Who Was St. Patrick?

If we know our history, we have a history and if we do not know our history, we do not have a history!

Let me begin by telling you who St. Patrick was not!  First, St. Patrick was not a “real Saint” in the traditional sense because he was never canonized by a Pope.  Secondly, St. Patrick was not Irish, nor was his birth name “Patrick.”  His name was “Maewyn Succat,” an uppity, bratty, atheistic rich kid growing up in the lap of luxury in 5th Century Britain under Roman rule.  Once he embraced Christianity, he changed his name to “Patricius or Patrick, which is Latin for “Father Figure.”  

Legend has it that St. Patrick/Maewyn was kidnapped by Irish pirates at the age of 16 and sold into slavery, where he supposedly labored in Ireland for approximately six years.  Some experts say this is another myth, because more than likely St. Patrick/Maewyn would be categorized as a “draft dodger.”  Being the son of a “Decurion,” Roman law had a draft, mandating that he serve his country.  Rather than comply, St. Patrick/Maewyn did like many of his peers, and fled the country, which became known as “’flight of the curiales.”   This is what many White draft dodgers during the Vietnam War did – they fled the country rather than serve their country. 

The myth that the Four Leaf Clover has magical powers and is “lucky” is just that – a myth.  In fact, St. Patrick/Maewyn did not use a four-leaf clover because they were scarce.  Instead, he used the three-leaf clover because of their abundance.  He then created the myth that they were “lucky” because three-leaf clovers represented the “Holy Trinity.”  Supposedly, each leaf represented the “Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” which goes against the Bible regarding “Graven Images.”

The most profound myth of all regarding St. Patrick/Maewyn is that he chased all of the “snakes” out of Ireland.  First of all, Ireland’s climate was too cold and not conducive for “snakes,” therefore, Ireland did not have any “snakes.”  This myth was created to hide the fact that St. Patrick/Maewyn was nothing more than a megalomaniacal racist and the so-called “snakes” were the diminutive Black Akan/Twa who inhabited Ireland prior to the arrival of Whites.

Although myth has it that the Irish called the original inhabitants of Ireland “wee little white people;” these diminutive original inhabitants of the “Emerald Isles” called themselves the “Akan or Twa people,” who were a “matrilineal” culture, meaning women dominated their society and all inheritance came from the mother’s side as opposed to “patrilineal” or the father’s side.  This was particularly frowned on by Whites in general and the Catholic church in particular because White women were relegated to a status just above a “beast of burden” and their Bible in 1st Timothy 2:11-12 expressly forbade a woman to have any authority over a man: “11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.  12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”  

The Akan/Twa were extremely skilled craftsmen, possessing highly advanced knowledge in all aspects of civilized societal living, such as the arts, sciences, medicine, agriculture, Spirituality as well as the manufacturing of shoes and clothing, which the newly arrived Whites had not experienced.  When the Whites initially met them, as is their nature, they renamed them Leprechauns (Lepr-Akans).  They then created fairytales describing these “Leprechauns” as little “white” shoemakers wearing green coats, because prior to their encounter with them, Whites were still wearing animal skins to cover their bodies and feet.

Their knowledge of exoteric medicine and herbal remedies were considered magical by the Whites and they saw the Akan/Twa as being in possession of “magical skills.” David MacRitchie wrote in his book, “Ancient and Modern Britains,” “That the wild tribes of Ireland were black men is hinted by the fact that “a wild Irishman” is in Gaelic “a black Irishman” (Dubh Eireannach)”. The word “Dubh” in Gaelic is “Black”.

When we hear the fairytale that St. Patrick chased the snakes out of Ireland, the “snakes” are a metaphor for the Akan/Twa who remained connected to their ancient Egyptian ancestors and the wearing of the ancient Egyptian Uraeus crown with the symbol of the cobra on the front.

We must be mindful of the fact that not only were the Akan people called “Twa,” they were also called; “Naga, Nagar and Negus,” which when translated means “serpent people.”  Originally, our people did not see the serpent as something evil; on the contrary, it represented the regeneration of life with the shedding of its skin, as well as possessing great power and wisdom.

In other words, the “snake story” is White folks efforts at disguising the fact that they engaged in mass genocide, exterminating an entire race of people from Ireland.  Moving beyond the fantasy of St. Patrick chasing serpents out of Ireland, historically, his claim to fame is racial genocide against the original Black inhabitants of Ireland.  This is exactly what the Australians did to the entire Tasmanian population.  

Everywhere, repeat – everywhere Whites went, they found Black Africans there to greet them.  Because of their uncivilized nature, Whites are incapable of doing what Brother Rodney King suggested when he said, “Can we all just get along?”   

The reason for the uncivilized behavior of Whites is blatantly obvious – they are truly an endangered species and they can only reproduce themselves with themselves per Charles Darwin’s bookOn the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.”    In other words, it takes a White man and a White woman to make a White baby; while Black Africans can reproduce ourselves with any and all races, and if left unchecked, there will only be an all Black world as it was in the beginning of time.  If you can’t see it, just look at President Obama being the child of a White woman and a Black man; as well as Senator Kamala Harris being the child of a White man and a Black woman – Black genes are the dominant genes and White genes are the recessive genes MOST of the time.

Therefore, Sisters and Brothers, every time we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, by wearing something green, or pinching someone for not wearing green, we are celebrating the ethnic/racial genocide of our African ancestors.  We must stop walking by “blind faith;” accepting everything that we are told (including what I am telling you now) without verifying it for yourselves.  By the way, the ritual of pinching someone for not wearing green on St. Patrick’s day is a folklore saying that wearing green makes you invisible to Leprechauns and Leprechauns like to pinch people that they can see.   

The Rainbow

Like Africans throughout the Diaspora both in the past as well as in the present, we are a very Spiritual people, as were the Akan/Twa.  Esoterically speaking the “rainbow” is used as a metaphor, identifying our body’s Seven Chakras, consisting of seven (7) different colors.  Seeking the “POT OF GOLD” at the end of this “rainbow” is merely a metaphor for searching for the true path to enlightenment for those of us in pursuit of our spiritual journey.  Our three lower Chakras/natures are Red, Orange and Yellow.  The Leprechaun’s color is green and is the color of the midpoint to our higher Spirituality – Blue, Indigo and Violet and the Leprechaun/Akan/Twa are the protectors of this “POT OF GOLD,” aka – our “Spirituality.”

Three Wishes

The fairytale about the granting of three wishes if you catch a leprechaun is just that – a fairytale.  In actuality, the three wishes refer to our Pineal, Pituitary and Hypothalamus glands and if you are fortunate enough and able to spiritually activate all three glands at the same time, all of your wishes will be granted.  Biblically speaking, these three glands was referenced by the “Three Wise Men” who allegedly brought (Spiritual) gifts to the Biblical infant “Jesus.”

Blacks in America do not have any racial pride.  When Italian Americans celebrate Christopher Columbus’ genocidal assault on the original non-white people that peacefully greeted him and his band of murderers, they have parades all over America, waving their Italian flag.  When Irish Americans have parades celebrating St. Patrick’s genocidal assault on the original non-White people who peacefully greeted him, they wave their Irish flag. 

When Black Americans have our parades celebrating our “Man of Peace,” Nana Martin Luther King, Jr., (whose family proved a government conspiracy in his death) we proudly wave the American flag, signifying that America is the land of our ancestors!  Nana Marcus Mosiah Garvey gave us our own flag, yet we are afraid to display it publicly because it will offend White people, who would accuse us of being “un-American.”

  • Ask Russian – American children where they are from and they will say – Russia! 
  • Ask Polish – American children where they are from and they will say – Poland! 
  • Ask Italian – American children where they are from and they will say – Italy! 
  • Ask Irish – American children where they are from and they will say – Ireland!
  • Ask European – American children where they are from and they will say – Europe!
  • Ask Black – American children where they are from and they will say –Augusta, Burk County, Atlanta, Chicago, Bronx, Philadelphia or some other American city or county! 
    • Therefore, we believe that our history began with slavery and since the Emancipation Proclamation we have really come a long way! 
    • However, if we saw ancient Africa as our geographic home, then in the total scheme of things, Blacks are going backwards and not making any progress.

Every ethnic group in America has a geographic homeland except Blacks.  It seems like we are ashamed to identify with anything other than what and who our enslavers told us that we are and must always remain – SLAVES!

As Nana Chancellor Williams said in his book :What became of the Black people of Sumer?”  The traveler asked the old man, “for ancient records show that the people of Sumer were Black.  What happened to them?   “Ah,” the old man sighed, “They lost their history so they died.” A Sumer Legend  Pg. 13 CW … 

Oh, what a blessing it is that my people do not read, think or use “Common Sense” says the Pastors, Pimps and Politicians!  Ase’  

2 thoughts on “WHO WAS ST. PATRICK?”

  1. Clifford Smith

    this is a great piece that u posted i am going share it with other, bro.Jerry keep up the good work………..

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