nothing under the sun happens by coincidence or happenstance. There is always a “cause” and an “effect;” a reason or purpose for everything, although on the surface, it may not appear so. I was conflicted about putting this article in this particular book because I was not sure it would fit because the basic thesis of this book is about White Christianity and the adverse effects on Black Africans throughout the diaspora in general and Black African Americans in particular.
Page 53: In 1970, Louis Giuffrida, who later became the first director of FEMA under President Reagan, presented the “King Alfred Plan” to the Army War College. Mr. Giufrrida’s presentation was a manifesto on how the government, at the discretion of the President could arrest, incarcerate and exterminate 22 million “Negroes” (we were Negroes back then) in the event of widespread, continuing and coordinated racial disturbances in America.

President Obama signed Executive Order (EO) 13528 on January 11, 2010, suspending the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. The Posse Comitatus Act forbids the use of the military for civilian law enforcement, which is what President George W. Bush ignored when he sent the Army into New Orleans during hurricane Katrina. On January 2, 2013, President Obama also signed the National Defense Authorization Act, granting him and all future presidents the authorization to suspend habeas corpus with the stroke of the presidential pen. Ergo, the militarization of America’s local and state law enforcement agencies.

Page 59: Yes, you read it right, King Leopold ll was a Jew, who authorized the slaughter of 15 million or more Black Africans in the Congo, an area of land that Leopold deeded to himself and declared himself to be the sole owner of the entire country. The article states: “He ‘bought’ it and enslaved its people, turning the entire country into his own personal slave plantation. He disguised his business transactions as ‘philanthropic’ and ‘scientific’ efforts under the banner of the International African Society. He used their enslaved labor to extract Congolese resources and services. His reign was enforced through work camps, body mutilations, torture, executions, and his own private army.” Remember, Leopold is the son of a White Christian preacher. This article further states: “Stories which support the white supremacist narrative about the subhumanness of people in Africa are allowed to enter the records of history. The white guy who turned the Congo into his own personal part-plantation, part-concentration camp, part-Christian ministry—and killed 10 to 15 million Congolese people in the process—doesn’t make the cut.2”

Page 59: By the way, Jews were also involved in the African slave trade as evidenced by Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael’s book, “Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History (New York: Behrman House, Inc., Pub, 1983), pp. 14, 23-25.” The Rabbi states, “This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the ‘triangular trade’ that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750’s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760’s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760’s and early 1770’s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.”
Chapter 6
Jesus For Sale, Buyers Beware!

Page 62: “In schools of theology Negroes are taught the interpretation of the Bible worked out by those who have justified segregation and winked at the economic debasement of the Negro at times almost to the point of starvation.” – Baba Carter G. Woodson
In 2018, we as a people are still floundering at the bottom of the moral and socio-economic ladders. There is no other race in America who has a lower status than Black African Americans and this is easily verified by going into any “slum” or “ghetto” in America and you will find that the overwhelming majority population living there is Black African Americans.

You will know when you have arrived into these depressed areas when you see the six primary landmarks located on the main drag in just about every neighborhood: Check Cashing; Title Loans; Fast Food; Convenience Stores, Liquor Stores and Churches. There are so many churches throughout Black African American neighborhoods, that there are sometimes two or three of them in the same blocks. We have more churches, Preachers/Pastors than ever, yet as a race, we are morally and financially bankrupt. WHY?

Of course, we can point fingers at other races and say they are morally deficient as well, which is true. However, Black Africans in general and Black African Americans in particular are the only race being targeted for genetic extinction. How did we get here? The answer is simple – “White Christianity;” because people have an overwhelming desire to believe in something or someone, especially Black Africans throughout the diaspora and they had Christianity forced into their minds by White Christian enslavers with the use of “Weapons of Mass Destruction.”

Once Emperor Constantine came on the scene, he stripped every Black African man, woman and child both physically and mentally of all knowledge of their ancestral Spiritual Systems. He then contrived to conquer the non-White world by plagiarizing the ancient Africans’ Spiritual System and then repackaged it with the aid of the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD which created Christianity. Then he violently forced it on everybody he and his Christian armies conquered and/or enslaved.
Chapter 7

Page 73: The official recognition of Black History began in America when Baba Carter G. Woodson established “Black History Week” in February 1926. Since then, every February we will dust off photos of Black African American scholars, athletes, entertainers, business moguls, politicians, and preachers, yet we ignore the bible. It has never been included as a recognized source of “Black History” because few Black African Americans realize that the bible is a fictionalized version of “Black History.”

Page 74: It is said; “Knowledge is Power” and I beg to differ because knowledge alone is not power. If it was, then why is it that there are more Black African Americans with college degrees today than ever, yet, Black African Americans are the most powerless race of people in this country and Black Africans throughout the diaspora are the most powerless race on this planet? No my Brothers and Sisters, “Knowledge is not Power,” we only gain power from “Applied Knowledge.”
Chapter 8
Pagan Holy Days
Going Down That Rabbit Hole Again...

Page 82: “I love the pure, peaceable and impartial Christianity of Christ… I therefore hate the corrupt, slave-holding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial and hypocritical Christianity of this land.” – Frederick Douglas
Have you ever wondered where your most cherished beliefs about Christianity come from or why you do the things that you do? How did you learn about your religion? Who taught you Christianity and who benefitted from your embracing it? Remember, the first Africans in the Americas were not Christians. Have you learned anything new, since you first began attending church during your childhood; or, are you just listening to the same message Sunday after Sunday? Be advised that if you repeat a lie often enough, you will eventually embrace it as truth.

How much new information can you get from your Pastor by hearing the same repetitious sermons? Are you just attending church for entertainment purposes and to deify your Pastor? Do you ever question why Easter Sunday does not occur on the same date every year? What has the spring equinox to do with Jesus? Who taught you to believe chocolate rabbits, colored eggs, hanging plastic eggs on trees, Easter baskets, Easter Bonnets, new clothes, going to church on Easter Sunday and Sunrise Services honor the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Have you read this in your bible, or are these just childhood fables that you are passing on to your children?

Page 83: Sadly, Christians engage in many ritualistic behaviors (like cutting the ends of the ham off) without having any idea why. The celebration of Easter is one of these ritualistic traditions where time has obscured the true reasons and origin for this celebration.
Consequently, the White Roman Catholic Church replaced the “pagan” ritual of Easter with the Jewish “Passover,” and then changed that into the Resurrection of Jesus, while maintaining all of the “pagan” rituals of rabbits laying eggs, coloring eggs, and eating ham, etc.

The foundation of White Christianity is the belief that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and ascended into heaven on Easter Sunday. If you do not believe this, “…your faith is also in vain.” The word “Easter” appears in the bible only once, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the resurrection of Christ. It is found in Acts 12:4 KJV in reference to Peter’s arrest: “And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.”
Chapter 9

Page 92: “I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.” Nana Harriet Tubman

In his book, “Stolen Legacy” Baba George James describes how White European Christians in general and White American Christians in particular has stolen most of our knowledge and hidden the rest from us in plain sight by hiding them in books. In 1968 Baba Bill Cosby narrated a documentary entitled, “Black History, Lost, Stolen or Strayed” where he highlighted how White European Christians and their progeny stole all of the knowledge and wisdom from ancient Africans, plagiarized and regurgitated it back to us as their wisdom.

Hillary Clinton stole Black Africans’ ancient phrase, “It Takes a Village” and after writing her book, she and her husband, Bill Clinton moved into Harlem and was greeted by Black African Americans with open arms, and gentrification soon followed. Now the “Stop and Frisk” laws are in full force when many Black African Americans are seen in Harlem.

HABARI GANI- What’s the news? We created it and they stole it! We must loudly proclaim that beginning today, we as a people of Black African ancestry will embrace the Nguzo Saba for the rest of our lives. Before we can embrace the Nguzo Saba, we must proudly and totally embrace Kwanzaa. In order to embrace Kwanzaa, we must know what it is and what it stands for.
There are seven basic and two supplemental symbols used in Kwanzaa, all of which represent the values and traditions of ancient Black African culture prior to colonization by the White European Christians. These symbols are summarized from the book, “Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Family, Community and Culture, Commemorative Edition, Maulana Karenga, 1998, Los Angeles: University of Sankore Press,” and are as follows:…
Watch Night Service Fallacy

Page 98: Sadly, very few Black African Americans have ever participated in the final feast of Kwanzaa because most do not even know what Kwanza is. Instead on December 31st a large percentage of us will be partying and bull-shucking on New Year’s eve, while many Black African American Christians will be participating in traditional “Watch Night Services.”
Because of this lie, Black African American Christians engage in ritualistic behaviors that are based solely on traditions passed down to us from slavery, and the meanings have been lost to us over the decades. Watch Night Service is one such ritualistic tradition because very few Black African American Pastors know the true meaning behind it. They have been taught that it is best to be in church on New Year’s eve celebrating with their Jesus than at a party with the Devil.

Page 101: My purpose for writing this book is to show Black African Americans the real deal behind White Christianity and how it has always been used as a lethal Weapon of Mass Destruction against us. It was initially created as a weapon of enslavement, which to that end has been extremely successful for over 1500 years. Although White Christianity has adversely impacted all those who have embraced it, as stated from the outset, the focus of this book is only on Black Africans in general and Black African Americans in particular.

The bible in general and White Christianity in particular has adversely impacted us far worse than any plague, including AIDS, Ebola and drug addiction combined because this addiction to Christianity has decimated our entire race worldwide. Since we follow those who preceded us and our Black African brothers throughout the diaspora follow those of us in America, we all have been bamboozled, hood-winked and lied to as Baba Malcolm X so eloquently told us.

Just ask yourself these questions: If the bible and White Christianity was so wonderful, why are we still suffering as a race? Why are you still hurting at the loss of your love ones, when you are supposed to believe they are happily in the arms of your White Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; whose same arms you are looking forward to climbing into? Who really benefits by you being a faithful believer in White Christianity? Why do you believe your Pastor can pray a blessing for you and yours, when he/she cannot even pray the same blessings for him/her and theirs?

By reading this book, indicates that you actually have possession of it and you may have even paid for it. However, you came upon it, it is in your possession. Imagine, if you would that you closed it up right now and don’t read another word and then imagine this: even though you have your own copy of this book, the only time you open it is once a week on Sundays when you’re in my presence and I tell you exactly what pages to open and what few sentences to read. You then close your book and listen to a 15-20-minute diatribe of my yelling and screaming at you about what the devil will do if you don’t adhere to all of the teachings in your book – that you have not completely read. You then pay me 10% of your gross weekly earnings and go home and not read anything else in your book until next Sunday and every Sunday thereafter when you come back to me and repeat the exact same process over, and over and over, until the last day when you’re brought back to me in a casket.

Page 102: Can you hear how stupid this sounds; you are going to pay me to read to you out of a book that you already bought! Isn’t this exactly what you are doing when you go to your church, carrying your bible and paying your Pastor to read to you what you can easily read for yourself for free? Why would a sane and rational person do this? Oh, could it be because God only speaks directly to your Pastor in the same room that you are in and gives him information to tell you when God could have easily told you himself?
If you found these excerpts from my book either helpful or unhelpful, please give me a review on my Blog.
Thank you,
Readers Get the Real Deal on Christianity
Author’s third book is an honest and frank revelation of what it is to know versus what it is to believe
Augusta, Ga. – From an experienced life coach, social worker, motivational speaker, and counselor, Jerry Smith, comes a different perspective on religion. In his third book, Christianity: The Real Deal!, he hopes that this will ignite in readers a spark that will turn into a burning flame of desire to understand the difference between “believing in a Christian God” and “knowing the True God of the Universe”. This is not an anti-religion book; but rather a push for readers to better recognize the depths of their understanding whether they have faith in God because they know Him or they believe Him.
In this book, the author only wants people to “know” all there is to be known about one’s particular religion as opposed to blindly “believing” what’s just being taught to them. Throughout this book, he will be using the bible as a primary source of reference to dispute the validity of the bible itself by showing that the bible is not factually nor spiritually correct.
An eye-opening read that allows readers to take a moment of their time to think and qualify the way they understand and accept their religion.
This book is available online and can be purchased at, and http://www.barnesandnoble.caom.
About the Author
Jerry Smith was born in Augusta, Georgia in 1951. Before he was two years old, his parents looked at him and realized that he had “promise”, so they moved him “Up-South” to the “Promised Land”. As a result, he grew up in the slums of Philadelphia and New York City. At 18, he enlisted into the United States Navy and after serving six years, he received an Honorable Discharge from the Navy.
He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW-Ga) and a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW-SC). He holds the following degrees: Master of Arts degree in Counseling, Bachelor of Arts degree in Behavioral Science, and an Associate of Arts degree in Psychology. He has worked extensively in both Georgia and South Carolina penitentiaries and jails providing mental health services to an array of incarcerated inmates, both males and females. He was also an Adjunct Professor of Social Sciences at Georgia Military College and Paine College. For more than two decades now, he has been in private practice, contracting with various agencies providing individual, family, marital, and addictions counseling to an array of clientele. He is an experienced life coach and motivational speaker on an array of topics.
His other books include It’s Time to Stop Blaming The White Man and It’s Still Time to Stop Blaming The White Man.
Christianity: The Real Deal! by Jerry Smith, M.A., LCSW, LMSW
Publication Date: October 20181 Comment
Posted on April 28, 2016 under Black African American Family, Education, History, Mental Health, Politics, Poverty Pimps

“I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.” Mother Harriet Tubman

“The True worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood.” Mother Mary McCloud Bethune

“We do not realize that the massive deaths of Black males constitute the genocide of Black people (as it takes Black males to make Black babies and ensure future Black generations).” ― Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors

From now on, I am dedicating all of my posts to Black African American females because a race can rise no higher than its’ women. Remember, a home is not built upon the ground, it is built upon a Woman.
As in all of my posts, UNDERLINED WORDS are links.
I thank all of my readers for patiently waiting for this post.
I recall a story about a new employee at a lumber company. This nineteen-year old robust Black African American man was eager to impress his new employer. The foreman paired him with a Black African American Elder, telling him that he was the best lumberjack he had ever hired.
This youngster looked at his Elder with a smug look, thinking to himself, “There is no way I’m going to let this “old” man out perform me. I have at least 80 lbs. of solid muscle on him.”
When the foreman left, his Elder tried to teach his youngster (I say “his youngster” because all children are ours)the art of cutting trees, but he would not have it, saying, “Old man, I know how to cut down trees so you best stay out of my way before you get hurt.”
With that, his Elder picked up his ax and began chopping down his first tree of the day. By the time his Elder finished cutting his first tree, his youngster had started on his third tree of the day, filling feeling “full of himself.” His Elder left for about fifteen minutes and returned to chop his second tree of the day.
After each tree his Elder cut, he’d leave for about fifteen minutes, while his youngster was chopping down one tree after another. At the end of the day, tired and totally exhausted, his youngster saw an unbelievable site – his Elder barely had a sweat and he had chopped down nearly twice as many trees.
With both embarrassment and great humility, his youngster approached him and politely asked, “Sir, how is it that you chopped down nearly twice as many trees as I when you took about a fifteen- minute break after every tree? His Elder replied, “Son, I wasn’t taking breaks, I was sharpening my ax!”
So, I say to my readers, I’ve not been taking a break, “I have been sharpening my ax!”

Last month, with great excitement I attended my first ASCAC conference (The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations) which was held at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Ga.

When I visited ASCAC’s website, unfortunately, they omitted their history, or founding members. I did not let that deter me, because as I often say, anything that you want to know is just a keystroke away.

Therefore, I went to Wikipedia and learned of the origin of ASCAC. Once there, I learned who the original founders of ASCAC were. Wikipedia states the following: “The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations was initially conceptualized and developed during the First Annual Ancient Egyptian Studies Conference in Los Angeles, California, on February 26, 1984, by venerated scholars:”
- John Henrik Clark
- Asa Grant Hilliard
- Leonard Jeffries
- Yosef Ben-Jochannan
- Maulana Karenga
- Jacob H. Carruthers

The two surviving founders of ASCAC are Baba Leonard Jeffries and Baba Maulana Karenga. Baba Karenga is also the founder of the Kwanzaa celebration.

In preparing to attend this conference, I was filled with excitement that I was finally going to have the honor of sitting at the feet of one of my mentors, Baba Leonard Jeffries and absorb some of his knowledge and wisdom.

Although, I received a treasure-trove of knowledge and wisdom from Baba Leonard Jefferies, the conference as a whole left me feeling distraught, because as we Black African Americans have been doing for the past 50 years, Baba James Brown said it very succinctly, “Talking Loud and Saying Nothing.”
The salient theme of this conference was, “Building for Eternity,” yet, there was a noticeable absence of young people in attendance. The majority of those attending the 33rd Annual ASCAC conference were ASCAC members, and most of whom were over 40, with the average age appearing to be about 50 years old.

Although this conference was held on the campus of historical Morehouse College, it took place during Spring Break. The rational for having it during Spring Break was so that many of the presenters, who were college professors could attend, which I found difficult to swallow because I know for a certainty that college professors attend various conferences while classes are in session.

Another explanation for holding this conference during Spring Break was so that space would be available on the campus, which again, does not make sense, because workshops are held on college campuses throughout the year, while students are in classes.

The third reason for holding this conference during Spring Break was because Morehouse did not charge ASCAC any money. Again, this does not make sense because Morehouse College could allow ASCAC to hold their conference anytime of the year and not charge them a dime.
As far as ASCAC being given access to Morehouse College free of charge did not benefit those of us who attended, nor did it benefit the vendors at all, because ASCAC still charged the attendees and the vendors the usual fee, according to the many vendors I spoke with.

In fact, by holding this conference during the Spring Break, there were many losers, including the vendors. The vendors lost because of the small turnout and few if any was able to recoup the fee that ASCAC charged them, let alone the total cost of their being there.

Most importantly, the students lost because of their not being able to hear the wisdom and teaching of Baba Leonard Jeffries, et al.

What I find most disheartening about conferences of this type in general and ASCAC in particular is that we are not doing anything to elevate Black African Americans. For instance, there was a lot of fanfare and praise about what the Black African Americans did in protest of Donald Trump’s rally in Chicago.

However, what has protesting against Donald Trump doing to stop the so-called “Black-on Black” violence in Chi-Raq? For that matter, what has ASCAC done to quell the genocidal violence that is decimating our race throughout America?

Furthermore, Morehouse College is located in the heart of one of Atlanta’s Black African American neighborhoods, which as you might imagine, is a blighted area. For the time being that is, because gentrification has already begun just a few blocks away and rapidly encroaching upon the entire area.

ASCAC’s “Purpose” can be found on its website, which is as follows: “provides a body of knowledge that continuously contributes to the rescue, reconstruction, and restoration of African history and culture. Our purpose is to promote the study of African civilizations for the development of an African world view. Our aim is to build African centered study groups and strengthen existing institutions. Our goal is to provide excellence in all dimensions of our association. Our strategy is to use our accumulated knowledge for the liberation of African people wherever they may be. Our commitment is to the truth. Our achievements and accomplishments will provide the resources necessary for ASCAC to grow and be recognized as a world class African organization.”

Where in this purpose does it say anything about the elevation/resurrection of Black African Americans morally, socially, economically, educationally or spiritually? What does it matter if we have knowledge of our glorious history, if we cannot feed ourselves?

For many of us, our worldview is limited by the boundaries of our impoverished neighborhoods and our immediate concerns are how will we be able to pay our bills when we are either underemployed, or unemployed?
The only institutions that seem to be strengthened by organizations like ASCAC, are the institutions designed to maintain Black African American poverty, illiteracy and self-sufficiency.

What has ASCAC, et al done in the past 33 years with their “accumulated knowledge” to liberate Black African Americans in particular and Black Africans throughout the Diaspora?
What are the “achievements and accomplishments” of ASCAC that have contributed to the growth of Black Africans throughout the Diaspora, particular those of us in America?

What ASCAC as well as most Black African American organizations fail to realize is that Black Africans throughout the Diaspora is looking at us for guidance. This is proven by how quickly Black Africans throughout the Diaspora will imitate Black African Americans.

For instance, during my research, I watched a segment of “Doctors Without Borders” and there was a sister in an African country who have been suffering with cataracts in both eyes that had blinded her for more than ten years. However, although she was unable to see, she had red braided extensions on her head.

It was evident that whoever braided her hair for her television debut, wanted her to “look her best” which was based entirely on Black African American women’s standard of beauty.
What are organizations like ASCAC doing to restore racial pride in Black Africans throughout the Diaspora?

Organizations such as ASCAC are doing an admirable job encouraging “Sankofa” which translates into “It is not wrong to go back for that which you have forgotten.” I for one am an avid student of our ancient as well as current history.

Because of this, I write my books as well as this blog. As Baba Booker T. Washington said in his “Atlanta Exposition Speech,” “Cast Down Your Buckets Where You Are.” If we want to bring about a change in our lives, we must become the change that we want to see happen.

“Black Lives Matter” will only matter when Black African American lives matter to us. Not until we stop raping, robbing and murdering one another, only then will we be able to stop others from doing these things to us.

I ask that should you read anything in my posts that you can factually show me is false, please do so immediately. Although I have made every effort to verify everything I write, I do make mistakes.

Oh, what a blessing it is that my people are so Gullible because they do not read, think or use Common Sense says the Pastors, Pimps and Politicians.3 Comments
Posted on March 27, 2016 under Addiction, Black African American Family, Education, History, Mental Health, Politics, Poverty Pimps, Religion

“I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.” Nana Harriet Tubman

“The True worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood.” Nana Mary McCloud Bethune

“We do not realize that the massive deaths of Black males constitute the genocide of Black people (as it takes Black males to make Black babies and ensure future Black generations).” ― Nana Frances Cress Welsing, The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors
From now on, I am dedicating all of my posts to Black African American females because a race can rise no higher than its’ women.
As in all of my posts, UNDERLINED WORDS are links.

Another year has come and Black Africans throughout the Diaspora are still searching for eggs that allegedly were laid by rabbits because we just can’t let go of the pagan ritual of Easter. Because of this, I am reposting this article that I wrote for Easter 2015 with a few modifications.

The other day, I found myself wondering why when I was growing up we always ate ham on Easter Sundays. As I always say, “Anything I/you want to know is just a keystroke away,” so I went “key-stroking” and found the answer, which is a mindblower.


If you choose to continue embracing your current Christian beliefs, I strongly advise you to close this post and not read another word and I mean this sincerely.

Failure to heed my warnings could result in your spiraling into a distressful mental state known as “cognitive-dissonance,” where your beliefs will clash with your behavior. Should this occur, you must immediately change your beliefs to fit your behavior or change your behavior to fit your beliefs to avoid serious psychiatric issues.

For your own sanity, you must change your perceptions or run the risk of questioning ALL of your beliefs about Christianity and your life.

If you choose to continue reading, John 8:32 (KJV) says: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

If you have read this far, read John 4:22 – 24 which says: “22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”

In August of 1984, I decided to read the Bible (all 66 Books ) from cover to cover, which took less than a month. A year later, I had read the entire Bible, six (6) consecutive times and I had far more questions than I had answered.

The biggest question of all was why Christians were engaging in non-scriptural activities? Not only were we celebrating activities that were not scripturally based, in many cases (such as Xmas trees) we were actually going against the scriptures.

Have you ever wondered where your most cherished beliefs about Christianity come from or why you do the things that you do?

How did you learn about your religion? Who taught you Christianity and who benefitted from your embracing it? Remember, the first Africans in the Americas were not Christians.

Have you learned anything new, since you first began attending church during childhood? Or, are you just echoing the same subjects year end and year out? Remember, if you repeat a lie often enough, you will eventually embrace it as truth.

How much new information can you get from your Pastor by hearing the same repetitious sermons?

Are you just attending church for entertainment purposes and to deify your Pimp/Pastor?

Do you ever question why Easter Sunday does not occur on the same date every year? What has the spring equinox to do with Jesus?

Who taught you to believe chocolate rabbits, colored eggs, hanging plastic eggs on trees, Easter baskets, Easter Bonnets, new clothes, going to church on Easter Sunday and Sunrise Services honor the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Have you read this in your Bible, or are these just childhood fables that you are passing on to your children?

A family was preparing their Easter feast and the wife asked the husband to go to the store and buy the ham, which he did. Upon his return, the wife asked why he did not have the butcher cut off the ends of the ham.
He replied, “Because you didn’t tell me to have the ends cut off.” She said, “You know I always have the ends of the ham cut off. This has always been our Easter tradition.”
He asked, “Why is that your Easter tradition? When I grew up, we didn’t have that tradition.” She replied, “I don’t know, my mother always had the ends of the ham cut off.” Since her mother was visiting for Easter, they decided to ask her why she always had the ends of the ham cut off.

They both went into the kitchen where her mother was helping the grandchildren dye Easter Eggs and asked her why she always had the ends of the ham cut off. She said, “Because my mother always had the ends of the ham cut off.” Since grandma was still alive and living in a Nursing Home, they decided to call her in hopes of solving this inter-generational mystery.
Once grandma answered her phone, the wife asked her why she always had the ends of the ham cut off. Grandma immediately replied, “Because my roaster was not big enough.”

My neighbor has hung plastic “Easter Eggs” on a tree in her front yard. As I drove pass a church the marquis was advertising the upcoming “Easter Egg Hunt,” causing me to reflect on many of my oldest religious questions.
I wanted to know where the tradition of eating ham on Easter came from, so I let my fingers do the walking and what I found, literally blew my mind.

I expected to find a credible connection between the celebration of Easter, with all of its trappings, the Bible and Jesus Christ. To my astonishment, Easter has absolutely nothing to do with the Bible, Jesus Christ or Christianity.

Going back to my childhood days of growing up in the church, I recall always wondering about the correlation between the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and a rabbit. I would also wonder about the relationship between a rabbit and an egg.

Once I learned about biology, I really became perplexed, because rabbits are mammals and the only two mammals that lay eggs are platypus and echidna.

Sadly, Christians engage in many ritualistic behaviors (like cutting the ends of the ham off) without having any idea why. The celebration of Easter is one of these ritualistic traditions where time has obscured the true reasons and origin for this celebration.

The strategy of the Roman Catholic Church (which is the origin of all Christian churches) is to send missionaries into foreign lands and enslave the minds of the citizens.

This is done by replacing “pagan” beliefs with Christian beliefs. The technique is to incorporate Christian beliefs and rituals into their “pagan” beliefs and rename their Deities. Read my post on the Panare Indians Crucifying Jesus.

Over time, whichever Deity the conquered people were worshiping prior to the arrival of Christian missionaries, the name would be gradually changed, and replaced by the Roman Catholic Deity known as Jesus Christ, while the “heathens/savages” continued engaging in their “pagan” rituals.

Consequently, the Roman Catholic Church replaced the “pagan” ritual of Easter with the Jewish “Passover,” and then changed that into the Resurrection of Jesus, while maintaining all of the “pagan” rituals of coloring eggs, rabbits laying eggs, and eating ham, etc.

1 Corinthians 15:12-14 says; “12 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: 14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain”

The foundation of Christianity is the belief that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and ascended into heaven on Easter Sunday. If you do not believe this, “…your faith is also in vain.” The word “Easter” appears in the Bible only once, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the resurrection of Christ.
Acts 12:4 KJV says in reference to Peter’s arrest, “And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.”

Having learned basic math in elementary school, I never could accept the story that the death of Jesus occurred on Friday and He arose three (3) days later, on Sunday. No matter how many times I count, Friday thru Sunday is only two days and not three days because Friday to Saturday is one day and Saturday to Sunday is two (2) days.
Furthermore, unless we look at a calendar, we do not know when Easter occurs from one year to the next. How is it possible to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on different days every year?

Simple, Easter originally had nothing to do with Jesus Christ.

Easter always, occur on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox, which can result in a 2-4 week difference in the date, from one year to another.

Christians throughout the world worship Easter Sunday as the resurrection day for Jesus, which has nothing to do with neither Jesus nor His resurrection. On the contrary, Biblically speaking, celebrating Easter in actuality is celebrating a pagan ritual.
In an effort to find the definition and origin of Easter, I had to go outside of the Bible, because there is absolutely no information on the definition of Easter in the text of the Bible.
After reading information from several sites, including: “The Plain Truth About EASTER.” I found out that Acts 12:4 referred to the pagan holiday established during the time of Nimrod, the grandson of the Biblical Noah.

According to the Bible, Nimrod built the “Tower of Babel” and began worshiping idols, including Moloch and the Sun-god Baal which were contrary to the teachings of Noah.

As the story goes, Cush, the son of Noah married Semiramis and they had a son, whom they named Nimrod. After the death of Cush, his wife Semiramis married their son Nimrod.
Genesis 10:9 says: “He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord.”

An enemy killed Nimrod, and cut his body into fourteen pieces and scattered them throughout his kingdom. This is a plagiarized version of the ancient Egyptian God Osiris.
Semiramis wanted to deify her husband/son Nimrod, so she created the myth that Nimrod ascended into heaven and became the “Sun-god” and people was to worship him as the God “Baal.”

Since you cannot have a god without a goddess, Semiramis deified herself by saying she ascended to the moon, which has a 28-day cycle and emits an egg at the end of that cycle. This egg fell to the earth and Semiramis hatched out of it and her name was changed to Ishtar (pronounced Easter); ergo, the “Easter Egg.”

Semiramis/Ishtar/Easter’s hatching occurred after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox, which at the time, occurred during the Jewish “Passover,” and she became the “Goddess of Fertility.” She was also known as the “Goddess of Spring and the Goddess of Prostitutes.”

Legend has it that Nimrod sent a “sun-ray” down to earth and immaculately impregnated Semiramis/Ishtar/Easter and she gave birth to their son who she named Tammuz. Like his father/brother Nimrod, Tammuz was also a mighty hunter and he loved rabbits.

While Tammuz was hunting for rabbits a wild boar (pig) killed him. His mother Semiramis/Ishtar/Easter became very distraught and mourned for her dead son Tammuz, as written in Ezekiel 8:4: “4 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord’s house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.”
Semiramis/Ishtar/Easter was walking through the forest mourning her loss, when she found an injured bird, which she healed in honor of her son Tammuz by transforming it into a rabbit.

She then decried that on the anniversary of her son Tammuz’s death, rabbits would lay colorful eggs.

The ancient Babylonians hid these eggs and the children would search for them. Today, children are given Easter baskets, with their colorful grass as symbolic representations of bird nests, or should I say, “Rabbit” nests.

To include adults during the celebration of Easter, naked women were painted, using various pastel colors, then they hid in the forest. Men would go “hunting” for them and when found, they would have sex, resulting in sexual orgies.

This is the origin of buying new Easter Bonnets and clothes for the Easter parade to church.

Semiramis/Ishtar/Easter mandated that everyone had to fast for forty days prior to the anniversary of Tammuz’s death, which is the Christian ritual of “Lent.”
After the fast, they placed virgins on the altar and the priests had sex with them. These former virgins gave birth nine months later.

Three months after birth, during the first full moon after the Spring Equinox, they brought their newborn babies back to the altar. The priests would then sacrifice these newborn babies in honor of the God Moloch (Allegedly this still occurs annually at the Bohemian Grove , in California, honoring the pagan God Moloch) and use their blood to color Semiramis/Ishtar/Easter’s eggs.

This is the origin of coloring eggs for Easter.

At the end of the forty-day fast (Lent), a celebration feast was held and because he was killed by a pig, on Semiramis/Ishtar/Easter Sunday, everyone would hold a feast with ham being the entrée; ergo, this is the origin of the “Easter Ham.”

In addition, they will serve hot cross buns in recognition of Tammuz.

Furthermore, because of the love Semiramis/Ishtar/Easter had for Tammuz, everyone had to end their prayer by making the sign of a “t” across their heart, as many Christians still do, believing they are making the sign of the “Cross.”

Finally, because Nimrod was transformed into Baal, the Sun-god, he is celebrated every Easter by Christians during their “Sunrise Services,” which is clearly an abomination to the teachings of the Bible.
Please do not blindly accept what I am saying. Go to my links, in addition to sites you randomly find and verify everything I have written for yourself.

I ask that should you read anything in my posts that you can factually show me is false, please do so immediately. Although I have made every effort to verify everything I write, I do make mistakes.

Oh, what a blessing it is that my people are so Gullible because they do not read, think or use Common Sense says the Pastors, Pimps and Politicians.3 Comments
Posted on March 10, 2016 under Addiction, Black African American Family, Criminal Industrial Complex, Education, Health, History

“I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.” Mother Harriet Tubman

“The True worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood.” Mother Mary McCloud Bethune

“We do not realize that the massive deaths of Black males constitute the genocide of Black people (as it takes Black males to make Black babies and ensure future Black generations).” ― Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors

From now on, I am dedicating all of my posts to Black African American females because a race can rise no higher than its’ women.
As in all of my posts, UNDERLINED WORDS are links.

Researchers are tracking the TV habits of various ethnic groups and they have concluded that Black African Americans watch TV an average of 5 hours and 11 minutes per day, which is two hours more than any other ethnic group. Compare this with Asian Americans averaging about three hours of TV daily.

The primary goal of television is “mass programming” through “Progaganda.” which is nothing more than “mind control.” Whoever controls your mind, will also control your behavior. Once your behavior is controlled, it becomes a piece of cake to control your body. Read my post on Baba Tom Burrell’s book, “Brainwashed.”

The secondary gain from television programming is M O N E Y! Commercial Networks the world over make their money by selling advertising to various sponsors. Consequently, these network executives’ main concern is the size of their audiences. Their emphasis is on budgets and revenues.

It costs on average nearly $3 million per episode to produce a television drama, yet the pilot could cost as much as $20 million. This money, as well as profits comes from the advertisers, who pay a fee based on the projected number of television viewers.

The cost to advertise on Grey’s Anatomy was $419,000.00 per commercial. The most expensive television ad I found was for Guinness beer. I do not drink alcohol, so after viewing, I had to research the ad to determine what they were advertising because the ad did not sufficiently identify the product.

Advertisers are only spending $2.4 billion of their $75 billion annual budget, targeting Black African Americans, which some say is a doggone shame because if they spent more, we would BUY MORE!

Nielsen researchers looked at the viewing patterns of Black African American households across America for over six months and then compiled their report, focusing on consumer buying power and spending.

We are nearly 45 million strong according to America’s Census Bureau and Nielsen researchers says Black African Americans currently have a $1 trillion buying power which is expected to reach $1.3 trillion dollars by next year, 2017. In addition, we are also the most aggressive consumers of media, we shop more frequently and our proclivity for consumption is greater than any other group in America.

Black African Americans watch 37% more television and we make eight times as many shopping trips. These marketing researchers are aware that Black African Americans earns less than any other American group; yet, our spending accounts for 87 percent of our total income.

Researchers say that we read 28% more magazines and spend twice as much time on “social media.” Black African Americans buy nine times more ethnic hair, grooming and beauty products; and we shop more than any other American group.

This has a lot to do with our self-hatred, so we radically change our natural beauty and buy more $tuff that is artificial. This way we can try (we will never be White) to have the appearance of White America’s standards of beauty.
I was in the dentist’s office the other day flipping through the latest Essence magazine. The first 64 pages contained nothing but total advertising.

Black African Americans spend more money in fast food restaurants than any other group, which accounts for the horrendous increase in our obesity, diabetes rates and other dietary related medical problems.

I am part of the television generation and I grew up watching a lot of it. Although it was not until the late sixties that we got our first color television, most of the actors and actresses still remained all White, including those in the commercials.

Growing up in the 1950s, if a Black African American appeared on TV (even a commercial) while someone was out of the living room, (we only had one TV) we’d excitedly call them and say, “Hurry up, there’s a Negro (we were Negroes then) on television. Even back then, comedy was king and we looked forward to watching “Amos ‘n Andy.”

I find it hypocritical that the NAACP considered “Amos ‘n Andy” too demeaning, yet, they have nothing but praises for “Good Times,” “House of Payne ,” or any of today’s Blaxploitation Sitcoms, Reality Shows, BET Programs, Religious Infomercials, or Dramas etc.

According to the 2013 Nielsen Report Black African Americans watch substantially more TV (two hours more) than any other group in America. At the time of this report, the top TV shows were Reality TV and Scandal. I am sure, “Empire” is now included in this ranking.

The network channels still do not feature too many Black African American casts and the cable channel emphasis is on “reality shows” like the Real Housewives of Atlanta , Real Husbands of Hollywood, and Love & Hip-Hop, ect.

Unfortunately we have become so brainwashed by the media that we fail to see there is nothing “real” for most Black African Americans in these so-called “reality shows,” because they are only fantasies.

In fact, I categorize all of these “reality shows” as “minstrel shows.” They are nothing more than a whole lot of degrading buffoonery ( “A ludicrous or bumbling person; a fool”) which is to our detriment as a race because we become what we are being programmed to think about.

By thinking of them as “reality shows,” we wholeheartedly embrace them as such. Consequently, many of us fantasize about taking on the persona of our favorite “reality” star.
Baba Amos Wilson said; “Fantasies prevents us from seeing reality and dealing with reality.”

While working in a maximum-security penitentiary, I walked into the break room where several Black African American women were talking. They were so animated and engaged in their conversation about Pastors, I thought it might have been someone I knew. As I listened further, to my astonishment, they were talking about the Pimps on “The Preachers of LA.”

In researching for this post, I watched the “House of Payne” while exercising and in one thirty minute episode, I counted two commercial breaks each consisting of ten (10) separate commercials. Furthermore, I was acutely aware of the “canned laughter,” or “laugh track” (recorded laughter) throughout the episode.
“Canned laughter/laugh tracks” operates just like a yawn. When many of us see someone yawning, we will spontaneously yawn also and jokingly say, “Yawning is contagious.”

Laughter has the same effect; therefore, if we are laughing while watching these minstrel shows, we will easily convince ourselves that we truly enjoyed it. As BET’s Mantra says, “WE GOT YOU!”

These marketing researchers even know that Black African Americans spend most of our TV time viewing BET, VH1, TV One, Bounce TV and Centric, all of which have a lot of reality shows.

If this is not “mind control,” I don’t know what is. Especially in light of the fact that many of us sleep with our TV sets on, saying, “I can’t sleep without noise.”

While researching this post, I became aware that Brother Martin Luther King III and Baba Andrew Young are two of the owners of “Bounce TV.”

Lets go to the movies now. According to BET Network’s “Reel Facts” 80% of all movies Black African Americans flock to see do not have predominantly Black African American casts.

Our viewing preferences are comedies (minstrel shows), action films and romance stories in this order. Therefore, we are an extremely valuable patron because if Hollywood makes it, Black African Americans will pay dearly to see it.

In spite of the fact that Sister Zoe Saldana is currently facing some flak for her portrayal of legendary singer Nana Nina Simone, Black African Americans will be flocking to the theaters on opening day.

According to this study, the top five key characteristics of African-American moviegoers are;
“1. Extreme Movie Buffs—African-Americans have no problem making that trek to the movies, accounting for 195 million trips to the movie theaters annually.

2. High Engagement and Receptivity—African-Americans see TV as the most influential medium to capture their attentions. The top three movie info resources valued highly by REEL Facts’ respondents are TV commercials (65 percent), in-theater movie trailers (55 percent) and family/friend recommendations (54 percent).

3. Repeat Viewers—62 percent of Black moviegoers admit to seeing movies they like multiple times, accounting for an additional $513 million in additional revenue to movie studio coffers.

4. Movie Goers Have “Platinum Shine”—On average, African-Americans are the most avid movie patrons, going to the movies more than two times per month and a minimum of 28 times a year.

5. Digital Techies—African-Americans are digitally inclined and consume heavy amounts of all types of media: 67 percent own desktop/laptop computers; 62 percent are heavy online users (11-plus hours weekly); 64 percent are gaming or music video enthusiasts; and 37 percent are heavy TV/DVR viewers.

Arbitron Black Radio Today 2013 estimates that 92% of Black African American consumers, from 12 years old and up are daily radio listeners, which they say, “is a reliable media companion of Black consumers.”

This study found that four out of nine formats specifically target Black African American audiences, earning 58% of Black African American listeners nationwide.

The ordering of these four formats are: Gospel (getting 93% of listeners), Urban Adult Contemporary, Urban Contemporary and Contemporary Inspirational.
I close with the following quote from our ancestor Baba Amos Wilson:

“When we get into social amnesia – into forgetting our history – we also forget or misinterpret the history and motives of others as well as our motives. The way to learn of our own creation, how we came to be what we are, is getting to know ourselves.

It is through getting to know the self intimately that we get to know the forces that shaped us as a self. Therefore knowing the self becomes a knowledge of the world. A deep study of Black History is the most profound way to learn about the psychology of Europeans and to understand the psychology that flows from their history.

If we don’t know ourselves, not only are we a puzzle to ourselves; other people are also a puzzle to us as well. We assume the wrong identity and identify ourselves with our enemies. If we don’t know who we are then we are whomever somebody tells us we are.”

“The late Dr. Amos N. Wilson, an Afrocentric psychologist (The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness, Afrikan World InfoSystems, New York (1993) p. 38)”

I ask that should you read anything in my posts that you can factually show me is false, please do so immediately. Although I have made every effort to verify everything I write, I do make mistakes.

Oh, what a blessing it is that my people are so Gullible because they do not read, think or use Common Sense says the Pastors, Pimps and Politicians.2 Comments
Posted on March 1, 2016 under Black African American Family, Education, History, Mental Health, Movies, Politics, Poverty Pimps, Religion

“I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.” Mother Harriet Tubman

“The True worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood.” Mother Mary McCloud Bethune

“We do not realize that the massive deaths of Black males constitute the genocide of Black people (as it takes Black males to make Black babies and ensure future Black generations).” ― Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors

From now on, I am dedicating all of my posts to Black African American females because a race can rise no higher than its’ women.
As in all of my posts, UNDERLINED WORDS are links.

On May 16, 1929, White American Actors and Actresses created the Academy Awards, or “Oscars,” for White American Actors and Actresses. It has since become the premier annual performance hosted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

The winners in the various categories receive a statuette, officially called “The Academy Award of Merit.” The nickname of this statuette is “Oscar.” Legend has it that Bette Davis named the statuette “Oscar“ after her first husband Harmon Oscar Nelson, when she was president of the Academy.
I would estimate that tens of millions of people watched last night’s airing of the 88th Academy Awards and I am certain that millions of these viewers were Black African Americans in general and Black African American women in particular.

In spite of all of the negative hoopla surrounding the absence of Black African American actors being nominated, we still watched. Although some Black African Americans were demanding that Black African American actors boycott attending and Brother Chris Rock refuse to “Host” it, millions of Black African Americans were glued to their TV sets “oohing and awing” at all of the “White glamorous people.”

In 1939 Nana Hattie McDaniel was the first Black African American female, as well as the oldest winner (44 y/o) and the first person of African ancestry to win an Academy Award. She appeared in more than 300 films, although she only received screen credits for about 80.

Nana Hattie has two Stars on Hollywood Walk of Fame , one for her radio career and the other for her movie career.

There was intense competition for the role of “Mammy” in the movie “Gone With The Wind” and was nearly as intense as it was for the role of “Scarlet O’Hara.” So much so, that “First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt” wrote the film producer, asking that he select her maid, Elizabeth McDuffie for the role. Although Ms. McDuffie did not have any acting experience, she had numerous years of “on-the-job” training as a maid.

It is said that Clark Gable interjected his preference for Nana McDaniel Hattie and she arrived at the audition wearing a “maid’s uniform” and received the part.

The premier showing of “Gone With The Wind” occurred on December 15, 1939 at the Lowe’s Grand theater on Peachtree Street in Atlanta. Nana Hattie’s role as “Mammy” was considered “Too familiar” for the racist standards of the south because of the way she spoke to Whites in particular and the character “Scarlet O’Hara” in general.

Because of this violation of southern “Jim Crow” standards, all of the Black African American actors and actresses were barred from attending and their names were excluded from all advertisement and souvenir programs.
As a consolation, Nana Hattie was permitted to attend Hollywood’s premier thirteen days later on December 28, 1939 and her picture was included in the souvenir program.

Not only did Nana Hattie have to contend with racism and “Jim Crow” she also had to put up with the ignorance of Walter White and the NAACP.

Remember, the NAACP was formed to steer Black African Americans away from Baba Marcus Garvey and the “Universal Negro Improvement Association.”

Walter White called Nana Hattie an “Uncle Tom”, for perpetuating White racist stereotypes, which reflects his total ignorance because the character “Uncle Tom” in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” is actually a hero to the other enslaved Black African Americans. When a trader to the Black African American race are called “Uncle Tom,” you are actually insulting “Uncle Tom.”

Nana Hattie responded by saying, “Why should I complain about making $700 a week playing a maid? If I didn’t, I’d be making $7 a week being one.”
On February 29, 1940, Nana Hattie delivered the following acceptance speech:

“Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, fellow members of the motion picture industry and honored guests: This is one of the happiest moments of my life, and I want to thank each one of you who had a part in selecting me for one of their awards, for your kindness. It has made me feel very, very humble; and I shall always hold it as a beacon for anything that I may be able to do in the future. I sincerely hope I shall always be a credit to my race and to the motion picture industry. My heart is too full to tell you just how I feel, and may I say thank you and God bless you.”
By the way, she and her guest were segregated during the entire presentations at a table for two.

James Baskett was the first Black African American male to receive an Oscar, howbeit an “Honorary Oscar for his performance as Uncle Remus in the Song of the South in 1948. This gesture was designed to appease Black African American movie goers.

Baba Sidney Poitier was the first Black African American male actor nominated for an Academy Award for his role in “The Defiant Ones,” in 1958. This is the movie where he was chained to Tony Curtis as escaped inmates and Baba Sidney’s character “Noah” sacrifices his freedom to go back to prison with Tony Curtis character “Joker.” The end of the movie finds Joker’s head nestled on Noah’s chest while Noah sings to him with the posse and bloodhounds approaching.

In 1963, Baba Sidney Poitier was the first Black African American male to win an Oscar for “Best Actor,” and the youngest at age 37 for he the in thovie movie “Lilies of the Field.”

Baba Sidney plays Homer Smith, a homeless “handyman” driving an old station wagon with mechanical problems. As he crosses the Arizona desert, he comes upon a farm operated by German Nuns and ask for water for his car. After getting the water, he is persuaded to do a “small roof repair” by the “Mother Superior.” Homer begins working for the Nuns, expecting to be paid cash, yet, they never pay him. They learned well from the slave owners.

In lieu of being paid money for his labors, the “Mother Superior” gives him a Bible quote, “Sermon on the Mount” instead. Ergo, the movie title, “Lilies of the Field.”
In essence, the scriptwriter is saying that although Black African American males may have skills, they are not worthy of a “real” job, wages, nor a home, as Homer sleeps in his car.
In addition to laboring for no money for these White German Nuns, Homer also gets a paying job and uses his money to feed these White German Nuns, by buying them groceries.

At the conclusion of the movie, Homer built a church for these White German Nuns and teach them how to sing the “Negro Spiritual,” Amen, as he cranks up his station wagon and continues his nomadic journey.

After all, it would be improper for Homer, a Black African American to put down stakes and live with these White German women, even if they are Nuns. His duties as a servant was finished, it was time for him to continue his nomadic travels.

In 1982, nearly twenty years later, Baba Louis Gossett, Jr. became the second Black African American male recipient of White Hollywood’s most prestigious award, the Oscar. He won the Oscar for “Best Supporting Actor” in his role as Gunnery Sergeant Emil Foley in the movie, “An Officer and a Gentleman.”
Zachary “Zack” Mayo (Richard Gere) arrives at Naval Officer Candidate School (OCS) and encounters Gunnery Sergeant Emil Foley, who makes his life a living hell, in hopes of making turning him into an excellent Naval Officer and a Gentleman.

Of course, thirteen week weeks later, “Zack” is graduates as an Ensign in the U. S. Navy and now outranks his teacher, Gunnery Sergeant Emil Foley, who now has to salute the new Ensign every time he sees him.

In 1989, Brother Denzel Washington became the first Black African American male to receive two Best Supporting Actors. One for his role as Pvt. Silas Trip in the movie “Glory.” Pvt. Trip is an escaped slave who joined the Union Army.

Although Pvt. Trip does not expect things to get better for “Negroes” if the North wins the Civil War, he joins, “just in case.” Of course, racism is rampant in the Union Army and Pvt. Trip ultimately beaten for going goes AWOL in hopes of finding shoes. Upon his return, he is beaten under the orders of the White Northern Officer, Col. Robert Shaw, which Pvt. Trip endures without making a sound.
As the scriptwriters would have it, Col. Shaw earns the respect of Pvt. Trip, and they both are killed in the same battle.

Sister Whoopie Goldberg became the second Black African American actress to win the coveted Oscar in 1990 playing the role of “Ode Mae Brown” in the movie “Ghost.” This was the highest grossing movie in 1990, costing $22 million to make and grossing over $505.7 million at the box office.

The plot centered around Patrick Swayze’s character “Sam Wheat,” a banker killed by a mugger and his girlfriend, played by Demi Moore’s character “Molly Jensen.” In actuality, Sam’s death was a failed attempt at preventing him from finding out about some banking improprieties.

Sister Whoopie Goldberg’s character “Ode Mae Brown” is a con artist posing as a “medium” who can actually hear Sam. Now she must assist Sam in convincing Molly that she is in danger from Sam’s former business partner “Carl Bruner” played by Tony Goldwyn.
In the end, the bad guys die and go to “Hell” and the good guy, Sam, says his final farewell to Molly then climbs the stairway to Heaven.
I did not see this movie, so there is nothing I can say about it.

In 1996, Brother Cuba Gooding, Jr. became the youngest Black African American male to win an Oscar for his role as Rod Tidwell in the movie, “Jerry Maguire.”

Jerry Maguire who is played by Tom Cruise decides to go it alone as a “Sports Management” agent and pursues Cuba’s character “Rod Tidwell.” Of course, Tom Cruise has to have a leading lady, who is Renee Zellweger, whom he ends up with at the end of the movie, along with his money-maker, “Rod Tidwell.”
I never saw the movie, so I don’t have any more to say about it.

In 2004, Baba Morgan Freeman became the oldest Black African American to win an Oscar at age 67 for his role as “Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris” in “Million Dollar Baby.”
The Plot is about Hillary Swank’s character Maggie showing up in Clint Eastwood’s character, “Frankie Dunn’s” boxing gym wanting him to help her become a professional boxer and he refuses.

Baba Morgan Freeman’s character, “Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris” naturally comes to her aid and helps her win the support of Frankie. “Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris” also narrates most of the movie, which is why he won his Oscar.

Brother Jamie Foxx became the first Black African American to receive two Oscar nominations in the same year in 2004 for his roles in “Collateral” and “Ray.” He received the Oscar for portraying Baba Ray Charles in the movie “Ray.”

Brother Jamie did an excellent job telling the world the story of Baba Ray Charles.

In 2006, Sister Jennifer Hudson breaks all kinds of records in her role as Effie White in the motion picture “Dream Girls.” She became the first Black African American actor (male or female) to win an Oscar for her first acting performance.

She also became the youngest Black African American actress to win an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress at age 25 and this was also the first film featuring two Black African American actors for Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress. Sister Jennifer also became the first Black African American actor to win an Oscar for a musical film.
The film is based on the rise of Motown and The Supremes. It had an $80 million budget, which was the most expensive film with an all Black African American cast. The box office receipts grossed over $154 million, which proved to be a very wise investment.
The plot follows the rise and fall of a girl group during the 60s and 70s, ultimately leading to its breakup and a solo career, resulting in stardom for one of its singers.
I didn’t see this movie, so there is nothing I can say about it.

Brother Forest Whitaker; won his Oscar in 2006 portraying Baba Idi Amin in the movie “The Last King of Scotland.” This was a fictional account depicting Baba Idi Amin as a despicable and barbaric African dictator who violently seized control of his country Uganda.
The movie centers around James McAvoy’s character “Nicholas Garrigan” arriving in Uganda, recently graduating from medical school. He is summoned to treat President Amin’s injuries resulting from a car accident and while there, takes the initiative to shot an injured cow, putting it out of its’ misery.
Of course, this impresses President Amin, who appoints Nicholas as his personal physician and puts him in charge of modernizing Uganda’s health care system. Keep in mind that once in office, the real President Amin ousted all non-Ugandans from his country.

Needless to say, Nicholas meets and “falls in love” with one of President Amin’s wives “Kay” (played by Kerry Washington) and impregnates her. She begs him to abort the fetus and he reluctantly agrees.
He is called away the day he is suppose to perform the abortion, resulting in President Amin finding out about her infidelity and dismembering her, laying her remains on an autopsy table.
Nicholas is furious and decides to kill President Amin with poison and end his murderous reign. One of President Amin’s soldiers discovers Nicholas’ intentions and tortures him, leaving him lying on the floor to die.
Here comes Nicholas’ medical colleague, Dr. Junju (played by David Oyelowo) to the rescue, sacrificing his own life to save that of a White man and the movie ends with Nicholas flying off into the sunset.

This movie is a typical rendition of the White races fears, as well as their lust for Black African women anywhere in the Diaspora. It also depicts how Black Africans throughout the Diaspora will give up their own lives to save the life of one White man.

Mo’Nique starred in the 2009 movie “Precious” where she played the role of Mary Lee Johnston, the abusive mother of her daughter “Claireece Precious Jones,” which was played by Gabourey Sidibe.

“Sixteen year old “Precious” has one son, named “Mongo” which is short for “Mongoloid” (aka-Downs Syndrome) who is living with her maternal grandmother, but Mary is still claiming that he is living with her in order to cheat the Welfare Dept.
Precious is again raped and impregnated by her stepfather and continues to suffer the physical and emotional abuse from her mother. After the birth of her second child, everything comes out and the movie ends with “Precious” walking down a New York street with both of her children. The scriptwriter does not tell you where they will live, nor how their lives turn out.

In November 2009, Sister Mo’Nique said, “I own the rights to Hattie McDaniel‘s life story, and I can’t wait to tell that story, because that woman was absolutely amazing. She had to stand up to the adversity of black and white [society] at a time when we really weren’t accepted. Mr. Lee Daniels is going to direct it, of course, and I’m going to be Miss Hattie McDaniel. I really hope I can do that woman justice.”
I have not seen this movie, therefore, I don’t have anything to add.

Sister Octavia Spencer starred in the 2011 film, “The Help.” Her character was a maid by the name of “Minnie Jackson.” This was the third film to feature Black African American nominees for both Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress.

This is not your typical movie about Black African American Mississippi “Maids.” These Sisters have a lot of pride and although ahead of their time (movie wise) they followed the lyrics of Baba James Brown and get got some “Payback.”

In 2013, Sister Lupita Nyong’o became the first Black African (Kenyan) actress to be nominated, the first Black African to win in any category and the second Black African actress to win for a debut performance.

She achieved these history-making feats in her debut film, “12 Years a Slave,” an adaptation of the 1853 Slave Narrative of Solomon Northup who was born free, kidnapped and sold into slavery in 1841, where he suffered the degradation and brutality of American slavery.

Sister Lupita’s character “Patsey” brought tears to my eyes as I watched the beating she received for slipping off to another plantation to obtain a piece of soap to cleanse herself of the filth of being raped and ravaged by the plantation owner Edwin Epps.

The following is taken from Wikipedia and I strongly encourage you to go to the link and listen to Sister Lupita’s heart-rendering speech: “Nyong’o resides in Brooklyn.[60] She is fluent in Spanish, Luo, English, and Swahili.[20] On February 27, 2014, at the Essence Black Women In Hollywood luncheon in Beverly Hills, she gave a speech on the beauty of black women and talked about the insecurities she had as a teenager. She said her views changed when she saw South Sudanese supermodel Alek Wek become successful.[61] She mentioned receiving the following letter from a girl she had inspired in turn: “I was just about to buy Dencia’s Whitenicious cream to lighten my skin when you appeared on the world map and saved me.” — Lupita Nyong’o quoting a letter written to her by an unidentified little girl from Africa[62]

Brother Denzel Washington was the second Black African American male to receive an Oscar for “Best Actor” in 2001 for the movie “Training Day,” which at the time, I regarded as the worst movie I ever seen him in. I thought his role in “Flight” was the worst ever because of the message at the end, where he is sitting in prison saying, “Being here is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

The movie is about a day in the life of two LAPD detectives. Brother Denzel’s role as “Alonzo Harris” a corrupt drug-using LAPD narcotics Detective assigned to train a White American rookie detective “Jake Hoyt” played by Ethan Hawke. At the end of the movie, “Alonzo” is murdered and “Jake” walks into the sunset, the consummate hero.

Another Oscar record was broken the same time Brother Denzel won his, when Sister Halle Berry became only the second Black African American female to win an Oscar, making this the first time two Black African Americans won in leading roles the same year.

Sister Halle Berry played “Leticia Musgrove” in “Monster’s Ball, along with Billy Bob Thornton (Hank) as the leading actor. The plot of this movie is that Leticia’s husband Lawrence (Sean Comb) is on death row in Georgia awaiting eminent execution.

After the execution of Leticia’s husband Lawrence, their son Tyrell (Coronji Calhoun), who Leticia has been physically and mentally abusing for being obese is murdered by a hit and run driver. While still on the side of the road, Hank arrives and with hesitation decides to take them to the hospital where Tyrell dies. (Note: Both Black African American male characters are killed in this film.)

Leticia and Hank eventually gets drunk and they engage in explicit sex scenes, resulting in the two of them shacking-up and sitting on the back porch eating ice cream.
There were absolutely no culturally redeeming or educational benefits in this movie. What it portrayed at the unconscious level was that a White American man can be a devout racist and directly involved in the execution of a Black African American man and his Black African American wife will give herself to his executioner.
As the saying goes for White American males, “You’re not a man until you’ve had sex with a Black girl.”

When asked why she turned down the role of “Leticia Musgrove,” Sister Angela Bassett told Newsweek, I wasn’t going to be a prostitute on film, I couldn’t do that because it’s such a stereotype about black women and sexuality.”
To date, there has only been twelve (thirteen if you count Brother Denzel winning twice) Black African American recipients and one Honorary recipient of White America’s coveted Oscar. Every year, Black African Americans are disappointed at the scarcity of Black African Americans winners and every year it is the “same-old-same-o.”
What is even worse, none of these thirteen movies (with the exception of “Ray”) had and a socially positive impact on the Black Africans in general or Black African Americans in particular. In fact, with the exception of “Ray,”all of them depicted Black Africans throughout the Diaspora in a subservient, docile, sadistic, animalistic and criminal manner.

The Academy of Motion Pictures do not have to do anything differently because they know that we are going to flock to the box offices by the millions to watch White actors and actresses perform in predominantly all White casts and complain about the lack of Black African American representation.

My definition of “STUPIDITY” is doing the exact same thing over-and-over and expecting a totally different outcome! If Black African Americans want anything to change, we must become the change that we want to see happen.

When we begin flocking to “OUR” theaters to see socially redeeming movies created at “OUR” studios, directed by “OUR” directors, financed by “OUR” investors and bankers, and performed by “OUR” actors and actresses, what White Hollywood do for White American actors and actresses will be of no consequence to us.
Until then, be of good cheer Black African America, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), “promise” to become more diversified in their nominations by 2020.

I ask that should you read anything in my posts that you can factually show me is false, please do so immediately. Although I have made every effort to verify everything I write, I do make mistakes.

Oh, what a blessing it is that my people are so Gullible because they do not read, think or use Common Sense says the Pastors, Pimps and Politicians.Leave a comment
Posted on February 21, 2016 under Black African American Family, Book Reviews, Education, Health, History, Mental Health, Politics, Poverty Pimps, Religion

“I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.” Mother Harriet Tubman

“The True worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood.” Mother Mary McCloud Bethune

“We do not realize that the massive deaths of Black males constitute the genocide of Black people (as it takes Black males to make Black babies and ensure future Black generations).” ― Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors

From now on, I am dedicating all of my posts to Black African American females because a race can rise no higher than its’ women.
As in all of my posts, UNDERLINED WORDS are links.

Although evidence abound that “Willie Lynch’s” letter is fictitious, just like the Bible (Gal 4:24), it is indeed a thought-provoking allegory.
Whether “true” or “false,” beginning in the 1960s, the Willie Lynch Manifesto has been in full force against Black Africans throughout the Diaspora, especially Black African Americans.

The lynchpin to the successful implementation of this re-enslavement manifesto has been to divide and conquer as America did to Black African Americans with COINTELPRO, beginning in the 1960s. Under the Willie Lynch manifesto, the primary target has always been Black African American females.

During slavery, Black African female slaves were powerless because of the physical and mental castration of Black African male slaves. She could not marry or develop any meaningful relationships with Black African males therefore; she had to fend for herself and her children (if allowed to keep them). The goal was the destruction of Black African families.

After destroying her positive image of a Black African male protector, the slave owners replaced him with a fictitious White male protector named Jesus. By accepting Jesus as her new protector, Black African female slaves were programmed to put all of their trust and hope in Jesus’ hands, with the understanding that they would receive their true rewards in Heaven when they died.
Until death, these gullible and ignorant Black African female slaves were to trust their enslavers (Masters) to meet their every need, which included physical, mental, and yes, sexual needs.

In 1965, the height of the third Black African American renaissance, (the Reconstruction Era 1863 – 1877 was the first, followed by the Harlem Renaissance spanning the 1920s), AKA, “The Civil Rights Era,” (1954-1968) was at its zenith.

The Civil Rights Era abruptly ended with the assassination of Baba Martin Luther King, Jr. at the hands of our White American governmental leaders.

. President Lyndon B. Johnson commissioned Senator Patrick Moynihan to devise a new Slave Manifesto, which he designed to destroy the Black African American family structure, by forcing Black African American fathers out of their homes. Our females and mothers were again, left to fend for themselves.

As a Black African American who is single, many Black African American females say to me, “I want a GOD fearing man.” When I ask what does that mean, they say, “A man who loves the Lord and who puts GOD first in their lives. A man who belongs to a church and attends regularly and if he does not currently belong to a church, he is willing to join mine.”

In response, I typically will tell them of my knowledge of religion, having read the Bible (KJV) six (6) consecutive times from cover-to-cover and most importantly the fact that I am not a follower like processionary caterpillars.

Therefore, I would be willing to get involved again in the church with the understanding that I am not a “pew/bench warmer.” For me to become involved in church again, my goal would be to become a Preacher and ultimately a Pastor.

To a woman, they are adamantly opposed to my going back into the pulpit as a Preacher/Pastor. Most will say they do not want to become a Pastor’s wife because they know how desperate women in the congregation throw themselves at Pastors.

What they are really telling me is, “I already have a Pastor who is the spiritual head of my life and I don’t need another one because I can’t serve two masters.
I just want you to come to church with me and sit next to me during service, unless I am in the choir, ushering or performing some other duty that Pastor might need me to do.” If I agreed to go along with this, then we could become as “freaky” as we wanted, at least, she could.
For instance, what do you think would happen if during the act of sexual intercourse, I would yell out, “Oh Mary, Oh Mary” when her name might be Brenda?

You got it, if I am on top, she would immediately find the strength to throw me out of the bed, put her hands on her hips, engage her “chicken neck” and begin to spout a diatribe, calling me everything except the “child of GOD.”
She would then gain support from all of her female friends once she told them and I am sure she already has the support of most of my female readers.

Let me put everything in perspective for you by asking my female readers a question. How many of you while having sex, have yelled out, “Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus?”

Why is it that you can yell the name of Jesus and I cannot yell Mary, his mother’s name during the height of my sexual passion? Hmmm!

I often wonder how women Preachers and Pastors cope with their cognitive dissonance about the Bible admonishing them not to speak in the church. Especially when they are told in 1Cor: 14:34 – 35 34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.
35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

I volunteered at an “Inner City” school a few years ago and a 5th grade female student said to me in class, for all to hear, “Mr. Smith, my mommy wants me to learn to speak in tongues.” Of course, I simply ignored her without responding and continued with my lessons.
When we met, two days later, her girlfriend said, “Mr. Smith, _______ can speak in tongues; go ahead and show him.” This child of about eleven years old began babbling some gibberish, which she believed was “speaking in tongues.”

The average Christian is clueless about what it means to “speak in tongues.” “Speaking in tongues” is when you walk into a room where there are, let’s say, twenty other people already there and everyone of them speak and understand a different language/tongue. You begin speaking and each one of them hear, and understand you in their native language/tongue, yet, you do not speak any of their languages/tongues.
The miracle is that you only speak your language/tongue and each of the twenty only speaks their language/tongue, yet they hear and understand what you are saying in their native language/tongue.

Furthermore, the Bible says in 1Cor 14:27-28: 27 If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret.
28 But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.

Here again, Willie Lynch’s manifesto is to target Black African female children in general and Black African American female children in particular because America sets the tempo for the rest of the world to follow. By the time these girls grow into adulthood, they have become totally “Brainwashed“ into embracing the delusion of Christianity.

She in turn will also teach her daughters how to “speak in tongues.” Since any woman can get her man (repeat, her man) to do anything she wants him to do, he too will learn to “speak in tongues.”

I am extremely knowledgeable in hypnosis. Furthermore, when I began college in California in 1976, this was at the height of American “Cults” and I learned how to recognize “Cults” and deprogram “Cult” members.

Today’s Black African American churches employ mass hypnosis through the form of their “praise teams and musical bands.” Members of these “praise teams” are typically dressed in flowing garments and they wave flowing banners/streamers, along with a lot of movement and trance-inducing music.

When they finish and “Pastor” begins, many of the female congregants are on their feet, distraught with emotional pain and crying uncontrollably. This is exactly what “Pastor” wants because once you become overwhelmed with emotion, all of your logic and reason shuts down, and you become easy “prey.”

You must read Sister Deborrah Cooper’s liberating book, “The Black Church Where Women Pray and Men Prey.”
Numerous Black African American women have asked me to explain to their satisfaction why I call Preachers and Pastors “Pimps.”

Growing up in the slums of North Philadelphia I saw many Pimps and knew exactly how they earned their living. In fact, I read most, if not all of “Iceberg Slim’s” books and at one time, I even fantasized about becoming a Pimp.

Back in the day, I’d look on the street corners and see Pimps wearing flashy clothes and jewelry, had processed hair, fancy cars and exotic women who gave them plenty of their hard-earned money.

Today, I go into many churches and look in the pulpits to see men wearing flashy clothes and jewelry, processed hair, driving fancy cars and have a lot of exotic women at their beck and call giving them their hard-earned money and we call them Pastor.

There are more single Black African American women in church than there are men, yet most of their Pastors are men. The Pastor constantly admonishes his congregation (mostly women) to bring visitors to church.

However, he will admonish them to seek out only “God fearing men,” by telling them that they must not be, “unequally yoked.”

I recently heard a White American female character in a movie say, “I know you people are religious, because Black people loves themselves some religion.”

“In the church however, the Negro has had sufficient freedom to develop this institution in his own way; but he has failed to do so. His religion is merely a loan from the whites who have enslaved and segregated the Negroes; and the organization, though largely an independent Negro Institution, is dominated by the thought of the oppressors of the race. The “educated” Negro minister is so trained as to drift away from the masses and the illiterate preachers into whose hands the people inevitably fall are unable to develop a doctrine and procedure of their own. The dominant thought is to make use of the dogma of the whites as means to an end. Whether the system is what it should be or not, it serves a purpose.

In chameleon-like fashion, the Negro has taken up almost everything religious which has come along instead of thinking for himself. ―Baba Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro

I will remain single and alone before I become a “GOD fearing man.”
I ask that should you read anything in my posts that you can factually show me is false, please do so immediately. Although I have made every effort to verify everything I write, I do make mistakes.

Oh, what a blessing it is that my people are so Gullible because they do not read, think or use Common Sense says the Pastors, Pimps and Politicians.1 Comment
Posted on February 15, 2016 under Black African American Family, Education, History, Mental Health, Politics, Poverty Pimps, Religion

“I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.” Mother Harriet Tubman

“The True worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood.” Mother Mary McCloud Bethune

“We do not realize that the massive deaths of Black males constitute the genocide of Black people (as it takes Black males to make Black babies and ensure future Black generations).” ― Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors

From now on, I am dedicating all of my posts to Black African American females because a race can rise no higher than its’ women.
As in all of my posts, UNDERLINED WORDS are links.

Although yesterday was “Valentine’s Day,” I chose not to post this article until today because my mind was focused on my next article.
I can vividly recall my being programmed/indoctrinated into celebrating “Valentine” in the first grade. My White American female teacher had her Black African American students drawing pictures of her perceptions of hearts and cutting them out and hanging them on the walls.
We were also programmed/indoctrinated to ask our parents to buy bags of “Valentine” cards and exchange them with our opposite sex peers and asking, “Will you be my Valentine?” As I grew older, it became the norm that at least two people in my life (my mother and my girlfriend) would always get a “Valentine” and a minimum of three gifts – a card, chocolate candy and flowers.

Ester A. Howland, a White American female entrepreneur received a Valentine card and realized she could make a fortune by selling them in her father’s bookstore. By the 1850s, she had cornered the American market.

Today, Valentine’s Day is a “cash cow,” second only to Christmas in the number of cards, flowers, candy and jewelry sold. In fact, 25% of all Greeting Cards sold in America are for Valentine’s Day.

During the 1980s, the diamond industry came on board and declared; “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend,” and foolish men failed to hear the real message. If the “diamond” is your girl’s best friend, what were you, “her second best friend?”
Last year, Valentine’s Day candy sales ranked #1, and 13 billion dollars were spent in America on this pagan/religious ritual, averaging about $116. 00 per consumer. Be mindful, this is just the average, because many of you go overboard in your spending.

I went to the mall this past week to observe hundreds of males frantically going from one jewelry and fragrance counter to another buying gifts for their significant others. I stopped off at another store and a Black African American female was buying 24 “Valentine ballons” and when I asked her why so many, she said, “These are for my second grade students,” and I chuckled inwardly realizing that the “heartbeat” still goes on.

Although we call it, “Saint Valentine’s Day,” very few celebrants or participants have any idea or knowledge about the origin of this pagan/religious ritual, which dates back to antiquity. Neither do they know they are actually celebrating two fictitious individuals – Saint Valentine, and Cupid.

Just like many other things created by the Romans, Cupid is just another pagan creation of theirs. Supposedly, Cupid was seeking someone to pierce with his arrow and he accidentally pierced himself.

He then saw Psyche and fell madly in love with her. Unfortunately, for Psyche her new mother-in-law, Aphrodite was extremely jealous, as well as was Psyche’s sisters.
Because Cupid was a god, he told Psyche never to look at him. Consequently, he would only creep around to see her during the nighttime, and he would be gone before sunrise. However, Cupid would lavish Psyche with beautiful gifts and jewelry. (Sound familiar, ladies?)
Finally, with much meddling, Psyche’s sisters persuaded her to look at Cupid, telling her that he does not want her to see how grotesque and ugly he was. Her own curiosity finally got the best of her, so Psyche lit a candle and held it over Cupid while he was asleep.

As far back as 44 BCE (“Before the Common Era”), pagans celebrated a fertility and health ritual known as “The feast of Lupercalia,” from February 13th through 15th.
Initially, the emphasis was on the shepherds and it was supposed to make their cows and sheep healthier and fertile. During the Lupercalia festival, priests sacrificed goats and dogs because these animals were, thought to have robust sexual prowess.

After the sacrifices, the celebrants consumed copious amounts of food and wine, then, men wrapped their naked bodies in the goatskins and streaked through the city hitting women (Today, we call it – “Being hit on“) in hopes that the pregnant would deliver and the barren would become pregnant.

Women placed their names in a bowl to be drawn by the men. (We now call them “Key Parties.” Those selected were paired together for the duration of the festival. If they liked each other afterwards, they would marry; if not, they would go their separate ways. This was the first formalized “swinging party” in recorded history.

Throughout their conquests, the Romans incorporated the “feast of lupercalia” into their rituals as the celebration of “Lupa,” the female wolf who allegedly nursed both Romulus and Remus (founders of Rome) back to health.

Around 496 AD, Pope Gelasius banned this pagan ritual, claiming it was making a mockery out of Christianity. However, he felt that if you can not beat them, rename them, so the ritual continued under another name.
Men, when you need to blame someone for having to spend money for flowers, candy, cards and diamonds, remember Pope Gelasius.
If it were not for him, you would still be able to eat, drink, get nude and run around the city “hitting on” women without having to spend money on a one-day event or making a permanent commitment to the women you spent those few days with.

As we know, Christians cannot denounce a holiday, without replacing it with one of their own creation; so Pope Gelasius declared February 14th as, St. Valentine’s Day, although he was not sure which St. Valentine he was actually celebrating, because there were several.

Allegedly, there was a St. Valentine, who was beheaded in the third century because he disobeyed Emperor Claudius‘ edict, declaring it illegal for any of his soldiers to marry.
Emperor Claudius reasoned that an unmarried soldier was more loyal and a better fighter because he had nothing to lose. There are several other fictitious accounts of other St. Valentines, who also met their untimely deaths in the name of L-O-V-E.

Geoffrey Chaucer is credited with our still celebrating Valentine’s Day when he wrote “Parliament of Foules” in 1382 as an anniversary gift to King Richard ll of England and Anne of Bohemia. Allegedly, this was the first Valentine love poem.
Today, the Catholic Church is still clueless about which St. Valentine they are celebrating, so, in 1969, Pope Paul VI removed St. Valentine from the church’s official Calendar of Saints, so it is now a purely commercial celebration.

Mama Francis Cress Welsing wrote in: The Isis Paper ;”The most important thing about valentine’s day in the white supremacy culture is when they give out candy. The white female like the white male to give her chocolate candy.
As black females, we follow white females and we want some chocolate candy too, without realizing that we already have chocolate candy. In the framework of the white supremacy culture, the white female describes her ideal man as (chocolate is described as dark and erotic) tall, dark and handsome.”

During the 1980s, the diamond industry came on board and declared; “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend,” and foolish men failed to hear the real message.
If the “diamond” is your girl’s best friend, what were you, “her second best friend?”

However, I never could understand the depiction of Cupid as a White male toddler with wings, a bow and arrows, until I realized White Romans were and still are (Roman Catholic Church) deeply engaged in pedophilia and the creation of ritualistic fantasies. Today, super-rich and powerful men (only men) meet annually at the Bohemian Grove in Northern California, to fulfill their fantasies.
Now that you have the fictitious stories of both Valentine’s Day and Cupid, I have a question for my Christian readers. How does GOD feel about your celebrating pagan rituals such as, Valentine’s Day? For those who are interested, you will find the answer in Deuteronomy 12:29-32, KJV, which reads as follows:
“29 When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.”
32 What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.”
Of course, many Christians only use GOD as a spare tire. If there is not a need for GOD, HE is stored in their closed trunks in order for them to be able to pursue Cupid and other pagan/religious rituals. Yet, the moment they encounter a flat along life’s highway, they immediately go to their trunks and pull out their GOD for help and salvation.

By the way, elementary school teachers receive the most Valentine cards, because they are the ones brainwashing their young students into adopting this pagan/religious ritual.
I ask that should you read anything in my posts that you can factually show me is false, please do so immediately. Although I have made every effort to verify everything I write, I do make mistakes.

Oh, what a blessing it is that my people are so Gullible because they do not read, think or use Common Sense says the Pastors, Pimps and Politicians.Leave a comment
Posted on February 3, 2016 under Black African American Family, Education, Health, History, Mental Health, Politics, Poverty Pimps, Religion

“I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.” Mother Harriet Tubman

From now on, I am dedicating all of my posts to Black African American females because a race can rise no higher than its’ women.

“The True worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood.” Mother Mary McCloud Bethune
As in all of my posts, UNDERLINED WORDS are links.

Our 90th year of celebrating Black History Week/Month has begun and that is our problem. All we have been doing is celebrating (partying and bull-shucking) as opposed to working. This is why we as a race are worse off today than we were during slavery.

The official celebration of Black History began in America in 1926 when Dr. Carter G. Woodson established “Black History Week.”

Since then, every February we will dust off photos of “Black” scholars, athletes, entertainers, business moguls, politicians, and preachers, yet we ignore the Bible. It has never been included as a recognized source of “Black History” because very few Black African Americans realize that the Bible is a fictionalized version of “Black History.”
To my knowledge, I will be among the few Black African Americans to remind you of our “Black History” as written in the Bible.”

Throughout this post, I will use the King James Version of the Bible as my primary source of Biblical references because it is recognized as the official version of the Bible, since it was first printed in 1611.
FYI – You can go to to access every currently printed Bible in the world free of charge.

First off, let me give you a few facts. More Black Africans are Christians throughout the Diaspora than there are White people in the entire world. There are more Black African American churches in America than White American churches. More Black African Americans believe in the power of prayer than White Americans, and the preferred religion of most Black African Americans is Christianity.

More Black African Americans believe the Bible is divinely inspired, and written by the Hand of GOD than White Americans. Most Black Africans throughout the Diaspora believe Jesus, the Son of GOD is a White man, because his mother “Mary” is a White woman and according to the racist criteria for determining race, “You are the race of your mother,” because of the “one-drop rule.” Therefore, since White people can only produce White people, Jesus’ Father, who is GOD must also be White.

It is said; “Knowledge is Power” and I beg to differ because knowledge alone is not power. If it was, then why is it that there are more Black African Americans with college degrees today than ever, yet, Black African Americans are the most powerless race of people in this country and Black Africans throughout the Diaspora are the most powerless race on this planet?

No my Brothers and Sisters, “Knowledge is not Power,” we only gain power from “Applied Knowledge.”
I encourage you to verify what I say in this post, and take it to your Pastors and teach it to them and demand that they begin teaching it to the rest of their “sheep” not just in the month of February, but every Sunday of every month of every year hence.
More people in the world own a Bible than any other published book. In 2001, The Guinness Book of Records listed it as the best-selling Non-Fiction, which is not true because everything in the Bible is written as an “allegory,”(“the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence” Webster) as stated in Galatians 4:22-24.

When you want to know what the Bible says about “Black History,” start in Genesis (and confirm it with this Newsweek article) because both tell us that GOD created the “Garden of Eden in Africa. Genesis 2:13 says, “And the name of the second river is Gihon; the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.”

However, White people writing later versions of the Bible attempted to “whitewash,” all references to Africa by removing the word “Ethiopia.” The “New International Version” of the Bible says, “The name of the second river is the Gihon; it winds through the entire land of Cush.”
Nowhere on any world map can you find a country called “Cush.” On the other hand, every map of the world has a country known as Ethiopia. Consequently, if you cannot locate “Cush” on any world map, you can make the inhabitants of that land any color or race that you wish.

Therefore, nearly all pictures depicting the “Garden of Eden,” portray both Adam and Eve as having White skin and “stringy” hair.

However, placing Adam and Eve in a Garden, down river from Ethiopia, on the continent of Africa, mean they must have had dark skin and curly hair. This is because “sunscreen” had not been created and White-skinned people would either become very dark, or perish from all forms of skin cancers (because they are allergic to the sun) if they lived in equatorial Africa.

If the Bible is a written record of the creation of mankind and it places mankind’s origin on the continent of Africa, in a country known as Ethiopia, then, every human being on this planet, both past and present are descendants of the original race, known as Ethiopians.
According to Christian anthropologists and archeologists, the “Ark of The Covenant,” is located in Ethiopia, on the continent of Africa. This is because the Christians believe GOD made HIS Covenant with the original people-the Ethiopians.
Ethiopia is the only country on the continent of Africa that the CREATOR has never allowed to be colonized by White people.

Italy attempted to colonize Ethiopia in the battle of Adwa in 1896 and was soundly defeated. Then Mussolini invaded Ethiopia in 1935, with the help of White America and the “League of Nations” and defeated the Ethiopian Army. Italy’s victory was short-lived, because the allied armies defeated them during WWII, and Italy fled Ethiopia, and Ethiopia again, became a sovereign nation.

Racists White Americans will quickly throw up their book of fiction and refer you to Genesis 9:20-27 , and the “Curse of Ham” to justify enslaving Black Africans throughout the Diaspora.
Genesis 9:20-27 says: “20And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: 21And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. 22And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.

23And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness.
24And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. 25And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. 26And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. 27God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.”
Why would a “Just GOD” punish Noah’s grandson Canaan and his progeny for what his father Ham did? Canaan never did anything to his grandfather it was his father Ham who supposedly did something to Noah.

Brothers and Sisters you must free your minds in order to free your bodies, because the KINGDOM OF GOD is within YOU! Only then will you be able to THINK and come up with a COMMON SENSE answer to this question!
By the way, what was it that Ham actually did? The story says Noah was naked and he got sloppy drunk and passed-out and Ham saw Noah’s nakedness.
How can GOD justify enslaving an entire group of people because of one drunk? Since the Bible is nothing more than a book of fables, also known as “allegories” (Galatians 4:22-24), do not get bent out of shape over these passages, because they never happened.
When you hear White Americans justifying slavery because of the “Curse of Ham,” you must immediately correct them and show them in their book of fables that it was not Ham who was cursed it was his son (Noah’s grandson) Canaan and his descendants who GOD cursed.

Leaving Noah, let us check out Moses. In Exodus 4:6 & 7 GOD instructs Moses as follows: “6 And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow.
7 And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his other flesh.”
Right here is where I ask you to walk through the cemetery and find the grave of Common Sense. Moses asked GOD to give him a sign and the sign was, GOD turning Moses’ hand as white as snow, then he turned it back to his “normal color.”
If Moses was a White man, what would be the miracle of his hand turning white, and how could it be noticed? The fact is that for a miracle to have occurred, Moses had to be a dark-skinned African, living in the African country of Egypt.
Black African Americans have been taught to hate Egypt and its’ Pharaoh because allegedly, Pharaoh was the one who enslaved the Christians. By the way, contrary to what the White historians tell you, Egypt is not located in the “Middle East,” it is one of the 54 countries on the continent of Africa.

Just like White people has done in many other countries, they have “whitewashed” the original dark-skinned Egyptians by engaging in genocide and replacing them with light-skinned Arabs. Look at how tall dark and handsome Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was.

If this does not convince you, all you have to do is look at the Pyramid paintings and other ancient Egyptian artifacts and you will see they have brown and black skin. We know the ancient Egyptians had white paint because they used it in painting their clothes, eyes, teeth and other objects.

Yet, nowhere among their ancient paintings, carvings, etc. can you find white human images. However, White archeologists attempted to “whitewash” many images , including the Sphinx by desecrating their noses.
Numbers 12:1 says, “And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.”
Numbers 12:9 & 10 says, “9And the anger of the Lord was kindled against them; and he departed. 10And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous.”

Wait a doggone minute! When GOD turned Moses’ hand white, it became “leprous.” Now GOD turned Moses’ sister Miriam “leprous,” as white as snow. Because Miriam’s skin was now white, which made her a “leper,” the 15th verse says she was expelled from among them for seven days, until her skin returned normal, which is to say, NOT WHITE. Therefore, they did not allow white-skinned people to be among them. Hmmm!
According to 2 Kings 5:27, (read the entire story) GOD tells us exactly how HE created the White race, saying: “The leprosy therefore of Naaman shall cleave unto thee, and unto thy seed for ever. And he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow.”
If I did not know any better, (wink-wink) this story describes the origins of the White race and depicts them as being a race of liars, deceivers, and “lepers.” Hmmm!
Daniel 7:9 says, “I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.”

Pure wool is not straight; it is curly like the Afro of Black Africans throughout the Diaspora. This is one of the ways I wore my “Hair like lambs’ wool” back in “The Day.”
According to The Song of Solomon 1:5, King Solomon was a “Black” man; “I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.”

1 Kings 3:12-13 tells us that “Black” King Solomon was the richest and wisest king in all the world, past, present and future. It says, “12Behold, I have done according to thy words: lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee. 13And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches, and honour: so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days.”
Revelations 1:14-15 describes Jesus as follows: “His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.”

As you can see by this picture, brass is a brown color and if the feet are brown, it is only logical that the rest of the body will also be brown.

Watch how the sitcom “Good Times” dealt with a “Black Jesus.”

The vast majority of Black African American and Black African churches throughout the Diaspora have stained glass windows as well as huge paintings behind their pulpits (and throughout the church and on fans) depicting Jesus as a White-skinned, blue-eyed, male with long stringy blond or brown hair.
These Pastors insist that all of their Black African “sheep” bow down and worship this White-skinned, blonde/brown hair, blue-eyed image of Jesus despite the Bible describing him as being brown-skinned.
All religions are manmade and prior to Emperor Constantine’s Nicaea Council in 325 AD, religion as we understand it did not exist on the continent of Africa. Our ancient Egyptian ancestors were a spiritual people and they worshipped Truth, Justice and Wisdom paying homage to all of Nature; consisting of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, as well as plants and animals.
Our Ancient Egyptian ancestors, civilized the entire world until the White Europeans began terrorizing the entire world with their manmade religion in the form of Jesus Christ.

The primary secret weapon that Whites have always used against brown-skinned indigenous people everywhere is the King James Version of their Bible, which 47 White men wrote between the years 1604-1611.

The White enslavers forbade Africans under penalty of severe beatings and even death to worship in the manner of their ancestors. These White enslavers needed to maintain a total disconnect in the minds and hearts of the enslaved Africans from their motherland.

To do this, the White enslavers taught some of their most obedient and docile slaves how to preach and exactly what to preach to the masses, especially today, in 2016.

Remember, whomever controls the keys to Heaven have total control over all of the people who are trying to unlock Heaven’s door and get in. Ashe!

The following are excerpts from Dr. Carter G. Woodson’s book, “The Mis-Education of The Negro:”

“If you teach the Negro that he has accomplished as much good as any other race he will aspire to equality and justice without regard to race. Such an effort would upset the program of the oppressor in Africa and America. Play up before the Negro, then, his crimes and shortcomings. Let him learn to admire the Hebrew, the Greek, the Latin and the Teuton. Lead the Negro to detest the man of African blood–to hate himself.” ― Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro
“The present system under the control of the whites trains the Negro to be white and at the same time convinces him of the impropriety or the impossibility of his becoming white… the Negros will have no outlet but to go down a blind alley, if the sort of education which they are now receiving is to enable them to find the way out of their present difficulties.” ― Carter G. Woodson
“THE “educated Negroes” have the attitude of contempt toward their own people because in their own as well as in their mixed schools Negroes are taught to admire the Hebrew, the Greek, the Latin and the Teuton and to despise the African. Of the hundreds of Negro high schools recently examined by an expert in the United States Bureau of Education only eighteen offer a course taking up the history of the Negro,” ― Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro

“By their peculiar “reasoning,” too, theologians have sanctioned most of the ills of the ages. They justified the Inquisition, serfdom, and slavery. Theologians of our time defend segregation and the annihilation of one race by the other. They have drifted away from righteousness into an effort to make wrong seem to be right.” ― Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro
“It has been said that the Negroes do not connect morals with religion. The historian would like to know what race or nation does such a thing. Certainly the whites with whom the Negroes have come into contact have not done so.” ― Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro

“When a white man sees persons of his own race tending downward to a level of disgrace he does not rest until he works out some plan to lift such unfortunates to higher ground; but the Negro forgets the delinquents of his race and goes his way to feather his own nest, as he has done in leaving the masses in the popular churches.” ― Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro

“In the schools of business administration Negroes are trained exclusively in the psychology and economics of Wall Street and are, therefore, made to despise the opportunities to run ice wagons, push banana carts, and sell peanuts among their own people. Foreigners, who have not studied economics but have studied Negroes, take up this business and grow rich.” ― Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro
I ask that should you read anything in my posts that you can factually show me is false, please do so immediately. Although I have made every effort to verify everything I write, I do make mistakes.

Oh, what a blessing it is that my people are so Gullible because they do not read, think or use Common Sense says the Pastors, Pimps and Politicians.4 CommentsOlder postsSearch
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