Gloria: Have you done your Christmas shopping yet? No, I haven’t even started, what about you?
Brenda: Yes, I fought that madness on “Black Friday” and boy was it crazy. The crowds were humongous and the people were very rude; grabbing, pushing and shoving. I almost got into a fight a couple of times. Child, you know my temper; but they backed down before I really went off on them.
I got some good deals though, and I still have to buy some more things for my family. I also have to buy some things for my “Secret Santa” at work and I’m not sure what I’m going to give Pastor this year. I just might do what I did last year and give him (or her) money.
Brenda: Child, I can’t wait until all of this is over, so that my life can get back to normal. At least until the credit card bills start rolling in. I’m counting on my Income Tax to pay for most of my Christmas. I just hope I don’t go crazy and spend too much like I did last year. I didn’t pay off my credit cards from all my Christmas shopping until May. I swore that I would never do that again, but you know me, I always go overboard when it comes to Christmas.
Gloria: You’re lucky, I spent so much on Christmas last year that I am still paying on it now. Oh well, you know what they say, “You can’t take it with you.” Besides, Christmas only comes once a year and the Bible says, “It is better to give than to receive.”
Brenda: I don’t like this time of year because everything is so hectic and I feel so rushed all of the time.
Gloria: Yeah, I know what you mean. I wish I didn’t have to even get involved with Christmas. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if the government suddenly outlawed it. I would save a lot of money and have half the stress. Oh, did you hear, Macy’s is having a “One Day Sale” this Friday and they are gonna have some great deals.
Brenda: Really, thanks for telling me, what time does it start?
Gloria: The doors open at 6:00 Am. Child, I’m gonna be there at 5, because you know it’s gonna be a madhouse.
Brenda: I know what you mean, I’ll meet you there. If you get there before me, save a space in line for me and I’ll do the same for you.
Gloria: OK. I just might call into work and tell them I’m sick, because I know by the time I finish fighting that crowd, I will be sick and tired.
Brenda: Me too! Then we can take our time and find some great bargains. Good seeing you and we’ll talk again on Friday. Don’t forget, save my place in line in case you get there before me.
“A delusion (all underlined words are links) is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. As a pathology it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, confabulation, dogma, illusion, or other effects of perception.” Wikipedia
In the field of psychology, the above definition applies to everything except religion. It is acceptable behavior to believe in the existence of an imaginary person as long as it is a religious diety.
Seneca the Younger stated, “Religion is regarded by the common people as true; by the wise as false; and by rulers as useful.”
Karl Marx viewed religion as the “opium of the masses,” because it is used by the ruling class to give poor people false hopes in believing they will have a better life in an imaginary place called “heaven.” By the way, this place called “heaven” is allegedly located some place in the sky and you can only get there when they die. To date, none of the worlds’ most sophisticated radar nor satellite detection systems have ever been able to locate this magical and mythical place called “heaven.”
It is interesting that beginning on December 26 of every year, the merchants have the greatest sales of the year. This is because on January 1st they will be assessed a tax on all merchandise remaining in their stores. If these merchants were sincere about Christmas, it seems to me that they would have their biggest sales before December 25th, and Jesus Christ would receive all of the gifts instead of giving gifts to each other. After all, we are allegedly celebrating the birthday of Jesus Christ. Why should we give anyone else a birthday present? How would you feel if someone gave you a birthday party and all of your guests gave gifts to each other, and no one gave a gift to you? Would you still have reason to celebrate the season?
Every year Black African Americans engage in delusional behavior by celebrating two mythical delusions, at the exact time, which was created by our White enslavers for the sole purpose of enslaving the colored people of the world. On the one hand, we are misled into believing that “Santa Claus is coming to town,” while on the other hand we are taught that a, “White Jesus is the reason for the season.”
By the way, some of you might remember what happened in the episode of the TV sitcom (trash com) Good Times, where the character Michael wanted to replace the picture of the White Jesus with a picture of a Black Jesus and the character Flora, his mother had a hissy fit. Watch it for your selves and pay strict attention to all of the subliminal messages of White Superiority and Black Inferiority.
Even though there is absolutely, no historical, anthropological or archeological evidence substantiating the existence of the mythical religious White Savior we call Jesus Christ, the Christian world including Black African Americans celebrate His alleged birth annually on December 25th. The only proof to the existence of this mythical White Jesus Christ can only be found in the Bible and other religious texts, which cannot be used to substantiate this myth because it does not meet the criteria of the scientific method.
The Scientific Method consists of 1) Formulating a question; 2) Developing a hypothesis; 3) Predicting the outcome; 4) Testing the hypothesis; 5) Analyzing the outcome; 6) Replicating the process.
In other words, it is similar to a blueprint or recipe. Once written, everyone who uses the blueprint or recipe exactly as written must come up with the exact same results every time, otherwise we say the blueprint or recipe is invalid or irrelevant.
I know; some of you believe science and religion is antithetical because science requires thinking and logic, while religion relies solely on blind faith and blind obedience to the tenets of this faith as promulgated in the Bible and the pastors espousing them. Those who accept Christianity as their religion accepts the doctrines of the Bible as being infallible and without errors.
In actuality, this mythical entity we call Jesus Christ was created/born in the summer of 325 AD when a council of 318 Roman Catholic Bishops convened under the auspices of Emperor Constantine in Nicaea.
Emperor Constantine, after conquering ancient Egypt, entered the temples, saw the sacred writings and symbolisms, and leaned unto his own understanding. He then took what he understood those sacred writings to mean and convened the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD.
This Council of Nicaea, met for the purpose of resolving differences between The Church of Alexandria as to whether the “Son” created Himself. At the conclusion of this Council, we were given birth to the mythical character we now call Jesus Christ.
This Nicaea Council repackaged and plagiarized the sacred writings of ancient Egypt, as well as other ancient sacred texts of the world’s sixteen previously crucified Saviors into Christianity, and forced this myth upon all the conquered peoples of the known world. Thus, we have the birth of Christianity in general and Jesus Christ in particular.
The celebration of Christmas dates back to the ancient Romans, who celebrated the birth of Mitra, the God of the unconquerable sun, during the winter solstice on December 25th. Initially Christianity did not celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Instead, they celebrated His resurrection (Easter). His birth became important to the church rulers by the fourth century in order to convert the non-Christians. Since pagan Rome was already celebrating the birth of the Mitra, it became very easy for the powers-to-be to merge the two births into one; thus, celebrating the sun god was transformed into the celebration of the alleged “Son of God.”
Those living in the middle ages had replaced the ancient pagan rituals with the new Christmas ritual. Puritan England originally band Christmas because of the drunken orgies that took place as part of the celebration. However, the masses were still celebrating it as a raucous holiday instead of a religious one. Prior to the 1800s, celebrating Christmas was more like celebrating the Fourth of July, Halloween or the Mardi Gras. Many Christmas parties turned into drunken orgies, as some do today.
During the earlier Christmas celebrations, beggars were crowned, “The Lords of Mis-rule.” They would then lead the partygoers to the houses of the rich and famous, and when they arrived, the rich and famous were obliged to give these beggars their best food and booze. If they did not give the beggars their best, these beggars would engage in a trick or two. The lyrics of an old Christmas song went as follows, “If you don’t give us what we want, down will come butler, bowl and all.” Today, at most Christmas parties, the hosts & hostesses provide their best food as well as their most expensive booze.
Early American Protestants initially ignored Christmas, and celebrating it was forbidden in their churches. Because of this, their church attendance was very low during the holiday seasons because their “sheep” were attending churches where Christmas was both condoned and celebrated. As the saying goes, “If you can’t beat them, then you join them.” The Protestant leaders acquiesced and began celebrating Christmas, in order to keep its members from joining other churches.
Although Santa Claus originated in America, Saint Nicholas was a Greek Orthodox Bishop of the middle ages. In Holland he was called Sinter Claus and the Dutch brought the tradition to America. Throughout Europe, December 6th was known as St. Nicholas Day and all of the “good children” would receive gifts. Sadly, none of the “bad children” received any gifts on this day.
The earlier depiction of Santa Claus was that of a pagan sorcerer as well as a fat drunk riding on a sleigh pulled by turkeys. In 1822, Clement Clark Moore, an Episcopal preacher in New York City wrote a poem for his children, entitled, “The Night Before Christmas.” It was this preacher who created and perpetuated the lie about flying reindeers and Santa Claus coming down fiery chimneys.
By the 1840s, the myth of Santa Claus became an advertising success. The retailers began bringing Santa Claus to their stores because it made good dollars and $ense. Santa Claus was able to convince the buying public to buy just about anything during the Christmas season and maintain the illusion that they were not buying anybody gifts. Wherever Santa Claus was, the children, along with their parents were sure to follow, along with their purses and wallets filled with credit cards.
By the 1920s, the Christmas parade had become an annual holiday event in New York City. Today, over 80% of the United States celebrates Christmas in one way or the other. With all of their extravagant spending, they half-heartedly try to say that, “White Jesus is the reason for the season.”
In reality, the mythological character, Jesus Christ has never been exclusively the reason for the season. It has always been about spending money on $tuff that people do not need. The U.S. Marine Corps has the, “Toys for Tots” program that give toys to needy children.
It seems to me that “needy” children are in need of things other than toys. In fact, toys do not qualify as a need; they are merely wants, because your “needs” are life sustaining. Your needs only consist of food, clothing and shelter.
One of the first lies that we tell our children is the lie about Christmas. We tell our Black African American babies if they have been “good” all year, Santa Claus will bring them “lots of toys.” Many of us have taught our children not to speak to strangers and if a stranger tries to touch them, they are to run away – screaming and yelling to an authority figure for urgent help.
However, you can go to any mall or large department store in America and see crying, screaming Black African American children being forcibly dragged by their parents to an alter where a White man in a red suit and bearded disguise is waiting to have them placed on his lap for the primary purpose of lying to them. This White man will promise them that he will be the one granting them their heart’s desires.
Many poor Black African American parents have scuffled and scrapped all year to provide the very basic items of food, clothing and shelter to their families, only to go into debt to buy Christmas $tuff, or go begging various organizations to “give them” Christmas toys for their children, in hopes that they too will have a White Christmas.
Then, they will lie to their children, telling them that some fat, bearded White man, in a red suit flew through the sky in a sleigh, pulled by ten flying reindeers (without wings), visiting every house on this planet in only one night. They also are taught that this same fat, bearded White man climbed down their imaginary chimney and placed their presents under the Christmas tree.
It does not matter that many Black African American homes do not have chimneys. They will still hang stockings on artificial fireplaces, in hopes that White Santa will appear and fill them with holiday cheer.
Millions of Black African Americans will spend billions of dollars this year, celebrating a myth, and telling blatant lies to their impressionable children. They will tell their children that if they are good, a White Santa Claus will bring them their hearts’ desires.
My definition of insanity is repeatedly engaging in the same detrimental behavior and expecting it to turn out differently. As social beings, many of us are afraid that our peers will ostracize us, if we do not go along with their ritualistic behaviors.
Each Christmas, some of us say that we are not going to fight with our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers or any family member or friend. We vow to just spend time with these loved ones and have a good time doing so, whether we like each other or not.
Black African Americans worship White people so much, that we do not see the injurious affects this Christmas lie has on our children. Many of us will place wrapped toys under Christmas trees days or even weeks before Christmas day and not allow their children to open them before Christmas morning.
Yet, they have taught these young impressionable minds that a White Santa came down an imaginary chimney and brought these gifts for them so they could have the White Christmas they have dreamed of. Subliminally, since many children live in a climate that does not get snow, the obvious conclusion of dreaming about a “White Christmas,” is belief in the myth of a White Santa Claus.
In the next breath, we teach our Black African American children that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of a White Jesus Christ. We then give children money to buy birthday gifts for everyone except White Jesus Christ. We will even give them money to buy gifts for us to place under the Christmas tree.
Initially, evergreen trees were decorated with apples as symbols of the Garden of Eden and these apples were gradually transformed into the modern day Christmas ornaments. Holly was typically a winter decoration, which was used to symbolize the crown of thorns that Jesus, was allegedly forced to wear.
The “infallible” Bible speaks against having Christmas trees, as written in the Book of Jeremiah, beginning with the tenth chapter:
“Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.”
When they get older, our Black African American children will realize that their parents, as well as the other significant adults in their lives, have been lying to them about White Santa Claus. Since these adults have lied to them about White Santa Claus and they witness all of the foolishness that is taking place in many Black African American churches, they will begin to question these adults’ beliefs about their White Jesus Christ.
The real tragedy is that by the time they begin to question these lies, both of the “white lies” will have been so ingrained into them that they dare not challenge the status quo, so they will just perpetuate the myth, just like we, their parents and elders have been doing for centuries.
Oh, what a blessing it is that my people do not read, think or use common sense says the Pastors, Pimps and Politicians.