“I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.” Mother Harriet Tubman
I am dedicating all of my remaining posts this year to Black African American females because a race can rise no higher than its’ females.
As in all of my posts, UNDERLINED WORDS are links.
I wrote the following letter to Sandra Bland’s family Attorney and sent a copy to their Pastor. To date, I have not received a response. I am now publishing it as I said I would, because it is important that Trooper Encinia is held accountable for all of his illegal actions, which contributed to Ms. Bland’s death.
Mr. Cannon Lambert, Esq.
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, with over 30 years experience in all types of milieus including working in Medium/Maximum Penitentiaries in both Georgia and South Carolina as well as the Richmond County jail here in Augusta, Ga.
My purpose for writing is on behalf of Ms. Sandra Bland and her MURDER. I have been following her case closely and have spent over thirty hours thoroughly scrutinizing the dash cam video of her traffic stop, which resulted in her MURDER.
Sir, I am aware that this past Friday, the Waller County Coroner ruled Ms. Bland’s death a suicide, yet, my preliminary evaluation has determined her cause of death as MURDER at the hands of Trooper Brian Encinia.
Mr. Lambert, as you are aware, in the case of a death, there are two types of autopsies, a “Forensic Autopsy” and a “Psychological Autopsy”. The “Forensic Autopsy” will tell you how Ms. Bland died and if she killed herself and a “Psychological Autopsy” will tell you why she killed herself.
I have conducted a preliminary “Psychological Autopsy” using a modified version of the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale”. I modified it because it does not include the additional stressors that Ms. Bland endured at the hands of Trooper Encinia.
This stress scale rating is as follows: Score of 300+: At risk of illness. Score of 150-299: Risk of illness is moderate. (Reduced by 30% from the above risk) and a Score <150: Slight risk of illness.
Based on my preliminary evaluation, Ms. Bland’s sub-score is 469, with an additional sub-score of 625 resulting from her encounter with Trooper Encinia. Her total preliminary score is 1,094.
I must emphasize that this is only my preliminary findings because I have not had the opportunity to interview Ms. Bland’s family and friends.
Mr. Lambert, the information I have read indicates that the focal point of Ms. Bland’s death has been on the three days she spent in lock-up at the County jail, which I find, from my experience having worked in Richmond County jail here in Augusta, Ga. highly suspect.
To begin with, Ms. Bland’s booking photo is the first time I have ever seen an initial booking photo taken in jail attire; I have seen thousands of booking photos in both South Carolina, Georgia, as well as numerous other states. All of these photos were taken in the clothes that were worn at the time of the arrest.
I have conducted hundreds of “Mental Health” evaluations on newly arrested individuals (both males and females) based on their answering yes to the “Intake Officer’s” question about any previous suicide thoughts or attempts.
According to information I reviewed, Ms. Bland admitted to a recent suicide attempt and/or thoughts of suicide. She should have received a Mental Health evaluation by a competent Mental Health professional and placed on a suicide watch.
I have also viewed three photos, allegedly of the jail cell that housed Ms. Bland, which raised additional red flags. Why was the trashcan sitting next to the bed that she was sleeping in? Who does that? We normally place trashcans in the corner of a room.
Furthermore, if she reportedly used a plastic trash bag from this trash can, who replaced the trash bag that she allegedly used to hang herself? Why would she use a trash bag, when the rope holding the shower curtain was accessible? Who opened the closed Bible that was sitting on her bed and what happened to the orange shoes by the bed?
Reportedly, this was a “crime scene” of a possible murder, so why was it not left exactly as it was found when Ms. Bland’s body was discovered?
The Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, Mr. Steven McCraw is quoted as saying, “Regardless of the situation — it doesn’t matter where it happens — a DPS state trooper has got an obligation to exhibit professionalism and be courteous … and that wasn’t the case in this situation”.
By Director McCraw’s own admission, Trooper Encinia’s violation of policy and procedures resulted in placing him on Administrative Leave. This is tantamount to acknowledging that Trooper Encinia broke the law.
Mr. Lambert, is it true in Texas that if someone dies because of the commission of a crime, the person committing the crime is liable for the death?
The moment Trooper Encinia asked Ms. Bland to put down her cigarette, he violated the policy and procedures of the Texas Department of Public Safety because he did not have the authority at that time to ask her to put down her cigarette. Therefore, everything he did subsequent to this was felonious.
This includes, but is not limited to the following: slamming his clip board on her car, possibly damaging her car; opening her car door without her permission; his terroristic threat by placing his right hand on his gun; his reaching into her car and assaulting her; his threatening to “yank” her out of her car; his pointing his taser gun at her and making a terroristic threat saying, “I’ll light you up…”; falsely arresting her and not telling her the charge which he repeatedly refused to do; assaulting her by placing handcuffs on her and physically yanking her around; verbally abusing her by yelling at her; throwing her to the ground, slamming her head into the concrete
sidewalk; false imprisonment by placing her in the back of the patrol car; and lying on the Affidavit by falsely accusing Ms. Bland of assaulting him.
These are just some of the felonious acts that Trooper Encinia engaged in which directly resulted in Ms. Bland’s MURDER. A major component of his felonious actions is his deliberately taking Ms. Bland out of view of the dash cam, to hide his felonious behaviors.
In addition to Trooper Encinia, the following jurisdictions and individuals are responsible for Ms. Bland’s MURDER: the State of Texas and Mr. Steven McCraw because they hired Trooper Encinia who has obvious psychological problems (based on the dash cam); Waller County, Waller County Jail and the Sheriff because they were negligent; the City of Prairie View because the female officer arriving on the scene lied, saying “I saw everything”, which further contributed to Ms. Bland’s psychological breakdown.
Mr. Lambert, I have transcribed the entire dash cam video, including the telephone conversation that Trooper Encinia had with his supervisor while he sat in his car after the other officer took Ms. Bland to jail. In addition, I have added my professional and clinical observations throughout this transcription.
In closing, I recommend that you subpoena Trooper Encinia’s dash cam recording of the female driver in the red car he cited moments before stopping Ms. Bland. Based on her voice, she may have been a White female, which could suggest a racial bias on the part of Trooper Encinia.
Ms. Bland’s mother was quoted saying, “The war is on”. Sir, I am available to assist you in ensuring that the Murderer(s) of Ms. Sandra Bland will be convicted.
Should I not hear from you by Thursday, July 30, 2015, I will publish this letter on my Blog at www.itsstilltime.wordpress.com.
Jerry Smith, LCSW, LMSW