Christianity: The Real Deal

The following are excerpts from my third book.  I would appreciate all feedback so feel free to respond.

Thanking you in advance,



Slave Preacher

By Jerry Smith, M.A., LCSW, LMSW

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements    Page 3
Chapter 1 Page 13 My Christian Journey
Chapter 2 Page 21 The Making of a Slave by Willie Lynch
Chapter 3 Page 32 The Bible is Full of False Teachings
Chapter 4 Page 39 The Bible – A Fictional Novel
Chapter 5 Page 51 The King Alfred Plan
Chapter 6 Page 61 Jesus For Sale, Buyers Beware!
Chapter 7 Page 72 The Bible Is the Best Selling, Least Read Black History Book Ever
Chapter 8 Page 81 Pagan Holy Days
Chapter 9 Page 91 Why We Must Celebrate Kwanzaa
Chapter 10 Page 100 Conclusion
Epilogue Page 106 Obituary for Common Sense

All underlined words are links to references.



SuperstitionVery superstitious, writing on the wall
Very superstitious, ladders bout’ to fall
Thirteen month old baby, broke the lookin’ glass
Seven years of bad luck, the good things in your past
When you believe in things that you don’t understand
Then you suffer
Superstition ain’t the way…”
by Baba Stevie Wonder


Let me begin  acknowledge my mother for giving me life and very strong values.  While growing up in North Philadelphia, mother ensured that I successfully navigated the traps of America’s Criminal Injustice Complex, by encouraging me to remain in High School and obtaining my High School Diploma.  As the youngsters say, “I must also give a shout-out” to my older brother Solomon; my baby brother Gregory and my baby sister Cynthia and all of my cousins, aunts and uncles. 

I am especially grateful to my Aunt Marie Young who instilled in me a passion for reading during my childhood, which has made all of my educational successes possible; and for her husband Uncle Robert who taught me how to “Dress for Success.”  Most of all, I have to acknowledge my Uncle George Smith, who stepped in at my father’s grave site, picked me up, took me by the hand and ushered me into manhood.  Even though Uncle George (and all of my aunts and uncles) is now with our Ancestors, he still comes by and imparts more knowledge on me just when I need him the most.

It goes without saying that had it not been for all of our positive ancestors, this book would not be possible, because without them, my life would have taken a different path.  My elders taught me that I am the descendant of original man and woman and I belong to a race of people who built the pyramids, the Great Sphinx and all of the other great wonders of the world.  They also taught me that I am indebted to all of them and the only way to repay this debt is to become the best man that I can and pass this knowledge on to both my generation and all the generations that follow. 

The best way I figured out how to do this is to put it in a book, despite the adage that; “If you want to keep something from Black African Americans, put it in a book.”  I am aware that this book is not meant for everybody, nor is it meant for everybody right now.  The beauty of books and printed words is that they never die.  There were times when I bought books and not read them for several months and the same can happen to you with this book. 

Years ago, I was taught that when the student was ready, the teachers would appear and I have had hundreds of teachers come into my life and drop a wealth of knowledge on me.  Although space does not permit me to list all of my teachers, I encourage you to let your fingers do the walking on the internet and reach out to the following teachers that have truly impacted my life and woke my comatose mind: Nana Harriet Tubman, Nana Ida B. Wells, Nana Frances Cress Welsing, Nana Joy DeGruy, Nana Marimba Ani, Sister Michelle Alexander, Baba David Walker, Baba Fredrick Douglas, Baba Marcus Garvey, Baba Malcolm X, Baba Leon H. Sullivan, Baba John Henrik Clarke, Baba Ben Jochannan, Baba Amos Wilson, Baba Anthony Crowder, Baba Claude Anderson, and Baba Ray Hagins, to name only a few. 

As I said, there are literally hundreds of teachers who enlightened me during my life.  No matter how many I name, there will always be others that I didn’t mention.   Please do not stop with this very short list; after studying all that you can find about these Master Teachers, follow them wherever they lead you.  Afterwards, “ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 (KJV)

Your Brother,

Baba Jerry Smith, LCSW, LMSW

Nana Rosa ParksI have been reluctant to write this book because of the backlash I would receive.  I now realize that it is not about me; it is about the very survival of Black Africans throughout the Diaspora in general and Black African Americans in particular.

Although every race of people has been adversely affected by both religion and politics, this book is written specifically for Black Africans throughout the diaspora because no other race on this planet have been physically and mentally enslaved and massacred by both religion and politics to the scale that Black Africans throughout the diaspora has. 

Since childhood, to avoid arguments I have been told that the two subjects that are taboo in casual conversations is religion and politics; both of which should never be discussed.  Tragically, avoiding talking about both of these subjects are the reason that Black Africans in general and Black African Americans in particular are still enslaved and are now targeted for genocide.  Just as we’ve always done since our enslavement by both White Christians and White Jews, we Black Africans throughout the diaspora are blindly walking in lockstep like “processionary caterpillars” toward our own genocidal extermination.

If I told you that I was sitting on the beach in La Jolla, California when I wrote this book, you could easily believe it because you have no evidence to the contrary.  Yet, there is no way you could know it, because to know something requires factual evidence.  Therefore, to know if I was on the beach in La Jolla, California when I wrote this book requires factual information in the form of you actually being there to see me.  In this highly technological age we are living in, not even a photo would be sufficient proof because that could easily have been photoshopped.  Nothing short of you physically being there to see me would give you the knowledge to know of a certainty that I was sitting on the beach in La Jolla, California when I wrote this book. 

The same holds true for Christianity; it is based solely on believing that the bible is the Word of their Christian God and Jesus Christ is the Christian God’s son, and there is absolutely no way for you to know that the bible is the Word of the Christian God, nor Jesus Christ being His son because you were not there when the Christian God allegedly spoke those biblical words.  Your knowledge of the Christian God is based entirely on hearsay, which has absolutely nothing to do with facts.  At some point in your life, someone proselytized you into believing in both Christianity and the bible because they themselves were proselytized into believing in Christianity and the bible. 

Christianity grew into prominence when Emperor Constantine mandated that 318 Roman Bishops convene the Nicaean Council in the year 325 AD, ( ) which is when they createdJesus the Christ” for the primary purpose of using their creation as a weapon to conquer all of the non-White people of the world.  To this end, Christianity has been effectively used as a very potent religious and political weapon of conquest and subjugation of all of the non-White people on the planet.

Through the politics of religion, Pope Nicolas V issued a Papal Bull in 1452, ( ) not only authorizing, but mandating the enslavement of Black Africans in the name of Christianity.  To paraphrase Bishop Desmond Tutu, ( ) “The White Christians came to Africa with the Bible and the gun and the Black Africans had the land and all of the wealth the land offered.  When the gun smoke cleared and Black African blood stop flowing, the White Christians still had all of the guns and they now had all of the land and all of the wealth, while the Black Africans were left only with the Bible, which they were forbidden to read – only believe.”

Know of a surety that there is absolutely no factual evidence that any portion of the bible is true and there is absolutely, no factual evidence that Jesus Christ nor his disciples ever existed.  On the contrary, there is factual evidence that neither Jesus, nor his disciples ever existed; which can be found in the bible in the book of Galatians 4:22-24, which refers to the existence of Abraham as an “allegory,” which means he is a fictional character.  Conversely, if Abraham was a fictional character, all of his descendants must also be fictional characters, including Jesus Christ. 

If Jesus Christ himself was a real person, he would be the first to wholeheartedly denounce this manmade religion created in his name for the express purpose of engaging in wholesale genocide on all people of Black African ancestry throughout the diaspora.  By the way, if Jesus Christ was an actual person, he would not have practiced Christianity because according to the bible, Jesus was a Black African Jew.  Furthermore, the facts don’t lie and there is nothing in the bible that Jesus wrote, nor is there any historical evidence outside of the bible that proves his existence.   As Baba Stevie Wonder said, “When you believe in things that you don’t understand Then you suffer, Superstition ain’t the way…”    

I grew up hearing and knowing that “If I freed my mind, I would find the Kingdom of Heaven within,” and reading provided me with the key to unlock that kingdom because it freed my mind and allowed it to grow exponentially.  Many times I ask Black African Americans if they like to read before giving them information on my blog or other positive reading material and on average, 7 out of 10 will either say “no,” or “not really.”  While teaching college courses, for more than a decade, I encountered too many Black African American students saying, “I don’t like to read,” and in most cases, their grades confirmed it.  Asking them how they expected to be successful in college as well as life without developing a passion for reading, they just smiled and gave me that “deer in the headlight” stare.

Everything we need to improve our lot in life have been written in books and the solutions to all of our current problems, both as individuals and as a race can be found, written inside the pages of books.  That being said, too many of our Black African American parents have an aversion to reading non-fiction books, and they will likely pass these negative feelings about reading something that enriches us as a race onto their children, thereby perpetuating our self-imposed ignorance as a people.  Tragically, far too many Black African Americans were not taught the importance of reading prior to entering Pre-K.  Consequently, they never embraced the maxim that, “Reading is Fun-2-Mental.” ( ) Anything you ever want to know, you can find someone who has written about it.  In fact, reading is the quintessential skill for a successful life.  Because of the extremely low importance, we Black African Americans place on reading, we remain relegated to the lower socio-economic strata.  Remember, Black African Americans have not because we read not! 

Several years ago, a client told me someone had broken into his car, after he had just cashed his paycheck and bought several hundred dollars-worth of blank money orders.  He made several stops before coming to our appointment, so rather than carry the blank money orders with him he left them in his locked car.  When he returned to his car, after one of his stops, to his dismay, he noticed the break-in.  In panic, he anxiously looked for his blank money orders and was relieved to find them.  The thief stole all of the coins he had in his ashtray, several music CDs and his used tennis shoes.  The thief actually picked up his blank money orders and tossed them onto the back seat.  The reason they were not stolen was that my client had safely hidden them – inside a book.

Our low socio-economic position is because we do not take the time to increase our knowledge, thus improving our marketability.  Too many of us find comfort in complacency and maintaining the status quo by spending hours watching mindless TV, movies, sporting events, gossiping about each other, etc., yet, we won’t take the time to read an educational book.  In fact, many of us will spend in excess of 20 hours per week in church related activities such as: dressing for church, driving to and from church and attending church programs, when none of these activities is enhancing your lives or lifestyles.  On the contrary, it is costing you mega bucks to actively participate in this religious pyramid scheme.  Church attendance is a pyramid scheme because value goes up to the Pastor(s) and nothing comes down to you except empty promises that you are going to get your pie in the sky when you die!  Can you imagine how much education and knowledge you could obtain if you only spent half the time per week worshiping Pastor and enriching him/her and the other half reading educational materials and wisely investing your offerings and tithes in money-making accounts? 

With today’s current advancements in technology, many educational books come in the form of audio books; so all we have to do is replace listening to music or Pastor’s sermons with listening to educational materials.  How much easier can it get?  Many of us living in large cities spend enough time in our cars or on public transportation commuting back and forth to work, that we could learn a foreign language in a matter of months or earn a college degree in a few years just by listening to audio books.  The truth is religion is designed to dumb you down because it teaches you to shut down your critical thinking skills and rely purely on your emotions – what you believe to be real.  It also mandates that you do not read and if you should read, it must be restricted to religious materials. 

I ask everyone who boastfully tell me that they are Christians, if they have read all sixty-six books of the Bible, and without exception, they immediately say, “No, I have not.”  I then ask, “If you have not read the entire Bible, how do you know if your Pastor is teaching you accordingly?”  With this question, they immediately go on the defensive and say something like, “You don’t have to read the whole Bible; you just have to believe that Jesus is your Lord and Savior.”  With that response, I will usually change the subject to something less challenging, or threatening, like the weather or some other innocuous and mundane subject, because it makes no sense for me to attempt to enlighten someone who prefers to remain in darkness.

Now that I think about it, many of our Black African American females do enjoy reading.  The problem is in what they read.  Many of our women are avid readers of both “Black and White Erotic” books.  The erotic book industry is a multimillion-dollar a year industry and many of our Black African American adult females started reading this genre prior to their teen years… which could easily account for the high teenage pregnancies among Black African American teens.

Many of my family elders told me how knowledgeable my maternal grandfather was about the Bible.  Everyone said, “He could not read or write his own name, but he knew the Bible backwards and forwards.”  The first time I was told this I seriously questioned how this was possible, yet they were adamant that it was factual.  Because they were my elders, I accepted this from the perspective that it was their beliefs and I should not attempt to dissuade them.  After all, everyone has the right to remain as ignorant as he or she chooses to be.

What I knew to be true was that since my elders admittedly had not read the entire Bible themselves, it was very easy for them to be deluded into believing their Pastor (including my illiterate grandfather) knew the scriptures “backwards and forwards.”  Besides, my elders grew up during an era where it was forbidden for them to question the teachings of “The Man of God,” and this remains true today.

Our decision to believe something or not; is based on whether we trust the person giving us the information, regardless if they are telling us the truth.  In fact, we will believe what certain people tell us even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.  This is because our beliefs are indelibly intertwined with our emotions.  If it “feels good” to us, then it is believable.  When it is not believable, some will say, “That don’t feel right to me.

On the other hand, what we “know,” is predicated on factual evidence, as determined by all six of our senses, in addition to surviving the “test of time.”  However, when it comes to Black Africans throughout the Diaspora, many of our fictitious and superstitious universal beliefs, handed down to us by our enslavers have also withstood the test of time.  It is a given that our beliefs determine all of our actions.  Put another way, “As a man or woman thinketh, so they become.”  For instance, our White enslavers forbade our ancestors from reading or writing, therefore, many of us avoid reading like it is a disease. 

By keeping our ancestors ignorant and illiterate, White enslavers easily taught Black African Americans that their White God made us genetically inferior to White people, which is their justification for their God enslaving us.  Because of this teaching, we have unconsciously embraced the false teachings of our being inferior, thereby, retarding our socio-economic advancement.  Our current behaviors have evolved from a faulty belief system that we have translated into a truism.  For us as a race, what was true yesterday during slavery is true today and will be true tomorrow.

The written evidence to the White Race’s plans to perpetrate genocide on Black Africans throughout the diaspora and other People of color can easily be found by reading.  Yes, there are “written blueprints,” such as, “The King Alfred Plan” (included in this book) for the total eradication of all Black Africans and other “Colored” people and these blueprints have been hidden from us in plain sight.  They are written in books and other documents, for the White Races of the world to read and implement, without fear that Black Africans throughout the diaspora will find and read them.

There is a scene in the original version of “Roots” when Kizzy is in their shack with her mother Momma Bell and father Kunta Kinte aka “Toby,” when she writes her name on the cabin floor and her mother immediately slaps her face and demand that she must never show anyone that she can write or read again because master will sell her.  Needless to say, Kizzy wrote an illegal pass for another slave and sure enough, master sold her.  ( ) Brothers and Sisters, I promise you that if you start reading, master will not sell you.  On the contrary, master will have to release you from your mental enslavement because as Baba Frederick Douglas said, “An educated man will not be your slave.” 

Many of us were taught in America’s public mis-educational school system about Charles Darwin who wrote “On The Origin of Species.”  Even then, it was not politically correct to use the full title to his book which is: “On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or The Preservation of Favored Races in The Struggle for Life.”  The title itself is indicative of the contents of the book as well as the rational for writing it.

Very few of us are familiar with Darwin’s cousin, Francis Galton who is the father of America’s Eugenics program which was designed to convince all Christian White Americans that they had to ensure the survival of their race by any means necessary.  Galton developed two types of Eugenics’ programs: “Positive Eugenics,” where the Christian White American Race had to multiply in order to eradicate the Black African American race.  This was a dismal failure because of the Christian White Americans’ minority status and the fact that they could only reproduce with themselves.

Remember, “the one-drop rule,” which states, “The one-drop rule is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States asserting that any person with even one ancestor of sub-Saharan African ancestry is considered black, its implications of racial purity being that anyone unable to pass for white in the context of the US racial hierarchy is assigned the lower status of being non-white or colored.”

Therefore, Galton, et al, put their energies on the second type of Eugenics known as “Negative Eugenics.”  This entailed reducing the Black African American population by convincing us to have fewer children, thus committing race suicide.  This was taken to an even more sinister level under the guise of “Planned Parenthood,” which was founded by Margaret Sanger who was a Christian; and Christian Hillary Clinton said Sanger was her hero during her acceptance speech for the “Margaret Sanger Award” in 2009.

With only a few keystrokes, I found the following information: “According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, black women are more than 5 times as likely as white women to have an abortion.  On average, 1,876 black babies are aborted every day in the United States.  This incidence of abortion has resulted in a tremendous loss of life.”  DO YOU THINK

How come Black African American Christian Pastors are not addressing this ongoing holocaust when they preach on the 6th Commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Kill?”  I strongly encourage you to purchase the DVD, “Maafa 21” ( ) which explains in detail why Planned Parenthood is located primarily in Black African American communities and that their real agenda which is hidden in plain sight!  This documentary will also tell you that Planned Parenthood is the third highest recipient of Federal Government dollars, behind The American Heart Association and The American Cancer Society.

Even when a few of us do find this information and reveal it to the masses, they will quickly dismiss it and call us “conspiracy theorists.”  History is replete with examples of wherever Christianity went, it enslaved the indigenous people, such as: Africa, Asia, Australia, both North and South America and all of the island nations.  They even exterminated the indigenous people of Tasmania.  ( ) Seventy years after the arrival of the White British Christians, every original Tasmanian man, woman and child was slaughtered and their entire race exterminated.  There only evidence of having existed was created by Hollywood in the cartoon character, “The Tasmanian Devil.”  ( )

Although this book is based entirely on facts gleaned from both the bible and historical evidence, far too many Black African Americans will not read it because they do not want their religious beliefs to be confused with facts.  This is because they believe their Pastor is the intercessor for Jesus Christ and just like their belief in the bible, they wholeheartedly believe every word that is spoken by their Pastor regarding his belief in the bible and Jesus Christ.  This is a classic example of the “…blind leading the blind!” Matthew 15:14 (KJV)

Throughout this book, I will be using the bible as my primary source of reference to dispute the validity of the bible itself by showing you that the bible is not factually nor spiritually correct.  On the contrary, the bible is riddled with blatant errors and contradictions, as it should be since it is based solely on hearsay.  If I were to tell you something and you told it to someone else and they in turn told it to someone else and on and on to the one hundredth person… then that hundredth person came back and told you what they were told; do you think it would be what I initially told you?  Yet, we are told that King James 1st commissioned between 40 and 47 (depending on who you believe) writers to create his “Authorized Version” of the bible.  The mere fact that the word “version” is used should be highly suspect to you, because if this is a “version,” where is the “original?”

This book is written in hopes that it will ignite in the reader a spark that will turn into a burning flame of desire to understand the difference between believing in a Christian God and knowing the True God of the Universe, who is not one and the same.  In no way am I promoting anti-religion; I only want you to KNOW all there is to be known about your particular religion as opposed to blindly BELIEVING all that you’ve been taught. 

Remember, my target audience for this book is Black Africans in general and Black African Americans in particular because religion in general and Christianity in particular is the last vestiges of slavery and unless we discard it like the mental chains and shackles it is, we will not be able to halt this White Christian genocidal agenda that awaits us as a race. 

My uncle George taught me that his mother (my paternal grandmother) taught him that if somebody offers you something, as long as it is not harmful, take it, even if you don’t see the immediate need for it.  He went on to say that it may not be meant for you to use right now, yet it could come in handy later.  Uncle George also said that it may only be meant for me to give to someone else later, so I should take it now and wait for that opportunity.  The same is true with this book, it may not be meant for you now or at any time.  It could be meant for someone else; at the very least, tell them about it.

If you have read this far, John 4:24 (KJV) says: “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.



My birth certificate indicates that I was born a “Negro” in a “Women’s Shelter” at University Hospital in Augusta, Georgia.  When I was born, “Negroes” were not allowed in the “Whites Only” hospital, so the good Christian White people in Augusta set aside several rooms next to the morgue as the “Negro” wing of the hospital and maternity ward, which was called the “Women’s Shelter.”  By the way, there were no overnight stays in the “Women’s Shelter,” for pregnant women and their babies, so although I was born premature, both my mother and I had to leave the “Women’s Shelter” on the day I was born.

It is very interesting to me how my racial identify has changed over the years.  For instance: I was born a “Negro;” identified as being either a “Negro” or “Colored;” during the 60s we became “Afro Americans;” only to become “Black” in the 70s; which by the way is the English translation of the Spanish word “Negra.”  Furthermore, look in the dictionary for the definition of “black” and it is a very derogatory word in comparison to the word “white.”  In the 2000s we became “African Americans,” as well as “Minorities,” which by the way means “minor” or “less than;” whereas, “majority” means major or greater than.  Today we are subtly being called “Nigger” on the sly every time someone uses the expression, “the N-word.”

I choose to identify myself as well as the rest of us in America as Black African American, because “black” is the most dominant color in the color spectrum and ancient Kemit (Egypt) is translated to mean “the land of the Black.”  Furthermore, Africa is the ancestral birthplace of the first woman on this planet, which makes her not only my ancestral mother, she is the ancestral mother of all human kind.  Lastly, I was born in America and proudly served America during the Vietnam war, although I did not go to Vietnam, I would have had I been ordered to do so.  In addition, my ancestors paid a great debt building this great nation and I would be a fool to walk away from it now!  Yes, Sir, I am a red-blooded, flag-waving Black African American and proud of it!  CAN YOU DIG IT?

Oh, what a blessing it is that my people are so gullible because they do not think, read, reason, or use common sense, says the Pastors, Pimps and Politicians.


Wherever you see links next to names or quotes, go to these links to view my references on that particular statement.

The following are excerpts from chapters in my book for your review.

Page 5: I have been reluctant to write this book because of the backlash I would receive.  I now realize that it is not about me; it is about the very survival of Black Africans throughout the Diaspora in general and Black African Americans in particular.

Amos Wilson Know SelfAlthough every race of people has been adversely affected by both religion and politics, this book is written specifically for Black Africans throughout the diaspora because no other race on this planet have been physically and mentally enslaved and slaughtered by both religion and politics to the scale that Black Africans throughout diaspora has.

Processionary Caterpillar 2Since childhood, to avoid arguments I have been told that the two subjects that are taboo in casual conversations is religion and politics; both of which should never be discussed.  Tragically, avoiding talking about both of these subjects are the primary reason that Black Africans in general and we Black African Americans in particular are still enslaved and are now targeted for genocide.  Just as we’ve always done since our enslavement by both White Christians and White Jews, we Black Africans throughout the diaspora are blindly walking in lockstep like “processionary caterpillars”  toward our own genocidal extermination.

La JollaIf I told you that I was sitting on the beach in La Jolla, California when I wrote this book, you could easily believe it because you have no evidence to the contrary.  Yet, there is no way you could know it, because to know something requires factual evidence.  Therefore, to know if I was on the beach in La Jolla, California when I wrote this book requires factual information in the form of you actually being there to see me.  In this highly technological age we are living in, not even a photo would be sufficient proof because that could easily have been photoshopped.  Nothing short of you physically being there to see me would give you the knowledge to know of a certainty that I was sitting on the beach in La Jolla, California when I wrote this book.

Bishop's BibleThe same holds true for Christianity; it is based solely on Christians believing that the bible is the Word of their Christian God and Jesus Christ is their Christian God’s son, and there is absolutely no way for you to know that the bible is the Word of your Christian God, nor Jesus Christ being His son because you were not there when your Christian God allegedly spoke those biblical words.  Your knowledge of your Christian God is based entirely on hearsay, which has absolutely nothing to do with facts.  At some point in your life, someone proselytized you into believing in both Christianity and the bible because they themselves were proselytized into believing in Christianity and the bible.

Emperor ConstantinePage 6: Christianity grew into prominence when Emperor Constantine mandated that 318 Roman Bishops convene the Nicaean Council in the year 325 AD,  which is when they created “Jesus the Christ” for the primary purpose of using their creation as a “Weapon of Mass Destruction” (WMD) to conquer all of the non-White people of the world.  To this end, Christianity has been effectively used as a very potent religious and political WMD for the conquest and subjugation of all of the non-White people on the planet.

Pope Nicholas VThrough the politics of religion, Pope Nicolas V issued a Papal Bull in 1452, not only authorizing, but mandating the enslavement of Black Africans in the name of Christianity.  To paraphrase Bishop Desmond Tutu,  “The White Christians came to Africa with the Bible and the gun (WMD) and the Black Africans had the land and all of the wealth it provided.  When the gun smoke cleared and Black African blood stop flowing, the White Christians still had all of the guns (WMD) and they now had all of the land with all of it’s wealth and riches and the Black Africans only had the Bible, which they were forbidden to read – only believe.”

Wrong CrossKnow of a surety that there is absolutely no factual evidence that any portion of the bible is true and there is absolutely, no factual evidence that Jesus Christ nor his disciples ever existed.  On the contrary, there is factual evidence that neither Jesus, nor his disciples ever existed; which can be found in the bible in the book of Galatians 4:22-24, which refers to the existence of Abraham as an “allegory,” which means he is a fictional character.  Conversely, if Abraham was a fictional character, all of his descendants must also be fictional characters, including Jesus Christ.

Amos Wilson JesusIf Jesus Christ himself was a real person, he would be the first to wholeheartedly denounce this manmade religion created in his name for the express purpose of engaging in wholesale genocide on all people of Black African ancestry throughout the diaspora.  By the way, if Jesus Christ was an actual person, he would not have practiced Christianity because according to the bible, Jesus was a Black African Jew. Furthermore, the facts don’t lie and there is nothing in the bible that Jesus himself wrote, nor is there any historical or archeological evidence outside of the bible that proves his existence.  Remember, Jesus Christ is the last of the Sixteen Crucified Saviors!  As Baba Stevie Wonder said, “When you believe in things that you don’t understand Then you suffer, Superstition ain’t the way…”

My BookPage 7: Everything we need to improve our lot in life have been written in books and the solutions to all of our current problems, both as individuals and as a race can be found, written inside the pages of books.  That being said, too many of our Black African American parents have an aversion to reading non-fiction books, and they will likely pass these negative feelings about reading something that enriches us as a race onto their children, thereby perpetuating our self-imposed ignorance as a people. Tragically, far too many Black African Americans were not taught the importance of reading prior to entering Pre-K.  Consequently, they never embraced the maxim that, “Reading is Fun-2-Mental.”  Anything you ever want to know, you can find someone who has written about it.  In fact, reading is the quintessential skill for a successful life. Because of the extremely low importance, we Black African Americans place on reading, we remain relegated to the lower socio-economic strata of life.  Remember, Black African Americans have not because we read not!

Slave Ship JesusPage 11: This book is written in hopes that it will ignite in the reader a spark that will turn into a burning flame of desire to understand the difference between believing in a Christian God and knowing the True God of the Universe, who is not one and the same.  In no way am I promoting anti-Religion; I only want you to KNOW all there is to be known about your particular religion as opposed to blindly BELIEVING all that you’ve been taught.

Chained BrotherRemember, my target audience for this book is Black Africans in general and Black African Americans in particular because religion in general and Christianity in particular is the last vestiges of slavery and unless we discard it like the mental chains and shackles it is, we will not be able to halt this White Christian genocidal agenda that awaits us as a race.

Chapter 1

My Christian Journey

Cognitive DissonancePage 13: “Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted.  It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance.  And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn’t fit in with the core belief.”- Frantz Fanon

JesusI remember attending church for the first time when I was living in Manhattan, New York around 1956.  My older cousins Mamie and Betty would take my older brother Junior and I to their church, while my aunt Marie, their mother and my mother would attend a different church.  I do not recall their father, uncle Robert ever going to church during this time.  The church we attended had a White American Preacher, yet, I don’t recall much about the services; I do remember all of the huge pictures of White Jesus and other White biblical characters and the White Pastor’s robe with several crosses on it.

Pagan EasterI remember participating in Easter and Xmas plays, playing various biblical characters with our homemade outfits.  The adults got a thrill out of it and we children had fun as well.  What was remarkable about St. Stephens was that Sister Johnson (Reverend Johnson’s wife) would always “get happy” only when Reverend Johnson preached.  Even if there was a visiting preacher preaching, Sister Johnson would not “get happy” for him; only for her husband Reverend Johnson.

Gettn HappyWe children always knew when Sister Johnson was about to “get happy” because she would begin by slapping her legs and thighs rhythmically with both hands, (This behavior is known in psychological terms as “self-stemming.”) while repeatedly and rapidly saying, “Yes Lord, Yes Jesus.”  As she “got happier,” she’d begin rocking the pew, (which was not attached to the floor) while repeatedly slapping her legs and thighs faster and faster, acknowledging both Jesus and the Lord.

When I wasn’t ushering or singing in the choir, I’d make sure I sat on the pew with Sister Johnson, to enjoy the ride and the show.  In actuality, it was my intentions to “get happy” with…

Page 21: The play was produced by a sister here in Charleston named Queen Atterberry and during her performance, she told of the origin of holding up the index finger during church service.  She said, that when a slave had to urinate or defecate during church service, they would approach their Christian master, holding up one index finger, saying, “one nigger gone master.”  When they returned, they would again approach their Christian master and say, “one nigger back master.”  This was their Christian masters’ method of keeping a head count on their slaves.

Slave FlyerDuring this play, Queen Atterberry also explained the meaning behind the word “picnic,” saying, picking slaves to buy at the auctions was a long and tedious process, so the White Christian buyers would bring their entire families, along with food to these Christian slave auctions where they would “pick-a-nigga.”

picnic lynchingIt must also be noted that during the more than 100 years of Lynchings that took place in Christian White America after the Civil War, many times, these lynchings would be announced in White Christian churches and newspapers in neighboring counties days in advance.  These “good” Christian White people would travel for miles, bringing their Christian White families as well as food and drink to witness and/or participate in these gruesome torturous lynchings.  Again, we have the event called “pick-a-nigga; pic-a-nic;” ergo “picnic.”  Furthermore, the term “soul food,” was given to us by our Christian White enslavers who said, “Those niggas will eat anything, including the soul of the animal,” ergo – “soul food.”

Chapter 2


Baba ClarkePage 22: “A people’s history tells a people where they have been and what they have been; where they are and what they are; More importantly, a proper understanding of history tells a people what they must be and where they must go.  We Africans must understand our history in order to see our place in the world.  Our history is only the beginning and not the ending.  It is the place where we must start if we want to find ourselves.  We African people cannot and will not find ourselves looking to the religious system given to us by our White oppressors.” – Baba John Henrik Clarke

Willie 2Allegedly, a West Indies’ plantation owner by the name of Willie Lynch met with some aristocratic White Christian American plantation owners on the banks of the James River in the colony of Virginia in 1712 for the purpose of teaching them how to “make a slave.”  It is important to realize that these “God-fearing White Christians” did not kidnap slaves from Africa and bring them to America.  On the contrary, these “God-fearing White Christians” kidnapped proud, regal and free Africans and brought them to America and then enslaved them.

Slave ShipWhat White Christian American history does not tell us is that the survivors of this horrendous “Middle Passage,” the voyage from Africa to the Caribbean Islands were the best of the best that was stolen from Africa.  Only the mentally and physically strongest Black Africans could have survived the savagely barbaric inhumanity of their White Christian American kidnappers.

Willie Lynch is quoted as saying, “Greetings, Gentlemen.  I greet you here on the bank of the James River in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twelve.  First, I shall thank you, the gentlemen of the Colony of Virginia, for bringing me here.  I am here to help you solve some of your problems with slaves.  Your invitation reached me on my modest plantation in the West Indies, where I have experimented with some of the newest, and still the oldest, methods for control of slaves.  Ancient Rome would envy us if my program is implemented.  As our boat sailed south on the James River, named for our illustrious King, whose version of the Bible we cherish, I saw enough to know that your problem is not unique.

TobyPage 27: By the time they reached their early teens, Black African males had been thoroughly brainwashed into their new roles of cowardice and servitude to the White Christian race.  With this reversal of the natural order, the White Christian race could sleep safe and restful without fear that Black African “men” would bring harm to them or their families.  Because of their emotional and psychological training, Black African women would stand guard throughout their lifetimes to ensure the protection of the White Christian race.  By continuously breaking the Black African male’s warrior spirit; by destroying the protective male image and replacing it with a subservient image and by instilling psychological independence in Black African females, this cycle of submissiveness and dominance will go on in perpetuity.

Chapter 3:

The Real Deal About the Bible

MisEducationPage 32: “If you can control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his action.  When you determine what a man shall think you do not have to concern yourself about what he will do.  If you make a man feel that he is inferior, you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior status, for he will seek it himself.  If you make a man think that he is justly an outcast, you do not have to order him to the back door.  He will go without being told; and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one.” ― Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro

King James BibleHistorically speaking, know of a surety that there is absolutely no evidence to be found anywhere outside of the bible or books written about the bible that any of the biblical characters ever existed.  Not only that, the bible is replete with contradictions, falsehoods and outright lies which can be proved.  There are a total of 66 books in the bible and probably as many versions of the bible if not more.  However, the only “authorized” version of the bible is the “Authorized King James” version.  Right here I have a major problem with the word “version.”  What it tells me is that this is not the “original” bible, just someone’s opinion of the “original” bible.

My search for the “original” bible, left me with another question, which I have never found the answer.  That question is, who was there taking notes during the White Christian “Creation Myth,” when the White Christian God allegedly did not make man until the sixth day of creation.  Furthermore, who came up with the names “great whales and cattle” found in the White Christian “Creation Myth,” since Adam had not been made yet?

Creation MythStaying with the White Christian “Creation Myth,” if God only created Adam and Eve and they gave birth to Cain and Abel, where did Cain and Abel’s wives come from?  When Cain “knew his wife,” she had to have been his sister or daughter, according to this White Christian “Creation Myth,” yet we’re not told that Adam and Eve had any more children.  To accept this White Christian story, we must accept the fact that everyone is the product of incestuous relationships and if we are to believe the Genesis story, then where did the rest of the world’s population come from?

Adam and EveFurthermore, if Cain slew Abel, did both Adam and Cain take turns impregnating Eve as well as Eve’s female offspring?  Genesis 2:24 alleges Adam said, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”  How would Adam know anything about a father or mother if he never had neither.  Remember, according to White Christianity Adam was made from the dust of the earth by the “Hand of God?”

EdenGenesis 1:31 alleges, “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.”  Since God made the “serpent” as well, was it not “very Good?”  By the way, if everything God made was “very good,” what was the problem with Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowledge?  Genesis 4:7 alleges God said, “…If thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.”  If everything God made was “very good,” didn’t God make sin and if so, isn’t it also “very good?”

Cain slaying Abel was “very good” as well since God made them both; so why would God punish Cain?  Furthermore, Genesis 4:14 says, “…everyone that findeth me shall slay me.” First of all, the only people on the earth is Adam, Eve and Cain, so who is this “everyone that findeth me shall slay me” Cain is referring to and how many times can he be slayed when he alleges says, “everyone that findeth me shall slay me?”

MosesPage 33: Moving on; Moses was a murderer and his brother Aaron was disobedient to God, so why would God give Moses “Ten Commandments” (out of 42 total) to give to us when one of the commandments is “Thou shalt not kill?”  Not only that, why would God break his own commandment by ordering Saul to kill every man, woman, child, and animals and then punish him for not obeying and killing everything? (1 Samuel 15:3)  If thou shalt not covet, then why would a just God demand that Moses and his people steal the land of Canaan from the Canaanites?  Did you know that King David was a “peeping tom,” and his son Solomon was an adulterer?

Page 38: Come and reason with me now; if God says “I make peace and create evil. I the lord do all these things.”  What does the devil do and what power does he/she/it has?  It gets even worse; God…

Chapter 4


Page 40: “If your holy book has laws about how to keep slaves; your holy book is disqualified as a source for developing moral code.” – Anonymous
King James IIn 1607, King James the 1st of England commissioned over forty (40) writers to produce his version of the bible because his abhorrent behavior was being criticized by Pope Paul V.  As a result, in 1611 King James presented to the world his version of the bible, known as the “authorized King James version.”

The etymology of the word “religion” is derived from the word “ligere,” which means to yoke, tie, fasten, bind; and paired with the suffix “re,” it means to re-tie, rebind, refasten back to how you once were.  The bible is the instrument that you are to be refastened to. The bible in general is the #1 best-selling book in the history of book publication and it has been published in nearly every language on the planet.

Dr BenYet, despite its popularity, you will be hard-pressed to find one (1) person out of one hundred (100) bible owners who can honestly say they have read all 66 books of the bible consecutively and in its entirety.  As written in the bible, they have read “here a little and there a little,” and they are convinced they have a thorough understanding of the bible.  At the core of White Christianity is the belief that the bible is 1: The word of God and 2: God cannot error, therefore, 3: The bible is without error.

TrumpThe following is an Evangelical Statement which was adapted from the National Association of Evangelicals.

We believe the Bible to be the only inerrant Word of God.  It is our only ultimate and infallible authority for faith and practice.

We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three Persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  He is omnipotent, that is, He is all-powerful.  He is omnipresent, that is, He is present throughout all Creation but not limited by it.  He is omniscient, that is, nothing is hidden from His sight.  In all things He is limited by nothing other than His own nature and character.    

 We believe the God we serve is holy, righteous, good, severe, loving and full of mercy.  He created the heavens and earth, and everything in them, in the space of six ordinary days, and all very good.  He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Governor of everything that has been made.

Pope JP2Page 41: The Catholic church, which is the originator of Christianity could not be outdone, added the following: “The Holy Mother church, in relying on the beliefs of the Apostles, holds that the books of both the old and new testaments, in their entirety, with all their parts, are sacred and canonical because written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God as their author and have been handed on as such to the church itself.

Furthermore, in composing the sacred books, God chose men and while employed by Him they made use of their powers and abilities, so that with Him acting in them and through them, they, as true authors, consigned to writing everything and only those things which He wanted.

Therefore, since everything asserted by the inspired authors or sacred writers must be held to be asserted by the Holy Spirit, it follows that the books of Scriptures must be acknowledged as teaching solidly, faithfully and without error the truth which God wanted put into sacred writings…” (Dei Verbum)



King Alfred PlanPage 52: I will start this chapter with my basic tenet, and that is the premise that everything is connected, and nothing under the sun happens by coincidence or happenstance.  There is always a “cause” and an “effect;” a reason or purpose for everything, although on the surface, it may not appear so.  I was conflicted about putting this article in this particular book because I was not sure it would fit because the basic thesis of this book is about White Christianity and the adverse effects on Black Africans throughout the diaspora in general and Black African Americans in particular.

Page 53: In 1970, Louis Giuffrida, who later became the first director of FEMA under President Reagan, presented the “King Alfred Plan” to the Army War College.  Mr. Giufrrida’s presentation was a manifesto on how the government, at the discretion of the President could arrest, incarcerate and exterminate 22 million “Negroes” (we were Negroes back then) in the event of widespread, continuing and coordinated racial disturbances in America.

President ObamaPresident Obama signed Executive Order (EO) 13528 on January 11, 2010, suspending the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.  The Posse Comitatus Act forbids the use of the military for civilian law enforcement, which is what President George W. Bush ignored when he sent the Army into New Orleans during hurricane Katrina.  On January 2, 2013, President Obama also signed the National Defense Authorization Act, granting him and all future presidents the authorization to suspend habeas corpus with the stroke of the presidential pen.  Ergo, the militarization of America’s local and state law enforcement agencies.

LeopoldPage 59: Yes, you read it right, King Leopold ll was a Jew, who authorized the slaughter of 15 million or more Black Africans in the Congo, an area of land that Leopold deeded to himself and declared himself to be the sole owner of the entire country.  The article states: “He ‘bought’ it and enslaved its people, turning the entire country into his own personal slave plantation.  He disguised his business transactions as ‘philanthropic’ and ‘scientific’ efforts under the banner of the International African Society.  He used their enslaved labor to extract Congolese resources and services.  His reign was enforced through work camps, body mutilations, torture, executions, and his own private army.”  Remember, Leopold is the son of a White Christian preacher.  This article further states: “Stories which support the white supremacist narrative about the subhumanness of people in Africa are allowed to enter the records of history.  The white guy who turned the Congo into his own personal part-plantation, part-concentration camp, part-Christian ministry—and killed 10 to 15 million Congolese people in the process—doesn’t make the cut.2

Slave Trade MapPage 59: By the way, Jews were also involved in the African slave trade as evidenced by Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael’s book, “Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History (New York: Behrman House, Inc., Pub, 1983), pp. 14, 23-25.”  The Rabbi states, “This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the ‘triangular trade’ that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa.  Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750’s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760’s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760’s and early 1770’s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.”

Chapter 6

Jesus For Sale, Buyers Beware!

Dr Woodson CollegePage 62: “In schools of theology Negroes are taught the interpretation of the Bible worked out by those who have justified segregation and winked at the economic debasement of the Negro at times almost to the point of starvation.” – Baba Carter G. Woodson

In 2018, we as a people are still floundering at the bottom of the moral and socio-economic ladders.  There is no other race in America who has a lower status than Black African Americans and this is easily verified by going into any “slum” or “ghetto” in America and you will find that the overwhelming majority population living there is Black African Americans.

Chicago GhettoYou will know when you have arrived into these depressed areas when you see the six primary landmarks located on the main drag in just about every neighborhood: Check Cashing; Title Loans; Fast Food; Convenience Stores, Liquor Stores and Churches.  There are so many churches throughout Black African American neighborhoods, that there are sometimes two or three of them in the same blocks.  We have more churches, Preachers/Pastors than ever, yet as a race, we are morally and financially bankrupt.  WHY?

Chris RockOf course, we can point fingers at other races and say they are morally deficient as well, which is true.  However, Black Africans in general and Black African Americans in particular are the only race being targeted for genetic extinction. How did we get here?  The answer is simple – “White Christianity;” because people have an overwhelming desire to believe in something or someone, especially Black Africans throughout the diaspora and they had Christianity forced into their minds by White Christian enslavers with the use of “Weapons of Mass Destruction.”

Inside PyramidOnce Emperor Constantine came on the scene, he stripped every Black African man, woman and child both physically and mentally of all knowledge of their ancestral Spiritual Systems.  He then contrived to conquer the non-White world by plagiarizing the ancient Africans’ Spiritual System and then repackaged it with the aid of the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD which created Christianity.  Then he violently forced it on everybody he and his Christian armies conquered and/or enslaved.

Chapter 7


Negro Hx WkPage 73: The official recognition of Black History began in America when Baba Carter G. Woodson established “Black History Week” in February 1926.  Since then, every February we will dust off photos of Black African American scholars, athletes, entertainers, business moguls, politicians, and preachers, yet we ignore the bible.  It has never been included as a recognized source of “Black History” because few Black African Americans realize that the bible is a fictionalized version of “Black History.”

KnowledgePage 74: It is said; “Knowledge is Power” and I beg to differ because knowledge alone is not power.  If it was, then why is it that there are more Black African Americans with college degrees today than ever, yet, Black African Americans are the most powerless race of people in this country and Black Africans throughout the diaspora are the most powerless race on this planet?  No my Brothers and Sisters, “Knowledge is not Power,” we only gain power from “Applied Knowledge.”

Chapter 8

Pagan Holy Days

Going Down That Rabbit Hole Again...

Slave N 2 ManPage 82: “I love the pure, peaceable and impartial Christianity of Christ… I therefore hate the corrupt, slave-holding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial and hypocritical Christianity of this land.” – Frederick Douglas

Have you ever wondered where your most cherished beliefs about Christianity come from or why you do the things that you do?  How did you learn about your religion?  Who taught you Christianity and who benefited from your embracing it?  Remember, the first Africans in the Americas were not Christians.  Have you learned anything new, since you first began attending church during your childhood; or, are you just listening to the same message Sunday after Sunday?  Be advised that if you repeat a lie often enough, you will eventually embrace it as truth.

Poke in EyeHow much new information can you get from your Pastor by hearing the same repetitious sermons?  Are you just attending church for entertainment purposes and to deify your Pastor?  Do you ever question why Easter Sunday does not occur on the same date every year?  What has the spring equinox to do with Jesus?  Who taught you to believe chocolate rabbits, colored eggs, hanging plastic eggs on trees, Easter baskets, Easter Bonnets, new clothes, going to church on Easter Sunday and Sunrise Services honor the resurrection of Jesus Christ?  Have you read this in your bible, or are these just childhood fables that you are passing on to your children?

Easter HairPage 83: Sadly, Christians engage in many ritualistic behaviors (like cutting the ends of the ham off) without having any idea why.  The celebration of Easter is one of these ritualistic traditions where time has obscured the true reasons and origin for this celebration.

Consequently, the White Roman Catholic Church replaced the “pagan” ritual of Easter with the Jewish “Passover,” and then changed that into the Resurrection of Jesus, while maintaining all of the “pagan” rituals of rabbits laying eggs, coloring eggs, and eating ham, etc.

JC RisingThe foundation of White Christianity is the belief that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and ascended into heaven on Easter Sunday.  If you do not believe this, “…your faith is also in vain.”  The word “Easter” appears in the bible only once, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the resurrection of Christ.  It is found in Acts 12:4 KJV in reference to Peter’s arrest: “And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.”

Chapter 9


Harriet Tubman2Page 92: “I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.” Nana Harriet Tubman

Bill CosbyIn his book, “Stolen LegacyBaba George James describes how White European Christians in general and White American Christians in particular has stolen most of our knowledge and hidden the rest from us in plain sight by hiding them in books.  In 1968 Baba Bill Cosby narrated a documentary entitled, “Black History, Lost, Stolen or Strayed” where he highlighted how White European Christians and their progeny stole all of the knowledge and wisdom from ancient Africans, plagiarized and regurgitated it back to us as their wisdom.

Clinton in HarlemHillary Clinton stole Black Africans’ ancient phrase, “It Takes a Village” and after writing her book, she and her husband, Bill Clinton moved into Harlem and was greeted by Black African Americans with open arms, and gentrification soon followed.  Now the “Stop and Frisk” laws are in full force when many Black African Americans are seen in Harlem.

White KidsHABARI GANI- What’s the news?  We created it and they stole it!  We must loudly proclaim that beginning today, we as a people of Black African ancestry will embrace the Nguzo Saba for the rest of our lives.  Before we can embrace the Nguzo Saba, we must proudly and totally embrace Kwanzaa.  In order to embrace Kwanzaa, we must know what it is and what it stands for.

There are seven basic and two supplemental symbols used in Kwanzaa, all of which represent the values and traditions of ancient Black African culture prior to colonization by the White European Christians.  These symbols are summarized from the book, “Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Family, Community and Culture, Commemorative Edition, Maulana Karenga, 1998, Los Angeles: University of Sankore Press,” and are as follows:…

Watch Night Service Fallacy

25 DollarsPage 98: Sadly, very few Black African Americans have ever participated in the final feast of Kwanzaa because most do not even know what Kwanza is.  Instead on December 31st a large percentage of us will be partying and bull-shucking on New Year’s eve, while many Black African American Christians will be participating in traditional “Watch Night Services.”

Because of this lie, Black African American Christians engage in ritualistic behaviors that are based solely on traditions passed down to us from slavery, and the meanings have been lost to us over the decades.  Watch Night Service is one such ritualistic tradition because very few Black African American Pastors know the true meaning behind it.  They have been taught that it is best to be in church on New Year’s eve celebrating with their Jesus than at a party with the Devil.


SlavePage 101: My purpose for writing this book is to show Black African Americans the real deal behind White Christianity and how it has always been used as a lethal Weapon of Mass Destruction against us.  It was initially created as a weapon of enslavement, which to that end has been extremely successful for over 1500 years.  Although White Christianity has adversely impacted all those who have embraced it, as stated from the outset, the focus of this book is only on Black Africans in general and Black African Americans in particular.

Slaves ObeyThe bible in general and White Christianity in particular has adversely impacted us far worse than any plague, including AIDS, Ebola and drug addiction combined because this addiction to Christianity has decimated our entire race worldwide.  Since we follow those who preceded us and our Black African brothers throughout the diaspora follow those of us in America, we all have been bamboozled, hood-winked and lied to as Baba Malcolm X so eloquently told us.

Jesus SavesJust ask yourself these questions: If the bible and White Christianity was so wonderful, why are we still suffering as a race?  Why are you still hurting at the loss of your love ones, when you are supposed to believe they are happily in the arms of your White Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; whose same arms you are looking forward to climbing into?  Who really benefits by you being a faithful believer in White Christianity?  Why do you believe your Pastor can pray a blessing for you and yours, when he/she cannot even pray the same blessings for him/her and theirs?

ReadBy reading this book, indicates that you actually have possession of it and you may have even paid for it.  However, you came upon it, it is in your possession.  Imagine, if you would that you closed it up right now and don’t read another word and then imagine this: even though you have your own copy of this book, the only time you open it is once a week on Sundays when you’re in my presence and I tell you exactly what pages to open and what few sentences to read.  You then close your book and listen to a 15-20-minute diatribe of my yelling and screaming at you about what the devil will do if you don’t adhere to all of the teachings in your book – that you have not completely read.  You then pay me 10% of your gross weekly earnings and go home and not read anything else in your book until next Sunday and every Sunday thereafter when you come back to me and repeat the exact same process over, and over and over, until the last day when you’re brought back to me in a casket.

Eddie PimpnPage 102: Can you hear how stupid this sounds; you are going to pay me to read to you out of a book that you already bought!  Isn’t this exactly what you are doing when you go to your church, carrying your bible and paying your Pastor to read to you what you can easily read for yourself for free?  Why would a sane and rational person do this?  Oh, could it be because God only speaks directly to your Pastor in the same room that you are in and gives him information to tell you when God could have easily told you himself?

If you found these excerpts from my book either helpful or unhelpful, please give me a review on my Blog.

Thank you,


Readers Get the Real Deal on Christianity
Author’s third book is an honest and frank revelation of what it is to know versus what it is to believe

Augusta, Ga. – From an experienced life coach, social worker, motivational speaker, and counselor, Jerry Smith, comes a different perspective on religion. In his third book, Christianity: The Real Deal!, he hopes that this will ignite in readers a spark that will turn into a burning flame of desire to understand the difference between “believing in a Christian God” and “knowing the True God of the Universe”. This is not an anti-religion book; but rather a push for readers to better recognize the depths of their understanding whether they have faith in God because they know Him or they believe Him.

In this book, the author only wants people to “know” all there is to be known about one’s particular religion as opposed to blindly “believing” what’s just being taught to them. Throughout this book, he will be using the bible as a primary source of reference to dispute the validity of the bible itself by showing that the bible is not factually nor spiritually correct.

An eye-opening read that allows readers to take a moment of their time to think and qualify the way they understand and accept their religion.

This book is available online and can be purchased now! 

About the Author
Jerry Smith was born in Augusta, Georgia in 1951. Before he was two years old, his parents looked at him and realized that he had “promise”, so they moved him “Up-South” to the “Promised Land”. As a result, he grew up in the slums of Philadelphia and New York City. At 18, he enlisted into the United States Navy and after serving six years, he received an Honorable Discharge from the Navy.

He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW-Ga) and a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW-SC). He holds the following degrees: Master of Arts degree in Counseling, Bachelor of Arts degree in Behavioral Science, and an Associate of Arts degree in Psychology. He has worked extensively in both Georgia and South Carolina penitentiaries and jails providing mental health services to an array of incarcerated inmates, both males and females. He was also an Adjunct Professor of Social Sciences at Georgia Military College and Paine College. For more than two decades now, he has been in private practice, contracting with various agencies providing individual, family, marital, and addictions counseling to an array of clientele. He is an experienced life coach and motivational speaker on an array of topics.

His other books include It’s Time to Stop Blaming The White Man and It’s Still Time to Stop Blaming The White Man.

Christianity: The Real Deal! by Jerry Smith, M.A., LCSW, LMSW
Publication Date: October 2018