First of all, what is most fascinating about the internet is as I’ve been saying for years, “Anything that you want to know is just a keystroke away.”  Even though these posts were initially written in French, which I don’t speak nor understand, with just one keystroke these posts were translated into English!  WOW!  If we don’t know something, it is because we don’t want to know!  As they used to say, “The mind is a terrible thing to waste,” and “If you think education is expensive, consider the cost of ignorance!”

I read the below Facebook posts in the wee hours of this morning and felt compelled to share it, so I reached out to our African Brother and requested his permission to re-post it on my blog by sending him this message:  Jerry Smith Hotep My Brother, thank you very much for sharing your powerful thesis on the status of Black people throughout the Diaspora. I especially applaud your position on the wealthiest Blacks being among the clergy and entertainers, which in essence is one and the same; as the clergy’s role is to also entertain the masses. As long as the enslaved continue prostrating themselves at the feet of their enslavers’ white Christian image of their son of god – Jesus, they will remain enslaved. Brother Jean, may I have your permission to re-publish your entire thesis on my blog? I’ll await your response. Your Brother, Jerry @ jsmithlcsw.com

Bounya Talafo Oui oui vous pouvez publier… Partager aux maximum =
Yes yes you can publish … Share to the maximum

The only changes I made to this post is the addition of all of the memes and adding a link to my “Sex Trafficking” post and nothing else.

“A black man who believes in a white god, the white son of God or the white prophet of God is in the beginning of madness.
by Jean-Paul pougala

FRIDAY GOSPEL according to Saint POUGALA
Warning: Reading the lesson of the day below is strictly forbidden to any adult who believes in Father Christmas called Jesus or Muhammad. This could seriously harm your belief and open the gates of hell to you.

There are people who write to me telling me they share everything I do to get our people out of misery, and that if I avoid touching the religious question, it would be perfect.

The truth is that people clap me, congratulate me not for what I tell them to do, but for the results they see that I have achieved for myself, starting from a position of worse misery than them. And they’re all happy that I’m wasting my time explaining to them how they too can do it.

The problem of the African is that he has the illusion of changing results without changing behavior. Everyone wants to escape from misery, but at the same time, wants to continue doing what they have always done and who is at the root of their misery. They are convinced that by applauding me they will also do the miracle, simply by following me. And yet, if someone hasn’t mastered the religious question, it’s barely lost.

When I gave my training to Christian and Muslim believers, there are those who hid their beliefs to come and follow my seminars. But what they did not know was that it was not an act of discrimination to ban them my training, but a way to avoid them losing their money for nothing. The industrial world is the hardest, hardest economic sector where there is no chance of survival for those who believe in Father Christmas.

Because for an African who was put into Christianity and Islam with the whip, religion is part of the problem and not the solution. This is enough to observe the African American community to understand why the system has put the Bible in our hands.

Indeed, as long as you believe in a white God, and his white son, you will not be able to challenge the economic hegemony of white, you will not be able to act as a competitor of white. The proof, the richest black Americans are pastors and not industrial, are the sportsmen and not the creators of wealth. And this is this model that is being installed in Africa right now.

If you put this in the head of your black children that they have to pray and thank the white son of a white god, they too will settle in their second role, to serve white and never first role for compete with white.

The other day at the city hall, for the award of excellence award for my child’s Very Good at Bachelor’s Degree, as usual, we were the only black people because it must also be noticed that we are the only black people in town not to fall into the religious trap. All the others fill churches on Sunday, their children fill the catechisms every night after school, rather than going home to review the classes of the day and prepare homework for the next day. Prayer time is a precious space that the child has taken away from the competition that could see him winner in front of a white man. By putting the Bible in his hands, in a country that passed a law in 1905 preventing any school, even religious, from talking about God to a child during school hours, we are sure that he is definitely excluded from any intelligence competition with the white master.

When I talk about going back to sources, it’s not because I gain something or because I want to become a new guru, but because once you understand the charlatanism that plague African spirituality and can’t you Make it by bandits who claim to know your future, you become completely free mentally, because your ancestor of yours is your god, not mine. So I have nothing to say or teach you about anything. And so, no possibility to use such a pseudo teaching to manipulate your conscience

A black man who is unable to ask himself the right questions, like for example: if this god really existed, why wait 19 centuries before being announced in our house? And what have become of all our ancestors born, grown and dead in these 19 centuries since they did not know the nickname savior?

If you can’t ask yourself this kind of question, it’s that your brain is damaged and so you’re in a crazy start. And rather than come crying out here, instead of letting God defend himself, go get treated at a psychiatrist.

Jean Paul pougala”

February 19 at 1:28 AM · 

“How the Japanese used religion of African origin, the Shintoism to defend their country from American submission despite its military occupation since 1945
by Jean-Paul pougala

There is a theme that has always shocked me that Western people use to reduce the gravity of slave violence in the history of humanity that made the Atlantic Ocean, the largest cemetery in the world, because having swallowed so many of our ancestors who didn’t want to be captive.

The most shocking thing is that Africans also use it and contribute to trivialize a crime that must never be. And that term is the slave trade. Trafficking?  Did when they made the program of coming to deported Africans, they asked us for our opinion? They claim to have paid us with mirrors. This means Africa would be the continent with the largest stock of old mirrors in the world.

Shame we didn’t find any trace of it anywhere. And isn’t this word of “Trade Triangular” even more shocking that this is written in African children’s history books? This implies that boats coming from Europe were loaded with something called for by Africans. There is “trade” when the parties in attendance each have an interest in exchange. So what was the interest of Africans in this exchange? Still have the mirrors? to install where? In our bamboo or raffia cabins there? And to see what? Our curly hair without a comb or our messy teeth without dentists?

Historical documents prove it was empty boats that were going to find their captive in Africa. And the most famous and the very first of these boats is named Liverpool Merchant, a war boat loaded with shells and ammo, today held in Liverpool’s maritime museum.

But why the hell are people who are going to do triangular trade, we are told, use war boats to carry their cargo?

The answer to this question comes to us from Japan. And we’ll see how Western predators have gone master of disinformation, Fake News, which unfortunately become serious topics, absolute truths in stories books even in Africa.

The story begins at the end of the 16th century. The Japanese have never been colonized.  And because: they have one of the best army in the world of the time. But the Europeans can’t hear it from that ear. And since we have to use Christianity as in Africa, Christianity to fold the psychological resistance of Japanese, Spanish and Portuguese Catholic churches will start a race to which will be the first to tame the Japanese.

Unlike Africa, it’s armed to the teeth that they’re going to land here in Japan. Yes, you heard right, Portuguese Jesuits and Portuguese missionaries called the Order of Beggars will land here in boats of war.

But Pope Gregory XIII, in 1575, will make his choice: Japan belongs to the Portuguese Jesuits and more precisely, all Japan belongs to the Roman Catholic Church of Macau. But unlike Africans, the Japanese don’t hear it from that ear. And will revive and re-organize their religion of African origin from the cult of ancestors, Shintoism it to counter them. And it lasts until today.

Story to follow…

We will see several interesting things in the next episodes:

1) how since 1868, there are 150 Japan imposing the as a mandatory state religion for all Japanese to counter Christianity and we will see the positive economic consequences for the country.

2) Why the war between Western Christians against Japanese Shintoïstes is above all an economic war, which would make Japan poor if it lost the part to become a Christian,

3) Why was the atomic bomb launched on Hyroshima? The reasons for American s’ true industrial jealousy against a jewel of Japan’s economy and how the latter will get revenge 70 years later.

4) While US General Marc Arthur, in charge of rule Japan at the end of the war in 1945, goes no more or less than issue a decree banning the best Japanese industries like Mitsubishi, Toyota, Mazda etc. we will see how these Japanese industrial companies will use the Shintoisme to spill the steam and make that for example Toyota will dethrone the General Motor from the place of the world’s first car manufacturer that it occupied for 72 years and that Mutsubishi officially deleted by decree, now has almost 400.000 employees in Japan.

5) How Toyota will start from the copy of the US Jeep, create the Land Cruiser to compete with Land Rover and today, controls the 3/4 of the 4 SUV sold in the world.

6) For years, Japanese Shintoïstes have had trouble building a bridge with African traditionalists. Reason: they’ve all become creationist, of. And this doesn’t happen here in Japan. Because this proves that they are not the right interlocutors. But how since 2011, I’ve been trying to prove to them that not all Africans are idiots of God?  etc.

Here, everything is Shintoism, up to the zoo for children, we talk about ancestors, animals that have a soul and must respect, plants that have a soul and must respect and plant to the fullest. The war is in court and it’s a shame Africans didn’t understand it, fading in violence and dishonesty.

Today, Japan is considered the safest country in the world and the Japanese, thanks to their religion, the most honest people on the planet.

Why on earth can Africans give up what has given a palpable result (here in Japan) to get into the spiritual madness (Islam and Christianity) of people who have caused nothing but dead, scams, banditismes, and destruction?

Jean Paul pougala

Tokyo Sunday, April 29, 2018
(re-published from Tokyo on 19/02/2020)”