Many Black African American males (of various ages) walk up and down our streets with the rear of their pants hanging below their butts, which most call “saggin.” What many of them do not know is that “saggin” spelled backwards is “n i g g a s.” Many of you will say these two words are merely coincidental. Most of us fail to realize that there is no such thing as a “coincidence” in the Creator’s Universe.
Nothing happens in the Universe by accident, happenstance or coincidence. This becomes obvious, once we look at how orderly and predictable Nature is. Spring always follows winter; summer always follows spring and fall always follows summer. Night always follows day and if you are a betting person, and foolish enough to bet against Nature, you will lose every time. This is the way it is and has been since the recording of time.
Many Black African American males have heard that homosexual inmates created “saggin” in America’s Prison Industrial Complex (as in all of my posts, underlined words are links) during the 80’s announcing their availability for homosexual trysts. Yet, for some unknown reason, many of our Black African American males choose to walk down our streets “saggin/niggas.” Do you suppose they too are advertising their availability/desirability to engage in homosexual activities? There is no doubt that their pants are “down-low,” so do we have visual reasons to question their sexual preferences?
One of the goals of America’s Prison Industrial Complex is the feminization of Black African American males. When White America takes a Black African American male, in his sexual prime and lock him away in her Criminal Industrial Complex, he will have sex. Even though he will be in an all-male prison, most of them, I repeat, most of them will engage in homosexual sex – period. Many will say such foolish statements as, “I’m just gay for the stay;” or, “I’m not homosexual because I am the one putting my penis in him, he is not putting his penis in me,” (of course, their language is more vulgar/descriptive than this).
An older inmate repeatedly raped a younger inmate who was new to the penitentiary. Finally, after they became used to one another, they began talking after sex, only to find that he had been raping his biological son. The older inmate came to prison when his son was still an infant, and had no contact with him or his mother. Tragically, there is so much rape occurring in America’s prisons, that many of these inmates are emotionally (and some are physically) scarred for the rest of their lives.
Once many Black African American males convert exclusively to homosexual preferences, they will not desire sex with Black African American females. If they do have sex with females upon release from America’s Criminal Industrial Complexes, they will have a propensity to have anal and oral sex as opposed to vaginal sex. As a result, Black African American females will not have as many Black African American babies in general and male babies in particular. Consequently, our race will be in danger of becoming extinct.
Another White Supremacy benefit of “saggin” is that Black African American males can neither run nor fight with their pants hanging below their butts. This coupled with the media teaching them that it is cool to hold a handgun sideways when shooting it, means that Black African Americans are defenseless against the onslaught of attacks by anyone. Black African American males, in and out of jails/penitentiaries, cannot successfully outrun the police/corrections officers as me and my generation was able to do because our pants were not “saggin.”
Many of our Black African American males are walking down the streets “gap-legged,” in an effort to keep their pants from dropping to their knees. They fail to realize that this style of walking could result in hip-dysplasia, as well as significant back and knee problems as they grow older.
My last employment as a Clinical Social Worker in a penitentiary was my worst experience ever. There was extreme acts of violence perpetrated by mostly Black African American (most of the inmates were Black African Americans) inmates on each other almost daily. In addition, the mostly Black African American guards dished out their form of violence on the inmates on a regular basis as well. Along with this violence, there was also significant drug use as well as inmates physically cutting themselves, swallowing objects and other forms of self-injurious behaviors. They were also tattooing themselves with equipment and ink they made themselves.
Working in this prison sometime reminded me of the scene in Django, where the Masters (“Massas”) forced two slaves to fight to the death, and the reward for the victor was giving him drugs and sex. The White Warden (Massa), his Black African American Deputy Warden and Correctional Officers (Overseers) entourage, made their daily rounds through the Units (slave quarters). All of the inmates (slaves), most of whom were predominantly Black African American males would line up in front of their cells and be forced to stand at attention, which they readily did.
Immediately upon the entrance of the White American, male Warden, along with his entourage, all of the Inmates would loudly greet the Warden (Massa) with Good Morning Warden so-n-so. The Warden, along with his entourage/overseers, would walk past most of these inmates (in a paternalistic manner) and they (inmates) exhibited their most docile behavior. There were times when I literally expected the White American Warden to pat the inmates on their heads, on the serious side. It was that disgusting for me.
Immediately upon the Warden’s (Massa’s) exit from this Unit, the inmates would revert to their usual boisterous, rowdy and aggressive behaviors. It was sickening for me to see how much power, awe and adoration these young Black African American male inmates had for this young (late 30’s or early 40’s) White American male Warden. Yet, for a honey bun, they would not hesitate to stick a shank (prison made knife) into my or any other Black African American’s throat.
In spite of all of this violence, my major issue was the inmates walking around showing their butts -saggin, which did not seem to bother any other employees except me, because I was constantly admonishing them to pull up their pants. I never could understand why a “man” wanted to show his butt to other men. If you notice, inside and outside of prisons, these “men” will hold the front of their pants, covering their genitals, while exposing their butts. Why do you think this is?
Do you think clothes make the person, or does the person make the clothes? I say, the clothes make the person. Having served six years honorably in the Navy, I can tell you that every time I donned my Navy uniform, whether they were my “work jeans,” or Dress Blues or Dress Whites, I immediately had a since of patriotism; a sense of military pride. Ask any “blood” or “crip” and they will tell you the same thing; wearing their “colors” changed their entire attitude and demeanor.
During the late 60’s and early 70’s, every time I put on my Dashiki, and styled my Afro, I had an enormous sense of racial pride. In addition, when in high school, we made sure that our “high-boy” shirts were heavily starched, and impeccably ironed, along with our khaki pants, and we had a high gloss on our “Old Man Comforts” every time we left home. Failure to do so resulted in immediate ridicule from our peers.
Even today, when I put on one of my many suits and ties, my attitude and persona immediately transforms into one of professionalism. Back “in the day,” we had a saying about “putting on your glad-rags.” Very few of us can feel bad when we know we are looking good. If you don’t believe it, the next time you are feeling “blue,” dress up in your finest, and go among other people and see for yourself.
On the flip side, if you look like a “thug” or “hoochie,” you will act like one. The first thing that people see is your appearance. You can be a genius and on the brink of inventing the next “something” to improve the lives of mankind, yet, before you open your mouth, the world will perceive you as being a “thug” or hoochie.”
Taken another step further, the first thing the world see when they see you is your race, the color of your skin and you will be immediately pigeon-holed; put in a box. As you already know, you only have one chance at making a great first impression.
Never before, in the history of our race, both here in America and throughout the Diaspora have Black African males deliberately dressed so sloppily and slovenly. The phrase, “As a man or woman think, so they become” is a truism. If we look and act like a “thug” or hoochie,” in a very short time we will become one.
What is a “thug” or “hoochie” good for; if not for the perpetuation of the myth the White race have of us? “Thugs” and “hoochies” are merely designed to validate White racists’ beliefs that Black African Americans are still “coons” and “buffoons.” For them, our purpose is still solely for their amusement, sexual and financial pleasures.
In order for White Supremacists to look good in their own eyes, they must see us at our worst. When they see us, they only see us as 3/5 humans; they see us as “animals.” Consequently, this is how they justify treating us the way they do. Remember, the Ferguson cop called us “f..k..g animals” as he pointed his automatic rifle at the protestors of Michael Brown’s execution.
In fact, I had a “White female psychiatrist (MD) co-worker say to me, “Jerry when I see you, I don’t see your race.” I immediately informed her that she was both insulting and bigoted. First of all, I am very proud of my race and secondly, for her to not see my race, is to not see me. As Ralph Ellison wrote, I became an “Invisible Man” to her. She never could understand why her comment was offensive, so I decided to leave it alone. I learned some time ago, that whenever I argue with a fool, there would be two fools arguing.
Yet, for some unknown reason, we Black African Americans have convinced ourselves that there is a new world order and right is now wrong; bad is now good and down is what’s up. The greatest fear of White men in general and White American men in particular is their awareness of the inevitable fact that eventually, Black African men in general and Black African American men in particular will find their backbone and man-up. This means that we will stop acting like whimpering kids when it comes to dealing with White men. Once we man-up we will stand up and challenge White Supremacy at its’ core, even if it means defending ourselves to the death – a life for a life.
Sadly, White American men do not have anything to be concerned about in the foreseeable future because Black African American males have been totally bamboozled and hoodwinked. We Black African American males have convinced ourselves that it is stylish and cool to walk around with our pants hanging below our butts and our Black African American women accepts it.
We must accept the reality that, when it comes to people of color in general, and Black Africans in the Diaspora in particular, White people never leave anything to coincidence. The very survival of the White race is predicated on their ability to control, dominate and eventually annihilate the entire Black African race, because our genes are the most dominant genes in the gene pool and the White genes are the most recessive – and White people know it. Even though President Obama’s mother was White, he never will be called a White man because his father was a Black African and his genes dominated the White recessive genes of President Obama’s mother.
Since the majority of Black African American homes are headed by females; and everything that Black African American males do is to please our females; then it is only fair to say that Black African American females are the reason that their males are walking around showing their butts. Conversely, only Black African American females can get them to pull their pants up. All that our females have to do is refuse to pull their pants down, until we start pulling our pants up. If this were to happen, we would buy every pair of bibbed overalls on the market.
I repeat, everything that a Black African American man does is to please a woman. This said, Black African American females are the reason why many Black African American males are walking around showing their butts. Not until our Black African American females decide that they want a “man’s man” instead of a boy in a man’s size pair of pants, Black African American males will continue “saggin/niggas.”
As Willie Lynch and the rest of the White, racists knew and know, the strength of Black African males have always come from our strong, Black African females. They also know that our race will rise or fall, depending on how high or low our Black African American females are.
So, to all of my Black African American males, both young and old, I implore you to man-up and pull your pants up. Only then, can you become the true warriors and protectors of our race and make our ancestors proud.
Oh, what a blessing it is that my sheep do not, read, think, or use common sense says the Pastors, Pimps and Politicians.