Historically, nothing causes White American males to go into a lynching frenzy (All underlined words are links.) more than the mere thought of Black African American males having sex with White women. Back in “their” day, several counties of White males, accompanied by women and children would gather at a designated place and time to witness the savage lynching, burning and mutilation of a Black African American male accused of even looking at a White American female for too long.
Some of us might remember when young Emmet Till was violently dragged from his home in the early morning hours and savagely beaten, mutilated, shot and drowned for saying, “By baby” to a White American female in Money, Mississippi. I would imagine that Baba Bill Cosby has similar emotions regarding his current lynching.
To paraphrase Mother Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, she says, at the core of White Racism is fear that Black African American males would impregnate White American females, thus bringing the White American race to the brink of genetic extinction.
Yet, these same White American males repeatedly accuse Black African Americans of being an inferior race. Does being able genetically to exterminate their entire race, sound as though we Black African Americans are genetically inferior to White Americans to you?
The lynching of Baba Dr. William “Bill” Cosby is solely because White American females said he had forcible sex with them over twenty plus years ago. To justify their accusations that Baba Bill Cosby raped them, they all are accusing him of drugging them first. This is a pile of “happy horse manure.”
First of all, the statute of limitations on forcible sex/rape has long sense expired in nearly every state in America, therefore, there is no legal basis for their claims.
Secondly, all of these White American females and one Black African American female (Beverly Johnson) admitted that they went to Baba Bill Cosby’s room on their own accord. They all admitted that in spite of accusing Baba Bill Cosby of drugging and raping them, they all waited until now to make public complaints. Why now? If they were so traumatized by the experience, why wait more than twenty years to come forward to claim their pound of flesh?
I strongly suspect there is a hidden agenda perpetrated by “The Unseen Hand,” because either Baba Bill Cosby want to do something those in power do not want him to do or he is refusing to do that which those in power want him to do.
In any event, we are sitting idly by, doing nothing while witnessing the lynching of another innocent Black African American male. Only, this time, it is a verbal lynching to his reputation and manhood, which can be far more detrimental because he is being forced to relive this lynching every waking hour, for the rest of his life.
Therefore, the only thing Baba Bill Cosby’s legacy will focus on will be the unsubstantiated accusations of his being a serial rapist, unless we Black African Americans empower ourselves by voicing our concerns about this lynching. We can do this by not financially or in any other way continue supporting all of these agencies, institutions and businesses who have decided that Baba Bill Cosby is guilty first, and already sentenced him before he has had the opportunity to prove himself innocent in a court of law.
None of his accusers has legal recourse, therefore there will never be a public trial, yet, in the court of public opinion, he has already been tried, convicted and sentenced. Many of us know that the White Supremacists control all of America’s and the world’s media; therefore it is they who determine what public opinion is.
The worst thing that is happening to Baba Bill Cosby is the vilification and denunciation he is receiving from Black African Americans. Baba Bill Cosby and his family have given millions of dollars to Spelman College over the decades. Yet, Spelman announced that they were suspending “The William and Camille Olivia Hanks Cosby Endowed Professorship,” because of the alleged drugging and raping of nearly twenty White American females and one Black African American female more than twenty years ago. However, Spelman College did not say that they would return all of the financial support that Baba Bill Cosby and his family has given them over the decades.
Many other colleges, universities, institutions, and corporations showed up at Baba Bill Cosby’s lynching and joined in the frenzy by stripping him of his various positions. Numerous concerts were cancelled, along with several television and movie deals.
We Black African Americans are quick to jump on the bandwagons of popular incidents of racial injustice, talking about “No justice, No peace,” yet with the exception of two Sisters (that I am aware of), Sister Whoopi Goldberg and Sister Jill Scott, our community has been unsupportive of Baba Bill Cosby. Why?
Could it be because some of us are still upset with Baba Bill Cosby because, as one of our Elders, he saw fit to chastise us publicly for our inappropriate behavior?
When I wrote both of my books, “IT’S TIME TO STOP BLAMING THE WHITE MAN,” and the sequel, “IT’S STILL TO STOP BLAMING THE WHITE MAN,” many in our community were also upset with me. The consensus of those who told me they were upset, was that they was only upset with how I said it, and not what I said. Yet, when asked, all agreed that I told the truth.
It was the same way with Baba Bill Cosby, he was accused of “airing our dirty laundry,” yet, no one were able to honestly say that he did not tell the truth.
Whether Baba Bill Cosby’s accusers are telling the truth is completely irrelevant. The fact that they waited over twenty years to speak, makes everything they have to say regarding this matter both, null and void. Remember, the statute of limitations have long since expired.
There is a resurgence of White Americans lynching Black African Americans and we are idly standing by, talking a bunch of yak-yak and doing nothing. Black African American males are quick to video another Black African American male’s lynching by the Gestapo style police, yet they make no efforts to prevent it.
When we witness cops in the process of lynching an unarmed Black African American, we must immediately put ourselves in front of this lynching and help the brother or sister. By becoming proactive as opposed to only being reactive, this White Supremacist system will eventually stop lynching us.
If we are to survive as a race; no, if we are to THRIVE as a race, we must embrace the spirit of Umoja – Unity , by recognizing that whatever this White Supremacist system does to any one of us, they are doing it to all of us.
Oh what a blessing it is that my people do not read, think, or use common sense says the Pastors, Pimps and Politicians.